Mfw its 58°F in Florida while everything else is freezing

>mfw its 58°F in Florida while everything else is freezing

Southern power bitches, we win again just like how we won Trump presidency.

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eat shit dixiecuck

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65 here in California, but then again this p[lace is already resembling a prison.

Ft Lauderdale white man checking in.

Where you at user? You cold? :^) we dont evene have to turn the Heater or AC on, in sweat pants cozy as fuck

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pol doesn't consider me white anyway so it doesn't really matter.

If you're not italian fuck you.

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Feels good out tonight

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It's just that you aren't completely European, you're probably part Middle Eastern.

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at least i'm not inbred.

59°F in san diego
56°F in los angeles

and theyre not florida woooo!

Here you go, bitch.
I still have brown eyes but at least you aren't as white as me.

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You fuckers are alright, I like your spaghetti and meatballs and when you fucks go off on rants about minorities. You shall be spared day of the rope.

liberal wasp kike. Eat shit.

I'm probably the whitest person in this thread.

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user please, Commiefornia is nothing to brag about. Plus clean those spics out and purge those liberals. Stop sending them to Colorado where my grandparents are, they are shitting up my vacation spot.

Comfy tonight

changed my car oil and some yard work yesterday even though neither needed it. the weather was too perfect not to be outdoors

fuck you warm motherfuckers!!!! eat my ballbag

Hahaha white or not your wrist look like sticks. Go jack off or something, looks like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree nigger.

You sure you're Italian? You're thin as a rail. Nonna not feeding you. That's depressing

>mfw you realize the snow birds are already among you and Florida merely exists as a shitty vacation home for the Yankee

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My grandparents are all dead.

t. fat cunt like 80% of this dying country

her name means “plover”

imagine having a girl in your class named Plover

OHHHHH shuch butt mad ea*t coast fags 43 in Washington right now HAHAHAHAHAHAH

>England, Wales & Northwestern Europe
>Greece and the Balkans
>brown eyes
Definitely non-European.

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Italy built europe you fucking mongoloid.

its better than florida cleetus

calm down man.. they fuck with Italians because they know you chimpout every time. There's literally not one place in Europe where other Europeans won't bitch about lol. Think about it.. if I said I'm German ? [insert insults].. if I said I'm British ? [insert insults] if I said I'm French etc

>not 56% and me
Missed opportunity

Fucking snow birds need to die, the one bad thing about this state is when those old dying fucks flock down here and fuck our roads up.

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Woah nigger. Rust belt decides every presidency.

you guys are rebellious losers but you have good jams.

Would fuck her if she looked like that

french people, germans and brits all look white.

Italians literally don't. People keep mistaking me for a spic.

There's more than just me? Lauderdale beach here, comfy with the window open.

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If you lived in SFL you'd know the only whites here are tourists, Canadians and northerners.

then stay there

I swear you pussies in the US don't know what cold is

Remember the K:D spread bucko

Wow you must be really cold

It was 54 in the afternoon here in reno, its usually cold this time of year but its been more moderate this year

t.spic or fag

Jenson Beach reporting in, my air-conditioning has clicked off and it's cozy.

Based af

It's only because the majority of the midwest is so fat their circulation is fucked.

We dont even have to worry about the cold down here in Florida canuck. Worst it has gotten is 40°F coldest I saw was like 35°F one morning.

I'm in Texas. Its 40 degrees.

Praying for you Tejas.

Anyway I'm just kidding m8.

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I was born in the cold, you merely adopted it.

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Not so fast. "Le climate change" meme still has a death grip on most of the nation, and expect such ammunition to get a major overhaul from this.

OP you pussy.. Bet you cry in the heat like a bitch

So, where's the italian?

There are a lot of Germans, French etc that don't look like the stereotypes. Being mistaken for another nationality is always offensive for some reason. People often guess that I'm German/Nordic and for some reason it temporarily offends me too. It's relates to what I said.. there's not one place in Europe another person can point to that doesn't have negative associations. we're fucked in the heads from all the wars. Just learn to recognize it's psychological programming.

Why the fuck haven't you Yurocock-sucking flagellators switched to Celsius yet?

I Surfed without a wetsuit a few weeks ago at FtL beach. Love this state.

everyone wants to be germanic or nordic.

I can't stand when people equate italians to fucking inbred taco stuffing spic beaners but that's all I'll ever be. I thought ariana grande was a spic for the longest time and it turns out she's sicilian. I can't even tell my own people apart from mestizos.

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I'm not a drawfag so I can't add one but the concept still applies. You Easterners can be salty fucks can't you?

I am a local and I hate it here. It used to be cool. Now its all jersey/new york italians and jews shitting the place up. We also have a lot of blacks. The cubans aren't so bad if they all just spoke fucking english. I want to move to Tennessee, but I make much better money here so I really don't know what to do.

what the fuck is the roman/greek? are you stupid?

romans were blonde haired nordics.

you can tell them apart by their character, personality traits, lifestyle etc. Which should only inspire you to be recognized for your character etc

you literally mentioned Italian contributions to Europe (and you're right) .. so what contributions did you mean? it obviously wasn't superficial looks. Would you rather be known for recognizable eye color or a fucking empire?! *Be Italian , don't look* x y z

literally all of the important italians throughout human history are from the northern or at least central parts of the country.

Southerners and sicilians (what I am) are literal niggers. I have nothing to be proud of. I'm not one of the lucky ones whose ancestors got raped by normans. I look like a spic.

you're completely right, they keep improving the infrastructure here but the people are going to shit. I'm moving upstate (north central FL) when I buy land (hoping for a market crash soon)

Sicilians are Carthaginian North Africans and are neither Etruscan/Celtic nor Latin/Roman. FFS people countries are big and made up of more than just one group of people!

what the fuck version of history do you subscribe to? rome was... you know what fuck it I am not going to try to argue with idiots tonight.

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Like I said I have nothing to be proud of.

I'm basically a north african.

Just went outside without a shirt to let dogs out
Must suck to be so cold and upset

You're arguing with the masses, not me.

dogs are ngiger tier animals.

I don't care how many more lanes they add to 95, it won't stop some hatian from breaking down in the middle of the road in their piece of shit 1987 pinto or whatever car they could buy for $400 and some weed with seeds in it. That and these plastic bimbo bitches who refuse to put down their phone when driving. Oh hey lets snapchat me cutting this guy off!

It was -28C last week here, i fucking hate winter dude, we get like 4 and half months of snow

it was a group effort (Romans etc and their accomplishments). Archimedes wouldn't have accomplished anything without the system and people around him creating the society he could flourish in. You're fucking European. does it matter that* much if someone in a 35% Hispanic country someone mistakes you for a Hispanic?! I'm sure if you were walking through Italy some local would start cursing at you to "go back"

here, this helps end this argument

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Freezing my ass off here in SC! It was in the 40s earlier.

I agree and I meant it in the same way you said it. They are putting white face on a sleeping black crackhead hoping when it wakes up no one will notice. I'm mostly indoors and work alone so I can avoid the unavoidable for now.

It should be 100% legal to open fire on any car bearing Northern license plates. If we could just shoot at every snowbird car on the roads, the traffic situation would get a thousand times better after merely a few days of getting several times worse. But the improvement would thereafter be permanent.

Wtf are YOU talking about? Romans are (allegedly) Trojans lead by Aeneas who migrated to the Italian peninsula after being defeated and intermixed with the native Latins, until Romulus ended up founding a new capital and populated it with the help of the local Sabines. Enough conflict with the northern, Celtic Etruscans lead to more war and interbreeding before Rome was even a blip on the Phoenician radar

Rome was thriving for centuries before they even sneezed at Sicily, which was torn between loyalty to Carthage and Magna Graecia. Go look at a map right now and see how close Sicily is to North Africa, try and make the effort to educate yourself before arguing with this idiot.


Or pass out some free helicopter rides. Fuck the snowbirds.

Oof buddy I misread your post and thought you were talking to me...

Now that I see who you were responding to, I think we're inclined to agree!

I'm not sure if YT is down or it's my service.
let me know if you can view it

Hey don't be too hard on yourself, Carthage thrived for centuries and could have easily been considered "white". They weren't really "African" so much as they were a colony of Semitic mariners from Tyre. Even emperors and the pope still employ Tyrian Purple to signal absolute royalty. The phoenicians were a pivotal force in world history and can be traced back to almost 10,000 years. There's a lot of interesting things to investigate, particularly the relationship between the early Israelites and the late phoenicians

I know, I am just overflowing with impotent rage at the state of the place I grew up. The past 15 years have just made everything so much worse. It's like watching a slow motion disaster that never seems to end and keeps getting worse as time progresses.

It's all good. The whole region had a bunch of muttification due to the trading and greece's prominence. I just found the idea of pure aryan romans laughable.

Great video, thank you, bookmarked.

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Someone gets it. There are all kinds of cool races and histories out there. Basically, every group did something neat at some point (except blacks [eithiopia wasn't too terrible though] and native americans were still in the stone age). We just like white people because they were better than everyone else at building, killing, exploring and thinking. And now we are being told we are bad for beating everyone else. Western culture has decided to proclaim that strength is bad and that is stupid.

Not gonna lie this is pretty based and redpilled. I'm in Virginia right now and I have to admit you Floridians are truly the most powerful race.

I wasn't born in the US (Europe) and I never actually felt like FL or the US was or could be my "home" I didn't take it personal when it decayed and got overrun with degenerates and human refuge. I don't want to move my family around so I'm making a more permanent relocation to a place I think my kids can have their grandkids live. I'm probably moving back to Europe.

there are many speeches where he mentions similar things. Stop focusing on a random leaflet or specific local German laws.
>Ancient DNA study finds Phoenician from Carthage had European ancestry

I only use those as concrete evidence that the NSDAP was not even as strict as Jow Forums has become with all of the purity shilling.

I think it's important to have extremely high goals as an inspiration and motivation, not only for the one's who meet those standards but those who don't (how many times do people become motivated to prove others wrong). Obviously between current pol purity standards and the time those standards require enforcement, there will be a lot of opportunity to prove what and where adjustments need to be made.

Anyway, it was great talking to you. goodnight