I'm a social democrat, ask me anything

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Fuck Bernie.

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Why did your dad leave your mom?

Do you really think Bernie will change shit?
He looks too weak and flip-flops too much. I unironically think Tulsi Gabbard has more balls than him.

Do you have any ideas that don't require the initiation of the use of force? What will you do with people that resist the implementation of your ideology?

3 years ago I think

pepe is a hate symbol
please leave my tolerant image board

I doubt he'll do much at this point, Ocasio-Cortez seems promising though

How's Russia bernie bro? NEVER BERNIE.


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Maybe I'm wrong, but she seems like a left-wing Trump, AKA a populist shithead.

How can I be a better dad to my wife’s son?

Send them to the gulag of course

Actually she’s more like a Bernie obama. Harder left, came from nowhere, has GOT TO be propped up by someone.

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Why are the social democrats getting wiped out in Europe?

simply adding democrat onto the end of somthing doesn't actually mean anything.

See, me, personally I'm a Nazi Democrat.

I want a blu-ray copy of The Last Jedi and a Rey body pillow

Are people in your media/social media bubble aware of the all the lies the MSM tells? The NWO agendas being advanced?


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Social democrat =/= democratic socialist. Try again you puerile retard.

Would you be okay with:

Universal Catastrophic Coverage instead of Single payer

Health accounts/retirement accounts as a way to opt-out of half of social security/medicare taxes?

What did those nigger dykes smell like bro?

Because they offer nothing, they became too passive and too establishment.
Social democrats and neoliberals are practically indistinguishable by now in most of European countries.
There's no real social democracy.

social democracy is so last century lmao, why the fuck are supporting some boomer ideology?
aight, but why thou?
closet Stalinist confirmed


Why do you think anyone on this shit tier site would fucking care who/what you are? Aside from farming internet points?

loll omg i loove the quirky and randomness *lifts spork in solidarity* this one is for you user your soooo funyy

Universal Catastrophic Coverage, not really, health/retirement accounts, yes

Why do you think you're entitled to my money?

You do understand that the people you'd order to "send me to the gulag" are actually on my side, not yours, right? And that we have most of the guns?

Are you going to give Bernie money?
Did you donate money to Bernie last go round?
Does it bother you the Demonrats rigged Shillary's nomination and Bernie and The Bern-Outs had no chance of winning?

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Why do you attempt to hide your intentions by creating new names for your political movement?

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What's your record for different cocks sucked in one week?

What race is Amber A'Lee Frost?

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Why the meme flag and are you fiscally conservative?

Okay, you're a tool.

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