Gun ownership

>There are people on Jow Forums, right now, who don't own even a single firearm
What's your excuse?

Attached: when someone asks your opinion on gun control.png (860x746, 971K)

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Felonies can be expunged, thereby regaining your 2nd Amendment rights.

>not owning enough armaments to weaponize your friends and family.

I know.
It hasn't been long enough.

No niggers, no need.

Until then, you can still get a black powder firearm.

Attached: Colt_Navy_Model_1851.jpg (1200x495, 130K)

Guns are like fire extinguishers. You don't need them until you REALLY need them, at which point it'll be too late for you to jump through the hoops.

Oh cool another comfy gun leaf thread

Attached: bdfa3a0b863c4c01a3cce5bb9b0dfcb6.png (967x1012, 859K)

Attached: A FUCKING LEA-OMG.png (640x652, 320K)