Why Does Miami Not Buy Into Degeneracy?

If you go to Miami you will see that no locals go to baseball games, sex shops, porn conventions etc.. Just nigs and white tourists. Miami is a foreign majority city. So why is it more based than most American cities?

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she looks like a used up slut, bet her dad is proud

Bitch looks like she sucked cock until her soul was no more.

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Is that Jynx Maze?. Love that bitch. Is she retired?.

>miami doesn't buy into degeneracy

woah ho ho there, retard.

conventions = out of town. all conventions are industry-oriented. no matter where any convention is held the vast majority of its attendees will be from out of town. what do you think porn conventions are supposed to be like local festivals or something? any major city has tons and tons of convetions on all manner of random shit all year long.

>sex shops
hey retard, guess what, every time you see a sex shop anywhere, it's there because people are patronizing it. they're not in the business for free.

>beisbol games
HAHAHAHA ok sportsball fag

also, sportsball isn't local culture. it's not culture at all. it's the pure commodification of something that once truly represented local talent. now, sportsball teams are nothing more than amalgamations of players from all over the country (and the world) that have no connection to the city at all.

it's a perversion of the very idea of local community to assert that any sportsball team represents any particular city when they literally are bought and sold and moved around the country every few decades just like the players they're comprised of.

she needs to do more VR scenes before she retires tho.

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Kek, nice cope. City is all gay Cubans and Jews.

She looks good for 40.

Miami is one of the best big cities in the country. I loved working their. The worst thing was the traffic. The people on average, are more attractive than anywhere else I have ever been. It's also an easy place to make money. Also, some of the best food you can find.

Isn't Miami the place where sluts in underwear walk around the town to put money in parking meters.

i agree with that one.

>Why does Miami not buy into degeneracy
Jajajajajajajajaja you silly gringo. Miami is a super degenerate place. More drugs, sex and STDs flow here than in NYC. Also the gays have complete dominance over South Beach, along with the Jews. Plus there's also the fact that a lot of the more stupid/recent people to come from Cuba practice santeria which is basically Cuban voodoo. This place is far from what you think it is. Also people love the marlins here too so no idea what you're on about

I don't understand your post. Miami makes as much porn as LA. Locals do go to porn conventions. I've seen them. They have sex clubs and gay parades/parties. It's not just tourists gong to sex shops or the many strip clubs. The tourists stick to the beach, but the strip clubs and sex shops aren't on the beach.

Reddit is that way

you obviously have not spent much time in Miami
>t. s. floridian goy

This user is spot on.

What is this from?

Choose your Florida adventure

Attached: conflict_in_literature_florida.png (700x884, 807K)

Do you not pay attention to the world or something? Miami is one of the most degenerate cities on the planet. It's a non stop cocaine college party in that city. It's where all those Cuban immigrants landed.


Miami is not a good city. It sucks. It shouldn’t exist. I live minutes away and have never even once heard someone suggest that we go to Miami. There is nothing there

nice kike star there goybbels