The Venezuela debacle showed in clear day light - Jow Forums is a neocon board. You can cry and scream but arguments like
>Them ruskies and chinks want to overpower us
Is straight out of the National Review. David French and Bill Kristol are creaming themselves over your war fervor.
The Venezuela debacle showed in clear day light - Jow Forums is a neocon board...
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no we hate all commie faggots
So you admit you screech in unison with jews for war. Ok then.
pls point me to the pro-war on venezuala thread gay op
no we hate those (((commies))) too
cool buzzword
Then why do you agree with those jews and Israel?
Jow Forums isn't anything you idiot
It's an anonymous image board where anything goes
But we're only supporting their rightful president, not installing one. That's what allies do.
Have you ever read a history book?
The Trump election debacle showed in clear day light - /leftypol/ is a neocon board. You can cry and scream but arguments like
Is straight out of the National Review. David French and Bill Kristol are creaming themselves over your anti-white fervor.
Pol is mostly nationalist and non interventionist
The goal is that the people rise up and stop being fucking faggots and maybe learn to have fucking pride in their country and learn what live free or die even fucking means. And boomers are all neocons, Ron/pol/ is still against foreign entanglements, if jew is involved(when is it not) anyone with over 2 brain cells is against it.
Venezuelans chose their fate now they can die for choosing wrong
Just like sweden, venezuela is an example for the rest of the world
>muh neocon
This is a really weak angle when you pretend that word has no definition, or that Venezuela is anything like a never-ending war for israel in the middle east against made up terrorist groups. Venezuela failed years ago, everyone knows it, everyone knows Maduro is on borrowed time since then. Now with diplomatic pressure the US is doing something perfectly in line with the Monroe Doctrine to keep foreign influence out of this hemisphere. Venezuela is a much different beast than the middle east. Why not compare this to some of the many regime changes America helped along in the same region over the last several decades?
>stale talking point used to subvert & divide Jow Forums
Gotta be more subtle, shlomo. Shill yourself.
Muduro shills are really desperate lately
This board is split on Venezuela. In truth though you can not be anti ZOG and pro Guaido.
No one cares what meme flags have to say. If you're too scared to show your flag, then your opinion is worthless.
Brazil and Columbia can police their own backyard
Lol. Everyone is so fucking blind, stupid, ignorant, or a combo of all 3. The Ruskies bought out the dems years ago with massive "donations" in return for favors and have now totally infiltrated the reps in America. So now they get those favors at a discount. Sad!
Civil Wars are internal matters. The damage is only exascerbated when outsiders get involved.
Nationalism vs Globalism. Nationalists mind their own fucking business
Defense of Moroe Doctrine only means non South Americans keep out, or we will keep you out.
True that
this entire fucking argument is retarded because the US is not going to invade Venezuela. At best we will arm Maduro's opposition, because that is about all that is needed to get rid of Maduro. The Venezuelan army is practically nonexistent (not enough food, it could turn on Maduro at any time) and the majority of Venezuelans hate him. Toppling him and securing the oil would be so easy that direct military intervention would be pointless. Jow Forums needs to learn to think like a jew for once, indirect intervention by arming locals is the best because it achieves the goal while keeping US public opinion in line
US boots on the ground in Venezuela: Thumbsdown
Putting pressure on the Venezuelan commies so they fold: Thumbsup
>majority of Venezuelans hate him
Who told you this?
>Jow Forums needs to learn to think like a jew for once, indirect intervention by arming locals is the best because it achieves the goal while keeping US public opinion in line
Whose goals?
More neoliberals and more refugees?
Sounds great to me
>Who told you this?
the fact that millions of them are fleeing or attempting to flee the country, and the ones who are still there protesting en masse
>Whose goals?
If you don't already know, you don't deserve to know
Ok but I don't want hear you crying when all the refugees this creates show up at your door and the wall still hasn't been built.
>the fact that millions of them are fleeing or attempting to flee the country, and the ones who are still there protesting en masse
>millions fleeing
So I guess we need to do some regime change down in Mexico first right?
>If you don't already know, you don't deserve to know
I'll tell you since you don't know its the kikes and globalists goals
The US initially supported Fidel Castro in Cuba to overthrow Bautista. Meddling usually results in unintended negative consequences. Let the whole socialist experiment fail, then provide aid for a market based constitutional republic.
realistically speaking removing maduro would improve the country
The people there cant afford to eat it cant get any worse
Mexico, now you are talking. That southern border of Mexico is less wall mileage and thus cheaper than southern US border wall. If we went Duterte on the cartels, that would solve a lot of problems.
Venezuela was a nice place before the commies showed up and did their usual shit. It'll be a nice place again once their heads are on pikes.
Why do you care?
I thought it was American First? America used to be a great place too now it sucks
Removing Maduro won't fix the problem because there are still thousands of people down there attached to the Cartel of Suns and they are backed by high ranking military people. The cartel won't walk away from their power and many in Maduro's government are probably scared shitless the cartel will retaliate against defections. Chavistas are still all over Venezula and they won't take kindly to US led opposition.
This is going to become a Libya level failure. We're walking into a trap.
Yeah I'm sure it will be simple. Regime change and proxy wars always are. I mean just look at Syria or the many other great successes in the past.
We'll just have to deal with our domestic commies then, won't we?
Yeah but firstttttttt not second :^)
Soooooo why Venezuela first?
Maduro already left the country forever on that plane with 20 tons of gold. Cope harder faggot, it's over. Trump booted his dumb commie ass out with a fucking TWEET.
Commies in Venezuela isn't a recent development. The collapse happened when Saudi Arabia agreed to pump more oil to help Obama get an Iran deal with the best terms possible and put pressure on Russia. Their oil is low quality and requires oil prices to be high to be profitable. The majority of the government was funded by oil profits and they had no savings in reserve to survive the extended price drop.
Posting walltouch won't bring Maduro back, and this is great as it will allow the US to portray him as a looter. His government in exile in Cuba or Moscow will never be recognised as legitimate and Russia already said they don't care to help him.
Stay salty, it's over for communism in the Western Hemisphere.
>why Venezuela first?
Simple. Timing is right, commies are in disarray, opposition has coalesced.
Maximum leverage point to apply pressure.
There is only (((one))) side.
Reminder that "Jow Forums is neocon" is a discord shill talking point that was exposed ages ago.
Get a real job you societal leech.
Still not first :^)
Truth hurts also Jow Forums is not neocon
Only nu/pol/ is
kristol is a kike that deserves the oven
as for war? no thanks
let the rats eat each other in their jew paradise
then let brazil have it
>still being this salty
Yes and Maduro is Jewish so what's that say about who's winning?
I have heard this so many times in the past prior to regime change attempts. So many times. Just remember you supported this when waves of refugees show up on the border and the wall still hasn't been built. If it goes on for years a Democrat might even be in control to welcome them and don't say it won't happen, you don't know that and I have heard it so many times before.
Nah it's perfect, Trump will use this as justification for his EO ordering the Army Corps to build the wall. Also you can take off that meme flag now.
>Trump will use this as justification for his EO ordering the Army Corps to build the wall.
If you actually believe that......
Yeah because a wall can be constructed instantaneously the very moment you need it on a border that large.
You fags are salty lately, what's got your vaginas so irritated?
>Let the whole socialist experiment fail
It's more like the brown people experiment is failing.
Your attempts to forget history mostly. Both regarding previous regime change attempts and what Trump ran on. This is from his inaugural address if you weren't paying attention during the campaign.
>We’ve defended other nation’s borders while refusing to defend our own;
And spent trillions of dollars overseas while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.
We’ve made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has disappeared over the horizon.
>We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world – but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.
We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow.
Your attempts to forget history mostly. Both regarding previous regime change attempts and what Trump ran on. This is from his inaugural address if you weren't paying attention during the campaign.
>We’ve defended other nation’s borders while refusing to defend our own;
>And spent trillions of dollars overseas while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.
>We’ve made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has disappeared over the horizon.
>We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world – but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.
>We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow.
We have to clean up this Russian and Chinese fueled socialist death machine user. Thankfully it's finally happening. Trump never said he was against intervention, only when it was dumb. This is in our interests. Plus it's going to hurt Cuba a lot, which is good because we need to soften them up before we go in for the kill there too in a few years.
Communists didn’t knock down the towers, neoconservatives did.
>it's going to hurt Cuba a lot
Good, I hope these fucking commies have to fuel themselves with their own excrement, free oil is over.
I guess we will just have to see what happens. Maybe this regime change will be different, maybe Bolton won't mess up again and sell an easy victory when nothing is further from the truth. However there is also a good chance you get plenty of refugees, no wall and a Democrat in power just when the civil war is really heating up to welcome them in.
Nah we'll get the wall in like two weeks and you'll be on here with your faggot meme flag crying about it more. But there's no waiting and seeing, Maduro fled with the gold and he's never going back now.
Based on past events it's more likely flag waving boomers will be here bashing Ann Coulter in two weeks because there is no wall but I guess we will have to wait see.
Trump already put up like 600 miles of enhanced barrier, basically a 30' tall steel wall. You can call it a fence or whatever or even pretend it doesn't exist but the wall is coming along every day.
John Bolton and his other goons were part of the project for the new american century. They are directly involved in 9/11. They are traitors and Trump just hired another one (Abrams)
Or does Jow Forums now think John McCain was BASED?
>he too has a meme flag
Show your real flag user. Trump had McCain executed.
Jow Forums is a stinky neocon jew worshiping cia nigger board.
>Or does Jow Forums now think John McCain was BASED?
It's just all the fb boomers that found their way here because of the qboomer larp
nu-Jow Forums is neoconservative, I don't associate with those trumpgoys.
>being this salty
it's too late you colossal faggots, maduro fled
He hasn't fled you glow in the dark cia nigger
This pictures are from random diplomatic meetings, you can find similar ones with Muslims and Christians
Pictures like this exist of almost every Western World leader and prove nothing, stop with this amateur hour shit
You have to go back
jew replacing jew who replaced the last jew etc. Its irrelevant Rothschild runs Venezuela look it up...dumbass
>tee hee, I’m pro-communism, pro-famine, and pro-collectivism now because a couple of memeflaggots are telling me it’s “anti-Zionist” - how cool and edgy do I look right now?
“Hey, isn’t Marxism a Talmudic plot to redistribute wealth from gentiles to kikes like (((Maduro)))?”
>Omg, glow harder CIAnigger!!!1 Latin American socialism is B A S E D now. Hail Kirchner, Chavez, and Castro!!!1
Rothchilds were probably the ones who told the Corporations in Venezuela to withold their products and hoard food
They also likely helped with extraction smuggling (the real cause of the inflation)
>supporting a DC educated Mason who is also a fucking socialist to boot
No brain Mutt
We should try to get them to replicate what Chile did.
Seeing as Venezuela went from one of the wealthiest countries in the Western Hemisphere in the mid-20th century to one of the poorest, yeah, push comes to shove, pick your kikes. American free enterprise is better than Latin American banana republic plutocracy any day of the week.
It’s Venezuelans fleeing for their lives to Colombia and Brazil, not the other way around. But they ought to be kept starving while the Venezuelan kikes feast on sushi so you can feel like the biggest edgelord, right?
You’re a former commie country. You should know how the game works. Why do I have to explain the Marxist scam to you?
because if we don't colonize them the russians or chinese will
and i'd rather have them selling their resources to pennies on the dollar to american companies
I also know the US regime change scam too you dumb CIA nigger
You have to be really fucking retarded to be worse then commies but you Mutts go above and beyond
Read: Venezuelan crisis is articially created by Kikes from withing in order to justify Mutt intervention and so they can turn into oligarchs with the Oil money
The opposition even told the UN to not come and observe the elections in order to make them seem illegitimate
>Them ruskies and chinks want to overpower us Is straight out of the National Review.
pretty sure Bill Kristol was very pro-Chinese
If we’re not there, others will be. I like Ron Paul, but his isolationalism leaves a power vacuum for commies to exploit.
Are you still crying about those jungle niggers?
Give me all your tears communist.
Your fuck up in Iraq and Afghanistan only strenghtened Iran and the Taliban
Libya is now being used to destroy your allies in Western Europe
Balkans have become the crack den of Europe thanks to you turning a blind eye on Albanian drug dealers
He fled earlier today with 20 tons of gold.
>cheering for a thieving commie jew who cucks out and flees
The majority of rapefugees came from like a thousand miles from Libya, Europe's on the Kalergi plan and you're an idiot if you think Libya has anything to do with the Soros funded rapefugee flotilla bringing those niggers over to fuck your daughters.
Libya was the wall you fucking clueless Mutt retard
God you boomers are so fucking retarded
>the wall between turkey and the rest of europe was located several thousand miles away, in libya
Again it makes no sense. You Eurotard freaks just love black dicks.
false dichotomies are false, news at 11
NATO took out Libya to pave the way for every terrorist lunatic to have a pathway to the EU.
Now the same people are trying to take out Venezeula and promising 'freedom and Democracy' to the people getting regime changed.
How come no one else sees it? You even have Bolton and co back in control. How much clearer does it get??????