Mein Kampf was written by a Jesuit

Mein Kampf was written by a Jesuit


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I can't wait for you zionists to fucking die and hear the screams of your friends and family as the muslims take what's theirs and reclaim their land from your illegitimate people.


his other book wasn't.

Attached: nein-kampf-36.jpg (353x413, 75K)

It's true, though. Hitler was a guy who mostly read newspapers...he had nowhere near the intellect or resources to produce something such as Mein Kampf.

You know what's true? That you're going to watch your world collapse this year and you'll see millions of Israelis die. Good riddance because you don't deserve to live in this world anymore.

lol what? zionist?! hahahaha you fag, Israel is the synagogue of satan... pic is their star of remphan

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I agree with you, I hope the present state of Israel collapses. But that has nothing to do with Mein Kampf's ghost writer.

Hey goy, Hitler didn't write his own book. This jew said so! Don't forget to remember the 6 gorillian.

>you're going to watch your world collapse this year
if you know something reveal it

>Hey goy, Hitler didn't write his own book. This jew said so! Don't forget to remember the 6 gorillian.
what jew?

Utter hogwash. Stempfle (Why are German names always mis-spelled by these historians? It can't be so fucking hard. The whole point of making Jews adopt mis-spelled German names was so that they could be spotted while believing they were undercover. Is everyone but us really this retarded?) was one of the three people Hitler asked to proof-read his book before publishing, that is all.

“Mein Kampf” was Hitler dictating to Rudolf Hess. So either Hitler or Hess was a Secret Jesuit.

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Hitler was brought into power by the Catholics.

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Yeah, Jesuits are in control of a lot of shit.

>what jew?
idk..maybe the one saying Hitler didnt write his own book, kike.
(((Lehmann))) Fucking idiot

Yeah, I seem to recall that particular book not getting the best peer reception. Care to elaborate?

It -would- be unusual for an Irishman to be named Lehmann, wouldn't it? I must however point out that the correct spelling with two "n"s does suggest German rather than Jewish ancestry. You're thinking Lehman, as in Ari Lehman. Wiki says Lehmann was a Catholic-turned-Protestant.

no, jews just figured a jesuit conspiracy theory would work especially with Zionist Protestants.

But, their being pedophiles aside, nominally Jesuit schools like BC and Notre Dame have more far left Jews than actual Jesuits literally.

So they dont control their own schools, we see Jews all over media, banking, law, politics etc,,
but its really 25,000 or so alcoholic pedophile priests running shit.

its such shitty kikery it only persists because it fools the literally borderline retarded... lots of them.

True story. If Hitler listened to his fucking generals, we wouldn’t be slaves to Jewish subversion.

Daily reminder that the newest tactic from the JIDF playbook is poisoning the well and divide and conquer. If you're here often enough, you should know this already. But if not, now you do.

This is all a psyop to usher in the creation of Israel, those who are not jews but of the synagogue of satan. Wasn't it brilliant to sear in our minds that fake star of david literally sewed on the jews (star of remphan). we all know the Holocaust didn't happen as they claim it did.

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Never thought of that before would explain his “peace mission” to the uk in the middle of the war but they never found bormann...

Granted, yeah. Marx was a Rothschild and Jews preach the eradication of Amalek, which has been conveniently identified with German-blooded peoples ever since the Brits (and Rome) sold out to Rothschild for their precious oil trading monopoly. But I am yet to be convinced that Hitler's actions came from any other standpoint than to get the Fed's pet Reds turned away from Germany. If I face my people's extermination in the name of a few Turks who run the stock exchange, I'm going to play the bank's bitch pontifex the second that I get the chance.

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womp womp

I really need to organise my folders better. I post this one so often and it still took me twenty minutes to find this time.

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I bet someone wrote the his multi hour long speeches he gave as well huh?

>sold out to.
>accualy bought out, with German money no less.

A jew lying about who wrote mein Kampf kind of like jews lying about being gass 11 times, 1 at a camp that never existed, 1 that wasn't builet until a year later and none which had gas chambers


sounds like you're shilling for the jesuits...

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Writing a book is not especially hard. I'm sure he had advisors as well as other educated men involved in the process of writing it. Kind of like how people go through publishers these days? Today new concept, I know.

Money looted by Napoleon when invading Germany you mean. Our boys fought next to Britain's army there at Waterloo and the bullets were still flying while your homefront in London already dumped their stock and spread rumors of total defeat.

You know the Jesuits are actually jewish right? Look into their founder

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