>There are people on Jow Forums, right now, who don't own even a single firearm
What's your excuse?
Gun ownership
Other urls found in this thread:
Felonies can be expunged, thereby regaining your 2nd Amendment rights.
>not owning enough armaments to weaponize your friends and family.
I know.
It hasn't been long enough.
No niggers, no need.
Until then, you can still get a black powder firearm.
Guns are like fire extinguishers. You don't need them until you REALLY need them, at which point it'll be too late for you to jump through the hoops.
Oh cool another comfy gun leaf thread
Where do Canadians get their gun culture from? It feels like you guys are the only other country in the world that isn't filled to the brim with gun-fearing pussies.
I imagine they come from similar pioneer roots
Although I think they do have lots of anti gun pussies
Oh, we have a lot of pussies, but mostly in the major cities.
As for where we get it from, Canadians needed firearms for survival just as much as Americans did. War between English and French colonists and the Amerindian tribes they were allied with, bears, moose, wolves, coyotes, etc everywhere, having to build up food supplies from nothing...
Hell, one of the first major exports from Canada was pelts. Les coureurs des bois ("runners of the woods") were literal gun runners. They'd sell guns and ammo to their allied Amerindian tribes in exchange for beaver pelts that Europeans would turn into hats.
>pic related
I’m waiting for the right one.
Not exactly a shortage of options.
What features are you looking for?
idk, what did the Virginia Tech shooter use? That seemed pretty effective.
Check out Czech Republic gun laws then its like texas 2.0 but with less gun violence than Australia. Next time youre talking to an anti use this point and watch as there entire argument falls to pieces
all i need is my puukko
Mass shooters are usually fucking retards when it comes to firearm and firearm accessories, actually.
When it comes to home defense, the main options are a shotgun (Maverick 88 with 18" barrel if you're a poorfag, otherwise go for a 500 or 590), an intermediary round carbine (AR-15 being the best option there), a pistol caliber carbine or a full size duty pistol with a rail (so you can mount a flashlight).
The Czech are easily the most based in Europe.
Guns are a weak-willed attempt at asserting dominance?
Oh you carry? Let's see you throw hands.
Real men don't start fights. They end them.
there are proper tools for proper jobs.
Illegal. Or more accurately, hard to come by. At best, you can smuggle it from Thailand.
>intelligence of humankind provided you with advanced weapons
>prefer to fight like a monkey in a jungle
What's your favorite handgun that you own?
Shooting moose, bears, wolfs, fox, coyote, etc is a time honored tradition desu
Is it a gay meme if I want to get a gun like Solid Snake or Max Payne?
not all fights are fair, and i would rather swallow my pride and shoot than die
Of the handgats I own? Probably my Beretta 92. It fits my hands really well.
I have a bunch but what's worst is knowing that I'll never be able to use them unless I lone-wolf it which doesn't seem worth it to me. Sucks living in the United Cucks of America. MCGA
Your logic here is incredibly flawed. Travon wasnt shot in the chest until he was winning the fight. He may have acted differently if he knew the risks up front.
Getting guns from your favourite movies/tv shows/games/books/etc is really common.
Though, getting a Metal Gear collection would be crazy expensive.
O'Canada mofo's
Dude, nice. I missed the boat on the Baikal Makarovs. Did you get the .380 or the 9x18?
Bet you were just waiting for a chance to post cute animu gurl.
Honestly a lot of people I know get into guns through related interests. My first rifle was a garand because of my ww2 interest.
It caught your attention, didn't it?
Guns aren't for fights. They are for wars.
You won't die in a fist fight.
Gun's offer a false sense of safety.
Heres my gay little collection so far. What do you guys think?
I really like the Sub2K in that colour. It just "pops", you know?
Just because European countries fought wars with pocket sized .32's doesn't mean that they are good for war. They are, however, good for concealed carry.
Good start. Needs a good scattergat.
i've seen people get beaten to death by mobs, who says that the other person doesn't pull out a knife if he looses
more sigs or you're getting raked.
That's not a Sig. That's a Swiss Arms.
And no, they are not the same thing. Not anymore.
yes you will die in a fist fight. It happens all the time. If some one attacks you with fists, you have to assume their intent is your death. If I attack some one with my fists, my intent is to kill.
>Gun's offer a false sense of safety.
For Zimmerman they offered a true sense of safety.
doesnt work
Conceal carry is far different the open carry.
Open carry fags need to tone it down.
That's not a fight. That's a beat down.
It's not safety in any sense.
You are not less prone to danger because you carry a gun.
It's a tool to mitigate danger if it arises.
But don't be fooled. You're still as much a target as anyone else.
Funny enough im actually looking to buy a 12 gauge ak style shotgun, with a 7 shell mag B^D
>good leaf
>not all leafs like dogs now
Oh. :(
i wouldn't risk a "fair" fight either, who says that he doesn't have backup, a weapon, anything. also shit man i don't wanna go home with a broken nose or jaw
Hey Leaftoid!
I guess I'm misinterpreting the need to carry a gun.
Doesn't carrying a weapon make you less scared?
>You won't die in a fist fight.
>Gun's offer a false sense of safety.
Bears, wolves and niggers don't fist fight.
bears fuck you up, open up your stomach and eat what you've eaten, Wolves gang up on you in packs of 12 to 18 and bite, and niggers come in gangs (never 1vs1) and usually use knives or guns.
There is no "False sense of saety". You're delusional. Every home outside the cities in Canada normally has at least on of each type of firearm.
There are so many untamed predators in Canad it's dangerous here, more so in the cold season (cold season is 9 months of the year).
Re adjust your logic.
Photo this poor bear...... right? right?
Sig has been in a sorry state for years now... They exist to make fools part with their money. Shitty Indian MIM assembled in the US for top dollar? No thanks.
~182 USD for an SKS.
Only time i ever carry a gun is in the forest or camping, no point carrying in the city unless you wanna risk getting shot by police lol
I'm not arguing against guns, simply the ideology of guns making situations more safe.
Niggas gonna nig. Regardless if you have a gun or not.
If anything it paints you as a bigger target because you can afford to defend yourself.
You can get a functional CCW for 200 bucks, user.
>you're getting raked.
LOL, you fucks are freezing to death right now, what you're experiencing is what we would call a "warmer than normal Canadian winter".
Im totally jelly! My Russian sks costed 900 usd :'(
You can get a Chinese military SKS for ~150 USD, too. No point getting one over a Russian at that price, though.
In my state you gotta go through a training course. Then you gotta actually buy the weapon. It's also gotta be reliable. Then you gotta buy the bullets.
That's a lot to fit into a tight budget. I'd rather overcome my fear than facilitate it.
What would you put the dollar value of your life at, user?
I hazard a guess more than what you're talking about.
I'm stupid and poor
too expensive, and the best i can get to defend myself is a pea shooter.
Save up your money.
Even a fucking .22 is better than a sharp stick.
My life is more valuable than I can afford.
This is typical.
What’s the proper pronunciation?
I understand FAMAS is pronounced “fah-mah” but I also don’t know how to say Steyer Aug
The gun or the file. I extracted printable files from this.
>Wearing seat belts is for fools, they dont reduce your chance of getting into an accident.
>Im too smart to wear sunglasses because in my experience they dont stop the sun from shining
you didnt move the goalposts far enough, try again.
Thought you guys could own 38Super (9mm by another name) down there.
Better no gun than a Chinese one. It would probably literally backfire, lol.
I live in europe
I own a crossbow and a katana. Does that count? I can always pick up a gun if SHTF from some idiot who winds up getting smoked.
Did you seriously just compare carrying a gun to wearing a seat belt and wearing sunglasses?
I almost rebutted to your retarded argument.
The "d" at the end is muted.
Hard G, ah, rolled r, ahn, silent d.
He was also really ahead of his time. See pic.
The Chinese military SKS's work fine. It's the commercial ones that can be iffy. Also, their 870 clones are significantly better than what Rustington is putting out.
Owning a gun and never shooting anyone is like owning a Bugatti and only driving under the speed limit.
Must gun owners are just cucks with power fantasies.
>tfw own what CNN would call an arsenal
>tfw need spreadsheet to keep track of everything
Not a big pistol guy, I have 2 but that's because I really wanted them. I have an FNX-45 for if I ever need a combat handgun and my Beretta M-71 for a conceal carry weapon, one of the best handguns I've ever held. It's 22 and amazing. I can't wait to shoot someone with it, but unfortunately I do not live somewhere where I would need to carry daily
The daily atf thread
What about abos? I hear they are niggers on steroids.
You can get firearms in Romania.
Neither of those are firearms, so no.
>I can always pick up a gun if SHTF from some idiot who winds up getting smoked.
People who say shit like that are going to be the first ones to die if fecal matter ever contacts the rotational ventilation device.
Also, if you got your katana from anything resembling budk, I'm going to laugh in your face.
>Implying shooting people is the only use for a gun
You need a therapist.
Media outlets would shit themselves over a brick of .22's.
Didn't realize the ATF has jurisdiction in Canada.
I'm a bong, would have to jump through hoops, can't legally defend myself anyway or I'll be done for murder or attempted murder.
That's exclusive for the military, and you can't conceal carry here, that gun can never leave your home, unless you are using it for hunting.
Guess i will have to settle for .22lr. Great for defending myself against mice and squirrels. Thanks Mexico
we have to do Training as well here ($150 to $650) before you can get a weapon lawfully.
It's called a PAL permit. If you don't want to spent the licencing fees join the army or take a law enforcement training course. My sister got welfare to pay for her law enforcement training course.
Here is Canadian how to get a gun.
>I'm a bong, would have to jump through hoops
>can't legally defend myself anyway or I'll be done for murder or attempted murder.
AND? Would you really rather die?
If shit gets severe enough that you end up defending yourself with a firearm, odds are it won't fucking matter.
Get what you can, get involved and work towards improving the situation.
I've never heard of anyone paying more than 300 bucks for the two courses combined.
>You won't die in a fist fight.
Someone post that webm of that antifa fag getting instakilled by chad at a Portland riot
Probably, media doesn’t know shit
92-97% of all mass schootings in USA occur in gun free zones.
I'm Czech. It's far from Texas. You need to pass a difficult test and register every firearm. Oh, and only FMJ ammo.
>Police uncovered an assault rifle with a stockpile of bullets!
>It's a fucking 10/22 with pic related
I live in Jew York, the US constitution is null and void in the presence of emperor Cuomo.
It definitely makes you more confident, which shows in the way you carry yourself. Walking confidently and purposefully actually ends up making you less of a target because it communicates that you’re not to be fucked with
>t. has no idea what he's talking about
I'd get shoot to death by the boomers at my range if I called it that. They do what you said but add a D at the end.