Democrats aren't having enough babies to win elections


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their "babies" are illegal spics

What are you doing in spic country if you don't like them?

Free markets means you are free to leave.

Having babies is only bad for the enviroment when white conservatives do it, it seems

hot af

That's 101 stuff, catch up Jose

They're fucking retarded though.
If you don't have babies then you don't have to worry about the future of the planet.

Why do these retards worry about elections of the future when they're gonna be dead and have no off-spring is beyond me.

It's why they're bringing in spics. All polls on them show they favor bigger government by like a 80:20 split and they pump out kids left and right.

Except they are socially conservative

When shit skins gain control of the dem party in the houses they will realize they don’t have to vote for shit they don’t agree with for their gibs they won’t have to even floor bills like homosexual and tranny rights ever again and same goes for what ever minority is currently head and this will split their party

This is why the old guard white dems are so desperate to keep Nancy around

they import voters.