The head of the DC area Atifa has been arrested...

The head of the DC area Atifa has been arrested. How can these guys claim to be "anti-hate" while attacking 2 Hispanic Marines and calling them "spics" and "wet backs"..?

Attached: antifa fags.jpg (500x261, 21K)

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So many shills that shit like this just slides... bump

OP you suck so much ass


They look more masculine than 99% of the people that inhabit this board.

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you wish, faggot

Post your face, fatboy.

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projection. the left are the real racists with the constant screeching about how everyone else is the a racist and they are the only ones who aren't racist because of x,y, and zir

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>How can these guys claim to be "anti-hate" while attacking 2 Hispanic Marines and calling them "spics" and "wet backs"..?

>jews being racist
imagine my shock

When you die tranny your bone structure will reveal you were a man

smash fascism

more like smash buffet line

>the ringleader is a S O Y jew
every time

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If these tards go to jail/prison do you think they know about the high Hispanic jail/prison population? Good luck with that..


bump so the tranny discord faggots can see who the real racists are

Tubby and the beardlets AHAHAHAHHAAAAA

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Does anyone have an update on Eric Clanton? Whatever happened to him?

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They were performing a false flag attack so they could blame it on MAGA’s but they were caught in the middle of it.


Everyone hates Mexicans.

Nice try glowing man

got away with probation because this is clown world



During the next civil war, any antifa member captured will be executed on the spot

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Attached: nazi burning antifa flag.jpg (640x455, 157K)


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>lazy nigger babble is now a "dialect"
really bixes my nood

Blacks are obsessed with Mexican women.

Jews push genocide against Mexicans in media.

The Jew is a pervert Edomite hiding beneath bedsheets as he peeks at his wife. He's a closet faggot and coward. Jews should be beheaded.

guy in the middle is a mestizo jew whose rich mom is a huuuuuuge part of the progressive movement

look up linda martin alcoff

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