PoC of Jow Forums, listen up

During a war, a country feeds first it's soldiers, then it's citizens, and lastly it's prisoners. When food runs low, prisoners starve.

Without aid from the US, millions, if not billions, of people will die around the world. Uneducated immigrants are pouring into the US at an unsustainable rate. When our resources run low, foreign aid ends.

The anti-white agenda will cause more suffering and death in the world than at any other point in human history.

Attached: The_end_is_nigh.jpg (1400x933, 222K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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they don't care.
libs are evil and PoCs are brainwashed.

Attached: detroit.jpg (1280x720, 227K)

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i dont understand the shirtless thing, i mean if you're picking a fight, why expose your torso with all your vital organs?

Powerful libs fully understand this, user. It's part of the plan.

>The anti-white agenda will cause more suffering and death in the world than at any other point in human history.
Oh, white man... don't you understand yet? You are the only one who cares.


An opponent will grab the bottom of it and pull it up over your head so you can't see. There are entire kung-fu katas that focus on grabbing your opponent's clothing and using it to toss and/or strangle them.

>The anti-white agenda will cause more suffering and death in the world than at any other point in human history.

Good. I want the over breeders to starve. They don't deserve to inherit this beautiful planet.

Does anyone happen to have the webm with the Migrant Crime Stories with Yakety sax (Benny Hill Theme) being played over them please? I saw it either on here or on gif but it slipped through my bony fingers like tears in the rain!

lol So wearing it as a "cool" mask is the worst of both worlds?

Don't call me Poc.

>The anti-white agenda will cause more suffering and death in the world than at any other point in human history
Perhaps this suffering is a sacrifice for Khorn. We already see demons breaking into this realm through possession

This. Is. The. Essence.
Most whites dont even get, how special they actually are. The only truely empathic race.
Exploited by jews foremost, then the whole world.

Don’t you understand we were destined to enemies. And the world will collapse without you peoples. Enjoy the ride!

pol says i have nigger feet so

Attached: dark feets.jpg (634x474, 36K)

Yeah, it would get turned against you by someone who knows how to fight.

A great people brought low by a defect that they themselves can't see because they're trapped inside it. It's an awful and terrible tragedy.

And yet at the same time, is this not a fitting fate for the race that has unknowingly committed the greatest crime in the history of the human species? They are the ones in their blind compassion who have unleashed the nigger and set him to burn. For the white man to be destroyed by his most terrible creation, and then his creation to starve in his absence... it is poetic, no?



The population of Africa is in a bubble. Wants the gibs stop that bubble is going to pop magnificently. Same with much of the minority population here, but don't be fooled. They will raid for food before they die.

It's a way to show you concede.

If this guy is to believed, youtube.com/watch?v=S9H5jFcUONc -- We've been down this route before.

tl;dr White people were being hunted by darkies, and some fled to New Zealand.