Birger does have a few suggestions for improving one’s odds as a college-educated woman looking to marry.
One is simply “Go West, young woman.” Move yourself into man-heavy tech enclaves, like Silicon Valley. California, Colorado, and Washington tend to be states with gender ratios friendlier to women. In Santa Clara County among the 20-29 age group, there are 38 percent more single men than women and 48 percent more single men than women in the 30-39 group, The county tends to have fewer divorces, too—another upshot of men being scarce.
But a big move may not be possible for someone with a full career and social life—and Birger understands that this suggestion is untenable. Besides, it’s a relatively superficial response to the larger root of the college gender gap, a problem that affects so much more than dating: Boys are lagging behind in higher education.
“More boys need to go to college. That’s the long-term solution,” Birger says.
What a shit article. Educated women won't take ideal mates because they think they're smarter than men due to going to college.
Find a wife who didn't finish college. She's probably smarter in the end, anyway.
Liam Bennett
tl;dr. kill yourself, 3rd world retard.
Dylan Adams
No fuck it ,to hell with their indoctrination machine.
Isaiah Garcia
>successful well off man
>some over the hill fucked up 30 something year old gender studies cunt think she's anywhere close to what he wants
Yeah, that's what men want. Some cunt who think she's above doing her fair share in the family yet thinks she's entitled to lord over everyone else.
Isaac Price
>men have a problem >"you can only blame yourself incel" >women have a problem >"fix it you fucking incels" ok
Brody Russell
Why do they always project and never get introspective? They are the problem. Their standards are too high. They are acting like high born lords who cannot marry a commoner because it would sully their names. They are just people who went to college and earn money. There are plenty of women who did that and are married. Same for men who get higher degrees, and they don't seem to have a problem finding women to marry. They don't go scraping the bottom of the barrel, but they certainly aren't calling on some senators daughter. These women expect too much and cannot possible see themselves as being the problem.
Jackson Davis
The taco has a point.
Parker Hughes
Women usually want to marry up, so they want to have a good job and a good education but then want someone more educated and more well off than them, Men don't really think the same way. Personally I don't think I could date someone who was married to their job, I only work as a headend tech, but I would rather be with my waitress girlfriend who I can spend time with when I'm not working than someone who works more and makes more money than I do.
Christopher Parker
you fuck indoctrinated liberal pinheads in college. then once you graduate and are established in your career you marry a younger country girl who voted for trump.