Why did so many people in the US convert from Christianity to Zionism and Zionist cults...

Why did so many people in the US convert from Christianity to Zionism and Zionist cults? Zionism is NOT Christianity; it is a form of heresy which stands outside of the Christian tradition.

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Becuase Jews took over America's political system for the benefit of Israel. In China they actually teach classes on how to emulate these feat.

Truth is the Jews have never stopped and will never stop trying to smash civilization down into a brown, only intelligent enough to work slave race.

The only way we don't turn into a world of golems having our strings pulled under a race of psychopathic genetic vampires is if we exterminate them all once and for all.

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And every world world has been orchestrated by Zionists trying to build Greater Israel.

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People like this asshole. Plus Mormons, Prosperity Gospel preachers like Creflow Dollar, existential snakes like Jim Bakker, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, etc. American Christianity is in the absolute shitter.

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The first thing the Jews take control of is the Media and education systems, to turn future generations against their country and into degenerate scum, and to make sure their crimes against the people and country are never seen long enough by the rest of the world to garner backlash.

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After the Napoleonic wars the Rothschild's used manipulated information on who won the final battle to manipulate the stock markets and buy most of London for pennies on the dollar.

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Khazarian “Jews” don’t have a drop of Hebrew blood in them.

>"Salvation is from the Jews"
>Eisenhower - Crusade in Europe (against NS)
>y u Zionist tho

Not just American Christianity, user.

>Worship Jew
>Don't notice when you switch to worshipping all Jews

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Now, as they have always done, and will always do, they subvert countries, steal for Israel, and promote cultural degradation while hiding behind their iron curtain of their medial control, anything they can't control through a medial narrative they instead stamp out via political judicial means, or through their control of banks and interests rates.

>"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. -Henry Ford"

>Not real Christianity!
spoken like a commie

Truly blows the mind.
>tfw you sold out for power and get cucked in the end

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Judeo-Christianity is the spiritual grandfather of gommunism xDDD after all

They also dumb down the education systems and mongrolize the population as best they can so that they either cannot see the situation for what it is, or cannot fully grasp it enough to focus their efforts and anger into the right places.

They divide, they manipulate, they lie, and their battlefield is that of words and feelings, everything they do is to avoid the backlash of physical altercation, the swinging blade of wrath from the countries they manipulate is dulled by the endless stream of feel good media and illusions of equality with all people of the world.

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Their armies concisest not of warriors with swords but propagandists with pens, who will play both sides and talk out both sides of their mouth to benefit the future of greater israel

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Juden Peterstein is their most effective weapon btw. Does more to destroy white identity than all antifa channels from Three Arrows to Contrapoints combined. Because young, white men who search for solutions fall for him, unlike with the commies who are open about what they are. Although I have to give Three Arrows that this communist Jew is good at subversively posing as le centrist aswell.


Their control over current wold media is iron-clad and not just in America, but in Europe.

Before the 2000's Europe media portrayed America as rude, racist, and isolationist, it then manipulated Euros into turning against all these ideals in order to "not be like those dumb Americans"

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Moloch bull as a crown.

...eventually I began to hate them

Their own religions book has codes of conduct for lying to non-Jews and manipulating them for control and dominance, there are no actual moral values beyond a mask they're taught to forge for the goy.

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The seek out positions of cultural relevance such as the arts for the sole purpose of degenerating it into nothing anyone of value or mind could possibly appreciate, to strip the country and people of their previous cultural values and unique flavors even further, mongrolizing not only their genetics but their history.

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They use their positions in power in government to make it illegal to question their narratives, their histories, their lies, their control.

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And of course, the Holocaust, their scapegoat for all their daily sins.

Did you know the word Scapegoat originates from Judaism? A rabbi would lay the sins of the community upon a single goat, and then slaughter it.

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>I’m adding 3% interest because I can
>showing up with this suit


The claims of Death Camps all fell apart after the war for the work camps they were, and the only places still known as offical death camps are in places that haven't been properly inspected.

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Bibles with commentary saying that Christians must bend over to the people who denied Christ. Basically people stopped reading their own bible and started reading another persons “interpretation” of it. They also believe it’s fullfilling prophecy...so it’s really hard to break through past their indoctrination.

The 6 million figure is symbolic for Jews, and they were pushing the narrative before the war.

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>Zionism is NOT Christianity

Real Christianity has never been tried.

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Very interesting, do you have sauce on the ethnic cleansing of Germans by the Poles prior to the invasion? Couldn't find anything desu

Propaganda and subversion over generations.


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No such thing.


Demographics are destiny.

Guess my Kike-dump is going to drop off into the void where threads without bot-bumps go in half an hour.

That wiki page covers the expulsion during and after; your original image referred to ethnic cleansing of Germans prior to the Sept 1939 invasion, that's what I've been looking for but haven't found anything yet

Oh, I'm sorry. I just linked the wiki page without looking.


You are right. There's in fact only two sects of Judaism.