Woman defends out-of-womb abortions on tucker

Did anyone else just see this demon get interviewed on Tucker Carlson? Holy shit.

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of course

bet she gives good head with those DSL's though.

Burn the witches

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link us you fag



Abortion is a method to remove the unwanteds. Do you want these people to reproduce? These people that would choose to do something like this?

She says men can't be allowed to control women's bodies but doesn't address the issue of women who are pregnant with male children aborting them and thus controlling their bodies. I hope she gets shot the demonic piece of shit and all the rest of them

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abortion's should be legal until 20 y/o

Why dont we abort them?

Sound ok?

Demons masquerading as humans.

Right??? If she starts talking about politics just shove a cock down ur throat.


Go back like 15 minutes

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Literally every right a woman has is because men allowed it. Every single fucking one.

There's an app for that.

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Isn't that just called infanticide?

Say, isn't the very woman making those statements 'out of the womb' as well?

Then there may not be a problem taking her out as well, that is, unless you're not a satanic succubus. Then it might just be immoral.

But moving the line that far out will have consequences for little Sally, three years old, who is making her mom's life a trifle difficult. After all - it's about making women feel better, right? Sally be damned eh?

This is all very hypothetical...

of course

>abortion's should be legal until 20 y/o
So we can go ahead and nuke Israel then?

>out-of-womb abortions
You mean, literal murder. It was born, it is alive, it is a person, that was killed.

Same people that are all up in arms about the killing of an innocent coyote and cool with killing babies. I hope they rot. Stupid fucks.

I don't know about demon. Demons are good at lying. She's just a dumb woman who has no idea how to process ideas that haven't been drilled into her by men.

Damn she doesnt sound too smart



every. single time.



Her programming keeps getting fucked up when he interrupts her talking points.

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Hello, I fucking hate kikes.

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In reality it wouldn't surprise me if (((liberal tolerance))) extended to parents opting to euthanize children they no longer want.
>sorry little Timmy, Dr. Golowitz recommended we put you down because of your toxic aggrsssive behavior on the playground

Not to be a concern troll and I really like the Tuck but I can't take people like this Muhnigga person seriously when there are obvious characters like "Crazy Cathy" who regularly appear on the show for what seems like cheap sensationalism.

Knowing these people will burn in hell for all eternity is comforting.

Do you think anyone on Jow Forums gives a FUCK about who you take seriously or not?

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Why not just put the child up for adoption at that point? They've already gone through the "trouble" of carrying it for 9 months and giving birth. Why wait until after the baby is born to kill it when you could have done that sooner?

No we should
And my German Great Grandmother would say do it.
>In reality it wouldn't surprise me if (((liberal tolerance))) extended to parents opting to euthanize children they no longer want.
Other way around.
They'll convince millennials to euthanize their boomer parents.

She based her whole life on trying to harm males, no matter what, just because of her personal unsolved issues.

What an evil human being.

Do us a favour and post-partum abort yourself.

(((Klein))) has some interesting hands

>making sacrifices to moloch should be legal, goy
Go pray, user

>i help women get elected

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Isn't that in the Talmud?

Did anyone else notice her eyes turn red and watery with rage?! Wow, what an epic moron!

>Tucker I know you want to go back to a time before Roe v Wade where women were using coat hangers to have abortions.
You can imagine what her voice sounded like.

Yeah that was pretty brutal, Tucker almost started yelling at her but kept his cool. What's worse that new york is talking about it as well, these demons need to be stopped

Will someone please get the gaz already?

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>Did anyone else notice her eyes turn red and watery with rage?! Wow, what an epic moron!
Because she knows she can't argue her positions in a way that would make sense to a Human Being and so she sidesteps every question Tucker asked of her. All jews know is Pilpul and if they lose they become filled with rage.

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There is literally nothing wrong with leftists killing their own children. It should be encouraged.

Women tricked into thinking they should defend the concept of killing their own offspring this is some old Babylonian/Canaanite shit.

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A fucking jew, what a surprise.

It's precisely why womyn didn't have rights for centuries. They're all fucking unhinged when let off the leash

>There is literally nothing wrong with leftists killing their own children. It should be encouraged.
Fuck off you degenerate.

Its actually pretty easy to argue for.

>its wrong to kill people
>but what constitutes a person?
>if we assume that its agency, and mental capabilities, which we use as justification to abort a fetus, then this applies to babies as well
>given there is no physical difference between a baby in and out of the womb at that stage, then its not morally wrong to abort a baby that has been birthed.

I completely disagree but this is all moral philosophy shit where kikes just circle jerk each other for citations to make themselves "academics"

Evil Jew.

Jews and Baby mutilation go hand and hand
No amount of foreskin or baby harm could sate their appetite

Yes please

someone could think .........nahhhhhhhhh

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niggers need to find and rape her


I am sorry guys. This shit has broken me. This world is irredeemably evil. It's a hell-world. The demonic cunts that murder their infants are probably doing them a favor at this point. Humanity needs to be destroyed.

Abortion = prebirth
Infanticide = postbirth

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Tucker must be redpilled, the only people that come on to argue the most extreme leftist positions are jews.


I aint even continuing. I dont think this is right, but I come out of an alien thread, that has way more viability than these posts, and you shit on it. Then I see you come here with this shit. Hypocrisy

>woman defends out of womb abortion
except she didn’t even do that. Just incoherently screamed about Tucker wanting to control her body or something. This post right here sums it up pretty well

she is prob a freak in the sheets

>abortion's should be legal until 20 y/o
Abortions should be legal until they can prove they're not commies.

So can you stop forcing the diary of Anne Frank on every person?

Her cunt attitude got me a little angry. Not exagerating. I wouldnt be able to keep my temper down if someone ever talked to me like that.

You mean until proven they aren't jews?


> tucker dropping the npc meme on her

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which is why the argument for determining the morality of abortion based on "personhood" or sapience, etc. is evil; obviously passing the birth canal isnt magic, it doesnt make the baby suddenly more of a person, and the same baby isnt going to be much more sentient than a dog for the first few years of life, so why not late term post-birth abortions at 3-4? and children dont really reach the age of reason until 7-10, and we know what Descartes said about thinking and being, so maybe it should be extended to 10yo for some, depending on the indilvidual

that was my reasoning

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she's cute. i would put a fetus in her so that she can abort it post birth. always do it raw

No i seriously feel like a switch flipped. That smug dismissive attitude has me upset. Something about this cunt was to much. I cant take the time to listen to these people anymore. This is not a discussion. It hasnt been for a long time. I was delusional to think these people would ever cooperate.

>out-of-womb abortions
Do they even hear themselves?

what would* they do with a full on unlisted undocumented "dead" human being?

Checked and kek’d

Let's all be real, here. They want the right to kill their children for the sake of convenience. Now that sounds absolutely monstrous (because it is,) so they need to dress it up as Pro Choice. At this rate I wonder if we won't see legal execution (murder) of dependents becoming a thing in about 15 years.

Any Mohawk will tell you--you can never trust a Seneca.

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This is why you don't negotiate with jews. You kill them.

Same. Im pissed.

We'll have our day.

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Correction jews allow it. We have no say over our own children. Otherwise this shit wouldn’t even be a thing.

Woah there, Mohammad

Just remember some people out there really want to kill babies.

It's all about the $$$$$ to the Democrats.

Imagine pic related, they turn foreskin into anti-aging facial creme.
Now imagine that industry booming with this new-found resource.
Now they can manufacture way, way more skin-care products from dead babies.

That's the end goal.
Big Pharma wants to be able to harvest human babies for Profit.

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when will white people break away from the country, leave the jews and POC behind

She can't defend murdering a born child. Nobody can.
So she tries to do everything but by changing the topic and attacking him personally.

All her arguments about "a womans body rights" are out the door.
No talking points will convince the public this is okay.
So the public just needs to be aware these people are child murderers.

The thing is i am for abortion. Im anti death penalty. I voted liberal for legal weed. I think gays should be able to get married. I would give every single one of those values up to side against that smug cunt.

>So the public just needs to be aware these people are child murderers
Well, they are definitely promoting murder of children. Just being aware of them sounds very underwhelming.

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Here’s a link to her latest disgusting tweet: twitter.com/monicacklein/status/1090785731059089408?s=21

In the womb is just as bad its saying murder is okay as long as its done in your own home where you get butchered