>canadian milk
Canadian milk
Tom Green go away
what? that's a bag
Imagine having to finance the carton cartel every time you buy milk.
What about the plastic mafia ?
What exactly is wrong with fresh milk?
What about them?
Drop it leaf nigger
It’s beautiful
American milk comes in bags too, OP
You don't want to mess with the plastic mafia they're going to bag you no matter where you run.
there's literally nothing wrong with this
I've been raised in Ontario my entire life. I literally do not know any different than the milk bag. A self proclaimed pro at cutting the corner, pouring and reloading the pitcher. Good things grow in Ontario. Thanks.
How much would this cost if I were to buy it in a store?
There are plenty of reasons to rake the leaves. Milk in a bag is not one of them. It's actually more sustainable than what we have in America. And if you don't care about the environment you are a nigger. "Climate change" is still kike bullshit though.
You get 3 bags for roughly $5.
The fact you think that shows how far canada has collapsed
>Average Americans
I already know the top left one is polish so your a jew faggot.
Go on
Are you supposed to transfer the milk into a jug or something? Is that even recyclable plastic?
Ess em haych family
disgusting, what a mess
I have never seen a milk bag
I have never heard anyone talk about milk bags
What is is in USD/gallon?
Here I can buy a gallon of milk in a plastic jug for 99¢
based milk usage
Wow it's so awesome. You don't even need to have a plastic jug in your fridge taking up space! So smart!
This is a bag of cum and preservatives.
I have seen one. I've even seen a person with a milk jug.
Oh I get it. In Canada milk comes in bags. What a joke of a country.
>costs 7.95 in Toronto
Canada in collapse confirmed
It's a meme you dip
Dont you americans get sick of having to poor the milk into the bag once you get home? I get it, you ship in carton to save fuel, but isnt it a waste just throwing that carton away and having to use a new bag every time anytimes? You made straws illegal but are willy nilly with milk bags?
>in a bag
What the fuck is wrong with Canada?
>Ontario only milk
I challenge anyone to find one valid (1) flaw with this. Winner gets 1,000,000 USD.
I have lived in 9 states and never seen bagged milk bro. Please tell me where to get this. I am tired of using biodegradable containers. Fuck this gay planet.
HAHAHAHA yes i hate that shit.
Ontario is the only place in the world that has these 1.33L bags of milk.
What did he mean by this ?
Richard Burguess go away
I just dump mine into the grocery sack in the parking lot and leave the carton in the cart.
Ontario is the taint of the planet
It's super gay but its Ontario so it's not the worst thing from that shithole
youre holding it upside down
Holy fuck
Fucking leaf. I thought I possibly couldn't hate them more than I already do and then they do this shit.
Gotta love Ontario
The price meme has gotten so good.
This isnt real, right?
Wiesse muckefuck?
Wisconsin and the Eastern Canadian provinces have bagged milk. As do the vast majority of large restaurants that use milk in any of their dishes in the US or Canada.
If you lived in Wisconsin and never saw bagged milk you're probably a bugman who lived in Minneapolis.
He is lying. Milk is 3 bucks for 1 liter which is a quarter galon. Thats like 2ish usd a liter. A 4 liter jug might be cheaper but 1 liter carton of milk is what i buy and its 3 bucks.
Enjoy all the pajeet insectoids flooding in as "international students"?
he's talking about khazar milkers you stupid virgin saint
Is that $50?
So like $11 USD/gallon? Jesus fucking Christ help my caniggas get some meeilk
>Newfags still pushing this gay forced meme