Let’s celebrate journalists getting fired!

They really should go learn to code.

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Shut up felix

>mfw journalists getting fired near me

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they werent journalists they were propagandists

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Who is a recent journalist that is the most triggered by getting fired?

Fired journalist alert

10 year challenge

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if they work for an MSM outlet they will say what they are TOLD to say. They are all shills paid to spew FAKE NEWS and lies. WHEN YOU WATCH ANY MSM NEWS SHOW OR READ ANY MS NEWS OUTLET REMEMBER THIS.

and remind people of this

I agree

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jesus christ



Things like this are the reason

whats wrong with this guy. i get the onions meme but is there actually something wrong with his brain?

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They should clean toilets in Poland. They won't make good software engineers.


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People said he looked quintessentially soi so he started to do more over the top reactions, his reactions to trailers before were kind of like that but he amped it up

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Is this hideous subspecies a kike? Those shitty ears thin upper lip and weak neck scream kike.

The journalist train is coming off the tracks.

I've just been using one of my sock accounts that link these former "journalists" walmarts hiring site.

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I’m interested to see a crab join our team with Pepe the frog

> Psychosomatic addict insane.

Out of work journalists can't even afford corndogs

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