Flies over the border fence at night and delivers delicious heroin at a safe house for many hours

>Flies over the border fence at night and delivers delicious heroin at a safe house for many hours.


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>Several drones escort the delicious heroin.

You have to think of the opoid addicts bro, they need their fix.

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surprised we don't have a video game set in this late stage drug cartel world

>you will never fly a drone of contraband over The Wall as you and your cartelbros camp innawoods with cool military gear donated to you by the deep state

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> how to get caught.

those things are noisy, have limited range, and carry 2 pounds max.

>2 lbs of herion

Yeah upwards of 180k street value is not even worth their time...

Good boy

just put up windmills to blow them away

Stable genius here.

Just leave it at the door.

I've always wondered if they do stuff like that or use gliders launched with long pieces of surgical tubing with the contraband packed in the nose for weight

Is it even possible to deliver drugs or other goods with drones? I thought of the possibility but it seems very unpractical and you'd need a custom drone that only a big company like Amazon could develop.

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why not you could have it all automated with solar powered charging stations along the way the cartel has all this money right why not drone submarines or boats or just mythbuster up a dune buggy

Would never work.
They'd have to haul the drugs in the open to the wall. We keep an eye on both sides.
They'd never make it across Mexico desert territory with all that. They'd be intercepted by us or rival cartels.
They'd be able to short hop it over the wall.
Again if they weren't intercepted at that point by border agents.

Has anyone in the world developed a system like that yet? Even Amazon hasn't and I don't think the cartels have the talent to be the first ones to develop it.

Follow that drone , you now have the drugs and drug dealers . You beaners are really stupid


...how could his wall be paid for?
That question was posed to White House Press Secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders, who replied:

Look, we’re not asking American taxpayers for that…The president has been clear that the USMCA deal would provide additional revenue through that deal that would show that Mexico has paid for the wall.”

This sounds ridiculous – and it is.

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There's some pretty crazy shit going on with drones.


So who knows.

>This sounds ridiculous – and it is.
I know you don't have a fucking clue what went down when NAFTA was replaced, and you can't recant from memory any single piece of the new trade agreement.

>This hasn't been done over the past 5 years.
>Delivery companies don't spend fuck ton of lobby money to keep drones legal and pay MSM to keep these trafficking methods out of sight.

You mongoloids really live under a rock.

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u dumb fuck I seen them rig up vehicles years ago with remotes on discovery channel if that beret wearing fag can do it why couldn't a cartel with tons of cash.. radio controlled vehicles have been around a long time I think they are so effective they don't get caught often or they don't report it to give people ideas I'd think a remote controlled boat would really be effective could all be automatic with gps guidance

There are shit-tons of places along the border where there's populated areas close along both sides. You could easily fly a drone from one building to another a half mile away or to a guy on a motorcycle in an alley on the other side. I remember reading about Brazilian gangs smuggling shit into prisons with drones, it happens. God knows if anyone has the resources to scale that up, it's the cartels.

most certainly do.
free trade - no tariff - no money from mexico to pay for muh wallz.

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>>This sounds ridiculous – and it is.
USMCA is not law, and to suppose it is, is absolutely ridiculous.

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Ontario education system?

what you got no imagination?

3.5 miles 15min flight time unloaded try to carry
anything and that drops like a stone
plus easy to block 2.4ghz 5.8 ghz
T, dronefag

youtu.be/rAKnu65cRT0 you don't think the cartel could pay some nerds to rig up a fleet of these controlled by a program to follow a route

We legalize the delicious heroin, collapsing several south american drug cartels and creating a new domestic market for safer, more delicious heroin.

kek'd hard

Drugs are heavy faggot

i've made a drone that can carry 10kg and fly for 20 minutes. if it only carries 500grams than i can make it fly for an hour. in that time it cam cover a lot of ground too.

great but at least with the wall the human traffic, coyotes, and cartel members wont have free reign to destroy all of northern mexico in the process, theyll just be destroying juarez, nogales and tijuana entry points....which is better for mexico and america can focus better. Youll still be able to import your fucking voters to actually win elections on shit tier policy so dont freak out so much.

dronefag here one of the drone tech guys i follow on jewtube is talking about A.I. programs almost being ready for drone P.I.D control IE tunes it self this along with GPS capable flight software (inav)
you would not even need a controller except to arm it

good luck sparky

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you'd be better off doing it with a fixed wing. can cover way more ground at higher speed and with less batteries

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>easy to block 2.4ghz 5.8 ghz
you can put a simcard in your drone and control it via the internet

What are pre-programed way points.
Also if I remember correctly some cartel pionered sms text encription to manage their shit covertly.

made me laugh op, thanks bro.

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not even necessary

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