What if we just forcibly sterilize all blacks and jews...

What if we just forcibly sterilize all blacks and jews? This way they dont need to be killed but theyll also be the last generation of their kind. Perhaps this would be a common ground we can find?

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>his race are mostly incel at age 20+
>talks about sterilizing others
i think you got it backwards son

What a garbage post, the memeflag doesn't exactly help.

or we could just spread ligma to take them out

i never denied we have an incel problem, one thing at a time

If this were easily doable, it would have already been done to us.

didn't some guy try to sterilize some people with a radiation gun in his van or something?

i mean its doable, not easily doable, but genociding everyone isnt easily doable either

Already being done to whites.
Gardasil prevents cancer from HPV. HPV is spread via oral sex.
3 year old girls are being vaccinated with Gardasil. That alone is a WTF moment.
The big one is that since Gardasil has been forced on the western world there has been a 25% reduction in live births among treated women.
Also the vaccination schemes in Africa are designed to kill them off, not protect them.

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Sure. Now let's make it happen. We've got a long way to go.

All high school drop outs should be sterilized.

You don't need force. Just offer them ten or twenty grand each. It's a tiny price to pay relative to the damage they and all their children cause.

This is a genuinely good idea. Dumb fucks will leap at the money without thought because they are incapable of forward planning. The cost of a child to the state must be easily 20 times that amount.

That's basically what Arabia did with their slaves

Membah HIV AIDS?

Membah how Bayer pharma (((Somehow))) got HIV in Tylenol? Then when caught, fought in court to keep pushing HIV+ Tylenol? Aspirin is a tree bark containing salicylic acid. How does a simian/human immunodeficency VIRUS get in a tree bark extract?

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I figured something was fucking fishy when my daughter was born a couple months ago, and the nurses and doctors all tried to convince me that I was dooming my child to death if I didn't sign the consent form to pump her full of HepB- and HPV vaccinations, MINUTES after she was fucking born.

I almost died in '79 from the massive vaccine dose they gave me at birth.

>What if we just forcibly sterilize all blacks and jews? This way they dont need to be killed

Jews somehow will turn out to have their seaman conteined in jars and imprgante with it new gen of whites while blaming it all on non strilized people

>tfw I payed 300 dollarydoos to get injected with gardasil

D-did I jew myself? I tried researching it properly and it seemed like a good idea at the time

that'd result in about 60 to 80 years of maximum plotting and destruction

I'm behind this only if we sterilize the nigger males. Touch my ebonoid hunnies and I will be upset.

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huge if true
aslo masive lad if true

Grab another abo quigley

I am 100% on board with this. We must take control of our genome and remove the low-IQ filth from our gene pool.

what is an abo and who is quigley?

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Do you democrat larpers or just left leaning people.
Do you ever leave your country?
And not get killed,honest question now.

and gooks, and spics

looks like a baboon

steralize how, cause if you already have their nuts on the table.... just kill them

>What if we just forcibly sterilize all blacks and jews?
I have a better solution

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I dunno? You could probably talk the blacks into it by giving them some petty trinket but as for jews, they are just another bunch of Arabs, who replace goat fucking with child molesting. They live for degeneracy and would all need to be killed off.


based gates

I have been advocated sterilization for many years now. We don't need to kill them just don't let them reproduce. In two generations all that will be left are a few harmless grandmammys.

Give the vacinnation at birth...tell them it's a sickle cell immunization....

Demand Sterilization Now!

Than whose going to clean your toilets Danield tromp?