How do we solve the Plastics problem?

Right now there is more plastic in the ocean than green on Earth. Oil reserves are looking endless and there will be even more plastic soon.

What will we do about it? Brazil and China said they don't give a damn.

Attached: images (85).jpg (250x313, 12K)

Unironically, blatantly racist immigration policy, chauvinist political leadership and economic warfare against China are the only way any of this will be resolved That or a massive world war.

>are the only way
fucking brainlet

Only way is to get people to stop throwing their plastic in these rivers.

Attached: rivers_and_plastic_map.png (900x720, 113K)

There is plastic shit and all kinds of garbage in the Mississippi too desu, I imagine there is certainly some in Latin America and Europe. But it's nowhere near as much as rivers in Asia or Africa and people donate a lot of time and effort to clean up our rivers.

I want her feet in my mouth so bad you guys...

You could literally kill less than a thousand people to completely divert the Terran timeline. Just have to get the right ones.

post feet

You need to be speaking poo and chink. Not English, you insufferrable fool.

>buying into the ocean pollution meme
Just like man made climate change, the effect is miniscule compared to the macroscopic natural cycle of boom and bust in life on Earth.


This dumb bitch looks like butthead also she look ugly as fuck without her lighting and 10kg of makeup. And every full body pic is shooped as hell. Wish someone could fucking rape her

quit posting this gross whore

>Only way is to get people to stop throwing their plastic in these rivers.
It's not people doing that.

who is it?

>What will we do about it?
Filter the plastic out of the rivers before it gets to oceans

Attached: itsscience_adeptus_mechanicus.jpg (235x156, 10K)

user, plastics are bad and shitskins can't into waste management. China is like a default squalor civilization and they give zero fucks. It's much worse than you think.

Yeah that is what I would thinking you would have to have massive plants at the ends of these rivers to deal with all the trash and human waste that flows through them.

Some English chick prostituted by her Jewish boyfriend, if I remember correctly. Apparently she makes at least six figures every month via the donations of degenerates.

How about filtering the subhumans before they get to ruin our beautiful planet?

The US and EU could go down to zero and it's not going to matter much unless China and India do change.

Attached: emissions.jpg (1200x860, 110K)

Isn't that the general purpose of this simulation?

That just might work!

Use ur voices. Kojima is making a game to address this. If you like music, write songs. If you like reading, write books. Already postin on the chan is doin a little bit of help. I know I'm considering recycling more shit.

this girl is going to start dogwhistling at us before long, she knows as much as we do how laughable beta lefty virgins are, Hell they pay her buku money to do nothing but manipulate them

this image is useless without a per capita comparison

Western countries could start by burning their plastic wastes.

Attached: _105029990_plasticexportsnew-nc.png (624x431, 24K)

micro plastics are toxifying every municipal water supply, that’s the real issue, ocean plastics is next in importance

At least China has banned the import of plastic waste in 2018

Attached: BUSINESS-EU-plastic-recycling.png (1452x1084, 406K)

That's just overall reduction/increases in emissions, if you will notice that the US is going down about 40 million tons of CO2 emissions but that doesn't mean much when India is up 90 million tons and China is up almost 120 million tons.

Attached: Screenshot - 01302019 - 10:32:10 PM.png (804x668, 379K)

I agree but by your metric do not the people of India and China have the right to a better quality of life like that in the west, which is a far greater per capita CO2 emitter? This fact is often hidden behind a veil when absolute figures are presented.

Nearly person in America has microplastics in their bodies now

OP if you want to have a real discussion don't use a picture of a slut for your OP post, idiot. Now the thread will inevitably get derailed