Flies over the border fence at night and delivers delicious heroin at a safe house for many hours

>Flies over the border fence at night and delivers delicious heroin at a safe house for many hours.


Attached: 1511951029_429026_1511951189.jpg (980x565, 37K)

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>Several drones escort the delicious heroin.

You have to think of the opoid addicts bro, they need their fix.

Attached: A-Handgun-Attached-Drone.jpg (450x450, 29K)

surprised we don't have a video game set in this late stage drug cartel world

>you will never fly a drone of contraband over The Wall as you and your cartelbros camp innawoods with cool military gear donated to you by the deep state

Attached: download.png (206x244, 6K)


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> how to get caught.

those things are noisy, have limited range, and carry 2 pounds max.

>2 lbs of herion

Yeah upwards of 180k street value is not even worth their time...

Good boy

just put up windmills to blow them away

Stable genius here.