Please no

This CANT be true, is he really this fucking retarded!!? Or was he just making a lame joke?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-30-19-34-23-1.png (1079x1235, 204K)

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We need global warming.

He really is that retarded.

That's a joke. There is no global warming. the bigger joke are the fools who believe in the religion of global warming and are so easily trolled by Trump

Very obviously a joke but also a joke about the hysteria of global warming which he doesn’t have an aptitude in, and desu most presidents dont

Global warming is a marketing term made up to goad retards into buying more shit they don't need.
Climate change is a real thing that humans can't control and basically have to hope it doesn't fuck us up.

Everytime Trump tweets something stupid, the left freaks out 10x as hard, and as a result everybody sees how silly Trump is and how absolutely radically insane the left is.

The end product is more and more people switching from being Democrat to Republican or waking people up that dont vote to start supporting Republicans.

Its working beautifully.

Nonononono we don't call it global warming anymore it's climate change now.

Global warming is a Soviet deception campaign.

Projection. You might have a syndrome?

Can I get some government funded manipulated data, please?