Jow Forums is the enclave

Just had a realization
>Alt right neets that live in well stocked basements
>Want to make America great again
>Make use of advanced technology, autism and sociopathy to achieve objectives
>Were at least partially responsible for manipulating the last US election
>Would probably declare nuclear war in order to eradicate communism/jews/tumblr

When did you realize you were a member of the Enclave?

Attached: enclave.jpg (816x979, 138K)

Other urls found in this thread:

We even had our own AI

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I realized I was shooting at the wrong people in fallout 3.

We just need a Frank Horrigan

>alt right
>collectivizing a place anyone can post
why do you shills ALWAYS do this?

The enclave had some level of scientific literacy. So no, not pol at all.

>playing any game but this


Attached: command and conquer generals.jpg (858x633, 370K)

Okay mr jbp/magacuck collectivism is bad did you even consider John Locke

I'd be 100% on board with the Enclave. Ghouls, Super Mutants and Raider filth need to go.

Fuck me.... OP...why do you do this...why does this make sense...FML

>Jow Forums

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Based and Kanepilled.

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Generals is inferior to RA 2

>manipulating the election
It's called participation.

red alert 2 doesn't work on anything more modern than shitdows xp.

Generals also has much better mods. The mods for generals can really be entire games all on their own. They're too different.


Good idea, we need to colonize /sci/ on iq stats

It's not every day you see a Fijian poster.

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fun fact: Jow Forums was spawned from /sci/

>playing vidya
>not playing board games like risk legacy and naming shit after memes
>not playing games like Axis and Allies while trying to win as Hitler

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What the fuck are you talking about, stop playing on Botnet 10 and install Windows 7
It works perfectly

I really like your water.

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You can grab a digital copy on Origin. I was playing RA 2 on Windows 10 yesterday

Board Games are superior but you need friends, and friends with more than 40 IQ and time

>implying Sam Hyde isn't our Frank

Thanks its honestly untouched by man...but we do clean the holding tanks with chemicals, with that what you will...

i have the original 15 year old disc for generals but red alert 2 is rare so you have to buy a (((Digital))) copy.

also this, some parasite showed up here and needed a name for what this was at the time so he could write fucking articles about it and be a total fag. Then punchy mcspencerface tried the same thing and was soundly rejected because of his douchey haircut, although apparently he had been calling himself and his gay little club alt-right for some years before it all happened.
Jow Forums is not alt-right. Jow Forums is no one thing, even before the astroturfing, for which we have a certain dangerous faggot to blame, because he couldn't just keep a fucking secret, he needed to blab to the whole fucking world so everyone could see how special he was, because he has 2 pounds of lady brain between his ears.

Kane was such a jew

I have the discs for RA 2 and Yuri's revenge with the box it came in. Not that hard to find but you are right it only runs on XP

Yeah, yeah, you edgy keyboard warriors are about as real as some fictional vidya faction.

You're really scary

We dont play video games anymore. You leftists ruined that for us. We have no more fun. We only train, shoot and prep, and are doing a silent long march through the institutions with the aim of mass genocide and strict international ethnonationalism.

Why didnt you just let us play our videogames?

>fallout 3

Gas the bikes?
I'm surprised you could shoot anything in that glitchy mess of a game.


impure impure

the enclave would throw everyone on Jow Forums into an fev vat together just for lulz. We’re all mutants and mutts here.

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influencing thought is the most dangerous weapon their is

fallout 3 wasnt a bad game by any means

We play The Most Dangerous Game, now, user.
>GamerGate was a Blessing.

>always do opposite of what jew tells me.jpeg

I am ‘white-lighting’ finally ready. It’s time to claim for myself the blood and the honor I’ve earned. If I did continue living, I would definitely stay here on Jow Forums though. Goodbye band of brothers!

We have literally killed ISIS and taken over the USA.

I didn't like it personally. I thought the stroy was really, really bad, and the gameplay was too unpolished and buggy. But if you liked it, you liked it. Everyone's got their own tastes.


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First two were much much better. Kids these days can't play a game that isn't in 3D though.

You are right about everything except the sociopathy part. It's completely sane and normal to have killer instincts when it comes to people that seek to do you harm directly or indirectly. Hatred and anger are healthy emotional responses to malicious intent. You're not a "sociopath" because you'd willingly take out people that want to destroy you and ruin the things you care about, that makes you completely sane and normal.

I like 1 and 2 but I like 3 also. But it was like the first m rated game I ever played back when I was like 10. That and halo 3 were my favorite games.

I am the same way about the original Zelda game on NES. I'm obviously older than you.

what kind of sniveling autist plays an openworld for the story. its a good exploration game and killing sandbox. but yes you level up way too quickly. by the time you explore half the map youre already capped; meaning every step you take loads either another fucking sentry bot or low level raider

you mean /news/

What was bad about it exactly?
It wasn't quite new vegas but it wasn't exactly bad.
>what kind of sniveling autist plays an openworld for the story.
Degenerates like you belong on the cross.

cool. I tried playing the original legend of zelda once and I didnt like it much.

They enclave would give me my own squad and a veribird.

Sam Hyde is our Cannibal Johnson.

This picture basically sums up a viable strategy for Jow Forums

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maybe they’d give you a squad to throw you out of a vertibird...

The thing with older vidya is you kind of had to have been there when it was the state of the art. Some stuff holds up, you should try Ultima VII, which IMHO is the best video game of all time.

Im pretty sure I'd end up as either a science officer or a agent.

>>Want to make America great again
you all can rot for all I care. I'm here for the racist memes.

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>the experiment was one white man with 50 white women and a box of nazi propaganda
>the women pair off into lesbian couples and the man dies in his room with writing all over the wall pointing to how the jews were responsible for the nuclear war

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i only really like games where you can play as a girl

Red Dead Redemption is another open world game with a good story. Gameplay matters more than story, sure, but Fallout 3's story is abysmal. By saying you level up way too quickly, you're listing a reason I didn't like the game, it's too broken. You can be so overpowered that even Deathclaws become too easy to be fun. Exploration is eh, the world building is bad to me. The towns are gimmicks (Bomb Town, Kid Town, Soda Town, Snobby Rich People Town) that survive by raiding 200 year old supermarkets. If you like the game I'm not telling you that you can't play it, of course, I'm just explaining why I disliked it.

Great, now i have to reinstall Fallout 2 again.
Bethesda cannot make an RPG for shit, they are simply incapable of creating a good RPG game.
They are semi-decent at building a worldmap to run around it, but thats it.

If i won the lottery I'd buy the Fallout franchise from Bethesda and remake Fallout 2 with the izometric view with the best modern engine, like Unreal Engine 4 or some shit.

Fuck bethesda.

Attached: bethesda games.jpg (1200x923, 151K)

You can choose to play Ultima VII with a female avatar and even have gay sex in the brothel.

based and redpilled

A while ago.


No u.
>Implying that there would be Jews left.

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>another spin-off site

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I think they cant remaster/re release it at all because they lost the source code
it really was a lot more fleshed out with the little things. i miss how charisma would be how attractive your character is and people would comment on that. the new games are fun but like souless amusement part rides rather than an immersive experience.
ok ill look into it

>the jews not existing with the state pre-war america was in
doesnt seem likley

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Jews don't have to exist in post nuclear war for the pre-war propaganda to be there

There was a torrent up with a playable Fallout 2.5, plot elements and shit were mostly missing but it was playable and got leaked.

If you're asking what was bad about the story, it's kind of a rant so I apologize in advance. The people in the first town you go to has a water purifier that doesn't have Super Mutants, doesn't need a GECK, and doesn't have much radiation. This ruins the narrative that you need to build the purifier. The BoS are comic book heroes and the Enclave are comic book villains. They go to war for no reason since both have the same goal, to activate the purifier. I know Eden wanted to poison the water, but Autumn didn't have any plan to do so and he controls the military (shown when they listen to him over Eden when he tells them to shoot you) so their war makes no sense. The choice you get at the end is to genocide everyone you've ever met since leaving the vault, including yourself, or... Don't? That's an underwhelming moral dilemma. Exen's idea is stupid anyway. What's their plan, march people to the river at gunpoint and corce them to drink? Why not just shoot them then? Anyway, you're based for liking New Vegas, amicus. True to Caesar.

So you're saying that getting abducted by aliens and then blowing up Canada with a laser wasn't kinda fun?

>Anti-Jewish "propaganda"
That's like trying to make the ocean wet.

>partially responsible for electing an impotent ZOGbot puppet
Based and MIGApilled. Build that fence! Keep the hard working dreamers! Regime change and nation building yes! Fund a wall for the greatest ally!

that just means they built the best vault for themselves somewhere

That part was fun, won't lie. I don't hate EVERYTHING in that game, just didn't like it overall.

ok now I see that you're baiting
this is my last reply

i liked that you could be a vampire. that was cool and no other game did that.

>neets that live in well stocked basements
>advanced technology
Most of Jow Forums are retards though.
>declare nuclear war in order to eradicate communism/jews/tumblr
Jesus what, no

You'd think vampire-themed games would be more common. It'd be a refreshing change from all the zombie games we get, no?

That is psychopathy you are talking about, not sociopathy. Jow Forums is very emotionally driven at times, that is the opposite of sociopathy.

yeah, there arent many good ones. I like both of the vampire masquerade games though.

>friends with more than 40 IQ and time
Aye I know tfw this is impossible

I wanna boop all the deathclaw snoots

based. having a pet deathclaw to travel with would be a perfect life.

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More like the institute.

>>He doesnt know about Mental Omega

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OP is a gross mischaracterization of /pol.

But I do think that LGBT activists are pretty similar to the Master's cult in Fallout 1:
>collectivist philosophy
>wants to create a new form of humankind and exterminate all white males
>join or die
>organized like a religion
>adherents are sterile and cannot procreate and so the whole idea is doomed to fail

Attached: fallout-the-master.jpg (1280x720, 248K)

"The Enclave is an organization that claims to be the legally-sanctioned continuity of the pre-War federal government of the United States and styles itself the United States of America as such. Prior to the nuclear HAWLACAWST, the organization existed as a (((cabal))) of top-ranking political, scientific, and military officials that secretly controlled the United States as a "shadow government" read: (((deep state)))."
They're literally the jews.

all of that but the sterility can be applied to any ideology really

Basically what he said . Also the Super Mutants wanted to exterminate the entire human race, not just white males.

No. Most ideologies are a lot less extreme than Master/Libtard collectivism and at least acknowledge individual freedom as something that should be preserved.

Do you even know what "collectivism" means?

We ride

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