I feel like a barrier has been broken, I see the elites pushing they final hands, and more normies open to the idea that we are being lied about the world.
Does anyone else feels like we are Awakening?!
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Yes. Everything is reaching critical mass and it feels like whatever comes next has been fated all along.
Finally tried weed, huh?
Even normies are waking up, this was unthinkable 5 years ago
Lol, weed is shit gives anxiety and takes my motivation away.
Just end it now, God. I don't want to see how the rest of this pans out.
Yes. Everyone is thinking "what in the world is going on?" these days. The time is coming soon.
>You best start believing in prophecies user
You're in one
Childhood's End can't be far away now
It sure feels like it
Seems like the kikes are stomping on the gas pedal to try and reach the end of days or something. Either way, shit is hitting the fan.
Yup, I'm the most indecisive person you'll meet, but today I spur of the moment called my State Senator's office in Virginia to oppose the late term abortion bill she sponsored. Honest to God I may have even convinced her aide on the phone this shit is evil. I felt like I was channeling something.
Nope, it’s all in your head. Miracles don’t exist. Things will only get progressively worse.
In the book of Enoch it says the end times will be marked by a revelation of truth to the masses
Yup. Leftism is a discredited, dying ideology. Its supporters know they're lying. Everyone is at least suspicious of it now.
They might look menacing, they might even look like they're at the peak of their power, but only because they're burning their resources desperately trying to hold on to what they have. Every time they abuse their power trying to stave off the inevitable, people notice and hate them a little more. They have little direct power of their own, they're con-men who depends on other perceiving them as legitimate and therefore granting them power.
They're the champions of democracy and the unlimited franchise, extended to women, to the inferior races, and if they could have their way, to children and foreigners, because they know the less deserving someone is of power, the more likely they are to support someone undeserving of power. Their appeal is to the people with the poorest judgement, the least maturity, those lacking integrity: all the people who can't rise in an honest hierarchy, who would be judged by the wise and just to deserve the lowest places in society. Therefore they seek the equality of all: capable and incapable, wise and foolish, strong and weak, good and evil, each reduced to one equal vote. Then they simply have to form a coalition of the worst 51% against the best 49%. But even these people can realize that they are doomed if they let themselves be ruled over by those even worse than themselves.
Leftism is dying. Leftists are being removed from positions of official power. They're being held up with their wickedness for all to see. Soon their power will be gone, and then they'll be rounded up for punishment.
this will explain it to you
Yeah I wished for this to happen last week in an ancient Mayan ceremony. True story
The good people of earth deserve to live in peace. Not enslavement and death. Survival should be our main goal. Life can be rewarding. Freedom is so addictive. Enjoyed the post user.
I hope so, ive almost lost all hope, wageslaving all day only to come home and want to die every fucking day.
i feel
Nice dialectical subversion. Right wingers are just as bad as leftists. There is a third way. Both right and left collaborate with jews, both need to be destroyed.
DAMN LEAF! Brought the heat on that one. Well done.
That's unironically good.
>I feel like a barrier has been broken, I see the elites pushing they final hands, and more normies open to the idea that we are being lied about the world.
It is starting to happen, yes.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there...
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
I could never rake a leaf this based