Tfw you looked at so many pictures of livestock in poor factory conditions that you no longer have an appetite for...

>tfw you looked at so many pictures of livestock in poor factory conditions that you no longer have an appetite for animal meat
>can't even eat dairy without remembering that cows have to be pregnant all year and artificially injected with sperm to produce it

wat do?

Attached: mother_pigs_on_factory_farm.jpg (2000x1332, 371K)

Other urls found in this thread:[[[

Dont look then

I could watch a cow being slaughtered right in front of me, sliced up, put on a grill and served to me without any problem

>like people, and women, and sex with women
>watch 100 hours of childbirth videos and can't associate with people anymore knowing where they come from, and can't even think about vaginas
Yeah, that's how stupid you sound.

i have absolutely zero problems with this, animals exist to be eaten, we exist to eat

>wat do?
only eat meat or dairy if you feel like your body really needs it, don't be wasteful, get others to stop overeating and wasting it too, and support lab-grown meat

>we exist to eat
i think we can do a lot more than that, but even if it's true, it doesn't mean the animal has to be treated poorly while alive.

>birth = death

Thats a big redpill

Stop being a slave to morals, dumb moralfag.

that's not actually what that guy's post said. you should try reading it again.