>tfw you looked at so many pictures of livestock in poor factory conditions that you no longer have an appetite for animal meat >can't even eat dairy without remembering that cows have to be pregnant all year and artificially injected with sperm to produce it
I could watch a cow being slaughtered right in front of me, sliced up, put on a grill and served to me without any problem
Henry Thompson
>like people, and women, and sex with women >watch 100 hours of childbirth videos and can't associate with people anymore knowing where they come from, and can't even think about vaginas Yeah, that's how stupid you sound.
Easton Evans
i have absolutely zero problems with this, animals exist to be eaten, we exist to eat
Leo Torres
>wat do? only eat meat or dairy if you feel like your body really needs it, don't be wasteful, get others to stop overeating and wasting it too, and support lab-grown meat
Easton Reyes
>we exist to eat i think we can do a lot more than that, but even if it's true, it doesn't mean the animal has to be treated poorly while alive.
Justin Stewart
>birth = death
Woah Thats a big redpill
Christian Cooper
Stop being a slave to morals, dumb moralfag.
Luis Perez
that's not actually what that guy's post said. you should try reading it again.
Logan Gray
Suffering is the currency of life niqqa. Deal with it.
Brandon Hernandez
Why not try and minimize it though?
Joshua Nguyen
No one cares it's yummy food grow up
Jeremiah Stewart
i eat meat but i'm not lying to myself and saying how some animals are treated is fine because of evolution or whatever. growing up would be dealing with the problem.
Austin Cook
sorry a raped and killed your mother. grow up and deal with it!
Gabriel Lopez
That's not OPs point though.
Austin Diaz
Remember i'm not a pussy and enjoy my steak.
Jack Wood
He's got a vegan brain, be amazed he can read at all.
Angel Murphy
Why try to?
Xavier Cooper
Other people have already done it for you even if you don't realize it.
Aiden King
Why not just buy meat from sources that treat the animals well
Josiah Smith
They will evolve out of pain, don't worry
Cooper Wright
Why would I care what happens in another country?
Adam Garcia
>NPCs dont care about things as long as they happen in another country, another area, to another family, to someone else, etc depressing
Nolan Gomez
Go to local farmers or stop thinking about it. They're animals, who gives a shit
>NPC How is me; in a place where animals are treated very well, going to change the practices of another country if I stop eating meat? Shouldn't you boycott the bad suppliers and lobby your own government to improve regulations? Not my fight nor my care.
Cooper James
>childbirth = animal cruelty
Yeah, we all know that's how your mom feels about you
Jeremiah Turner
Eat grass-fed locally sourced meat directly from farmers
Bentley Evans
But those other nations are developing nations you fucking racist.
Jordan Garcia
Grow up and come to terms to fact that the suffering of others is part of existence.
Cameron Ramirez
Yeah that’s the joke. You should try not having asparagus
Charles Cook
do you want to know how I know you voted for trump
this, why not just support the business model that's doing what you want? lovely choice of grass fed steaks down at the farmer's market and even that is just trucks from nearby farms you could probably just visit
I quit because no one there could fucking speak english. I spent the first day cutting off female piglets tails, I have no idea why because I don't speak spanish.
Fuck pigs, they're assholes.
Jack Rivera
like the United States of America lol
Chase Parker
>I quit because no one there could fucking speak english. I spent the first day cutting off female piglets tails, I have no idea why because I don't speak spanish.
if the only job you can get is working in a shithole environment with a bunch of illegal beaners that can't speak english you're a fucking loser
they cut pigs tails to prevent cannibalism and infections they also cut piglets teeth for the same reason
Feral pigs are ruining the southern united states. Should they not be killed? If they are killed, wouldn't it be a waste if the animal was not eaten?
Oysters are living creatures. Their cultivation and consumption does extreme good for the environments they're placed in. Is it morally wrong to eat something that produces a better future?
Gavin Ramirez
Where did they find a nigger with hair that nice? Is she even a nigger? What ethnicity is she? I want one.
Bentley Stewart
Based and Isaacpilled
Wyatt Cruz
I can think of a lot of feral things running around the world
Eli Green
Wrong, we exist to fuck. And I know you’re not doing that. So what are you doing here?
Caleb Howard
They're a safe source of protein. It's all that really matters.
Jonathan Morris
Feral pigs are growing in increasing numbers nonstop. Destroying habitat and fucking up a lot of shit. Now answer my question about them.
This does not justify factory farmed meat. I am genuinely curious
Austin Turner
He's not a low t cuck and is aware where his food comes from? Yeah, death. Imagine being so coddled you find meat comes from dead animals shocking
Lincoln Myers
This but unironically
William Harris
You're acting pretty immature here.
Easton Gonzalez
Out of sight out of mind, nigga
Henry Watson
I don't care. My like of beef outweighs my dislike of cows getting fucked up. I eat deer and goat when I can, kill them myself.
Brody Baker
I stopped eating meat 2 years ago. I only eat seafood now. Staples for me are wild salmon, cod, halibut, crab, lobster, dover sole, shrimp and prawns. Honestly I am very content and physically feel better. Industrialized meat is fucking vile. I have also grown to realize I hate people who eat large quantities of meat slightly more than I hate vegans. Insufferable people, truly.
John Reed
>domesticate animals >take care of them in return for sometimes slaughtering one for food, clothing, etc. >don't just view them as property, treat them with respect >"life is suffering who cares about animals being mistreated YOLO lmao"
Xavier Cox
>I have also grown to realize I hate people who eat large quantities of meat slightly more than I hate vegans. I kind of feel the same way, although I guess maybe it's not entirely their fault since the majority of people are completely detached from the slaughtering process now. That's why I think anyone who eats meat and has never seen an animal slaughtered should at least see a video of it happening to gain a bit of respect and stop mindlessly consuming and wasting.
Kill each once. With your own hands, and a tool. That's how you "earn" the meat, and learn to respect the fact that the protein on your plate had to have its life taken for you to eat. That means kill a pig, kill a chicken, kill a cow, kill a turkey, etc, and eat that specific animal that you killed in some capacity.
Everyone should do it. I agree completely; factory farms are garbage. That's why you should go a step further, beyond my above advice, and look for foods that are labeled as things like "grass fed", "free roam", "cage free", etc. It costs more, but it means the animal you're eating / the animal that produced the product you're eating didn't suffer.
Grayson Howard
Furious Pete on Youtube who ate lots of meat got testicular cancer and no longer has balls because of all the processed meat he ate.
Josiah Martinez
>Sustaining my life. >Eating literally to stay alive and healthy
Have you not noticed that the average person is overweight? Or that a lot of food gets wasted?
Ian Sullivan
That’s not the same as the gross stuff that the meat/dairy industry does for the vast majority of its products
Carter Foster
>Redpill me on Mr. Pete? He stole black culture, for one.
Asher Campbell
This is my strategy >Eat a lot of vegan protein sources like veggie burgers >Avoid too much soy, look for pea protein based protein sources. >Eat Animal Welfare Approved meat and eggs as they are the best certification >Avoid pork as it's the least humane meat >Not sure about fish It might seem strange to minimize animal products instead of removing them, but I think most people are not capable of going full vegan, and it's not clear if it's healthy either. But reducing animal products is simple and healthy so why not?
I think most people see the ethical problem but think it's too hard and give up. Many still want to feel good about themselves so they come up with rationalizations of a fake edgy attitude.
Kevin Brooks
Please stop trying to say the typical trumptard is the national average. They are thankfully a dying breed.
Xavier James
>safe >carcinogenic
pick 1(one)
Eli Parker
I really want to work in a slaughterhouse, but the absolute highest starting wage I've seen is like half of what I make now.
Adrian Butler
If these two images look the same to you then you might just be retarded. Sorry that you see a disgusting and dirty animal when you look at steak though. I just see a steak though which is yummy, not a fucking cow but whatever man.
If the idea of consuming animal products bothers you on such a visceral level, I'd say just take the soy pill and go vegan. It's so mainstream now that if probably won't be too difficult given you have some money and live near a whole foods or trader joe's.
However it'd be much more interesting to go out into your community (fuck that sounds gay) and hit up farmer's markets, co-ops, visit some local farmers or people who raise their own livestock. Get into the food scene where you live. Turn that disgust into something productive like a love for good ingredients or channel it into something other than triggering omnivorous faggots like me lurking on /ck/ drunk at night
Jaxon Ross
>visit some local farmers or people who raise their own livestock.
You really want these autistic fucks to sperg out at some unsuspecting rancher?
Hunter Lee
OP: "Seeing you feed and care for these poor piggies just to kill them and subsequently use their meat, organs, and skin for sustenance fills me with disgust! You need to stop doing what you've been doing to survive for generations!" Farmer: "Boy, if it weren't for the pigs, you bes' believe you'd be the one doin' the squealin"
In my experience most people who subsist off of shit they cultivate (animal or vegetable) tend to be too down to earth to be bothered by exceptional individuals ranting and raving about their main source of income and/or sustenance.
To answer your question though: I think it would be really great if said rancher caught it on camera
Isaac Morris
Maybe that's what the "rubber" in those Foster Farms nuggies really was. Dead vegans
Juan Johnson
Sure it bothers me when I think about it but what am I supposed to do? I'm not going to pretend to be an edgy, heartless piece of shit, but there's no other option. I didn't create this world, I didn't come up with the shit rules that govern it. It fucking sucks but I don't know what to do about it. I have to play the same game that everything else plays. If I were God maybe it would be different, but I'm not.
Xavier Cox
>have to be pregnant all year and artificially injected with sperm
God I wish that was me.
Ian Thomas
Life's true purpose is to expand and continue itself. Our cells reproduce and pass on their genetic information in hopes of us mating to pass on our genetic information. This process inevitably will continue until life has spread to every corner of the universe or has fizzled out while trying. The eventual endgame of any organism is spreading as far and wide as possible and to that end we have won. We occupy almost every inch of livable land and are inventing new ways to reach those places previously deemed uninhabitable. As the dominant species we were the first of our planet to expand past the border of our world into the stars. We have only traveled locally but our potential is so greatly higher than any previous organism. The true purpose of life besides humans at this point is to support them. Animals do not have the intellectual capacity to pursue their ultimate purpose and therefore only can help achieve this purpose by supporting man in their pursuit of colonizing the stars and spreading life to each and every corner of the universe. When a cow can dream of building ships to reach distant planets, or a pig can aspire to fight and die in wars against aliens to be the dominant life form in the cosmos, then they are on a level equal to man. Then they can claim their birthright and stand side by side with us as we claim what is ours. However, until then, they are good for meat, hide, bones, and milk but their contribution will propel our species to the stars. God Bless our bovine brethren.
Mason Howard
Go to >>>www.reddit.com/r/vegan and never post on /ck/ again
Jack Torres
>Life's true purpose is to expand and continue itself. citation needed
Michael Wright
The rabid vegans of PETA and their off-shoots are trying to guilt-trip any meat-eater into eating any form of animal flesh. They want everyone to be on a plant-based diet by 2025 and that will ensure that soy and legumes will be our sole diet. They also WANT any and all petrol and diesel vehicles banned, as this is bad for the planet. However, no-one is saying anything about how we are going to dispose of all the batteries from our new electric cars. Or the environmental effect of mining the minerals/metals that make these batteries up. Think about that, GreenPeace.
Jose Ross
Hey OP, I'm curious. Do you have any thoughts on orthorexia and how it seems to be linked to vegan/vegetarianism?
Juan Harris
What the fuck are you even saying?
Brody Fisher
It's almost as if these people are just virtue signalling rather than actually thinking about the planet.
Ethan Collins
Well it sure isn't nutritional so you might be onto something.
Joseph Parker
And Al Gore still won't give up his jets.
Kayden Bailey
t. seething incel whos still mad that it wasnt her turn
Jason Long
lol you can eat humans if you want to enjoy your prions fucko
William Thomas
I've seen so much human suffering in my profession that I can't bring myself to care. I only have so much empathy to give and I prefer to reserve it for my kind.
Tyler Bailey
Faggots give a shit about pigs but don’t care about a bill that allows up to birth abortions. You are subhumans.
Jaxon Mitchell
if I had the money I would buy a farm and have my own lifestock. I would eat eggs when the free range hens have some for me. I would drink milk from goats and cows who keep their babies. I would eat vegetabley without Glyphosat. Eventually I would slaughter an animal at home. Maybe It would kill it by overdosing it on heroine so it has a great death. Or I wouldn't eat them at all but only take some blood from them. Some african tribes only eat milk, cow blood and sorghum and are doing fine. Blood is the best part of the animal anyway. thomsonsafaris.com/blog/traditional-maasai-diet-blood-milk/
Hudson Jackson
pigs are cute and smart i feel bad about eating them too :(
Jeremiah Morales
That is not what we eat, and that is not what we look like. This is what you look like--