Redpilling an ecologist friend

ok Jow Forums first time posting here. I need your help to redpill a friend of mine who is an ecologist and all those bullshits about peta, so if you have anything on them post it here

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Let them redpill you

I would eat a dog though.


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>grilling the dog with fur still on the head
Absorutery disgusting
Also dog tastes rike shit while ramb tastes good

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all chinks are insects


why wouldn't you eat dog

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i need shit on peta not ching chong doind ching chong things

>chinese population nearing 90%
>lines form for free dog
>long waits for dog as peta we’re not serious
>ww3 ensues

Real ecologist here.
People who follow Peta are braindead.
You can be right wing and care for the environment or animals, don't let faggots tell you otherwise. Look at forest faggot varg

the meat of predators is shit
PETA kys

it is a terrible meat. stringy, tough and weirdly flavored. it is reserved for end of the world scenarios.

>If you're fine with aborting blacks, why are you against aborting whites?
PETA doesn't get that equality isn't real.

>go vegan

surely they mean "go vegetarian"?
vegans don't eat animals, in fact they don't even drink milk or eat cheese because those things come from animals.

Chinese eat anything that moves, my
Hellenic brother

what's the correlation between a lamb and a dog?
lamb is fucking delicious, are the chinks onto something we don't know about?

Fuck I hate chinese so much

Gotta be illegal.

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It's not a real grilled dog you morons

tell your ecologist friends to do a little critical thinking. most of the landmass of earth is not fit for agronomic production like cereal grains. It can be grazed by ruminated animals who trun that untasty grass/forbs/legumes into beef/mutton/pork.

I would eat human flesh if these PETA members killed each other and cooked themselves

go on


>If you wouldn't eat a dog, why eat a lamb?
Because predator/carnivor meat in general is fucking awful, barring lizards.

Get a brain morans

>if you wouldn't steal a car, why pirate games?

I caught a one-eyed obviously toxic-waste mutated unspecified species of fish from Sydney harbour. I didn't even want to touch it with bare hand but my dads chink girlfriend ate it.

my friend is not a vegan though

>barring lizards
Why the fuck are you eating lizards?

I have, it's delicious. Don't listen to these losers, the Chinese are based and read pulled

>are the chinks onto something we don't know about?
Nah, they're just chinks. I hear they meet up with their gook friends on holidays to share a super-awesome-cat-happy-meal as well

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They should add that they protested Games Workshop because god damn Space Wolves should be wearing fake fur!

Also doesn't one of the head honchos have a pig artery in her heart.

You don't eat companion animals you slant eyed fuck.

Lamb (sheep) are bred for their meat. Dogs are bred for their companionship or as working aids. There are currently approximately 1 billion sheep which are alive in the world - Obviously while some are kept for their wool this is usually a byproduct of the meat industry. You could estimate that 90% of the sheep would no longer be viable to be kept fed, watered and sheltered. The land would be used for growing food crops, so there would be no space for the now wild sheep to live and they are husbandry animals so wouldn't be able to cope as wild animals.

tl;dr, if the world no longer decides to eat lamb, there would be a genocide of ~900 million sheep.

>It's not a real grilled dog you morons

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chinks aren't human.
and this is the precise method we should use to rid the world of them.

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I heard from a corean that old people there eat dog because it tastes like shit which means that it has to be beneficial in a way.

Why would peta protect animals but not plants ?
Both are living things.
In fact they don't protect all animals, just the "cute" ones like dogs, cats. They don't care about worms although worms are more useful than cats.

an absolutely irredeemable race of humanity, coasting on the laurels of their ancestors, to whom they have no true link.
they need to be burned alive.

Dunno man it's meat, if I visited some Chinese dude and he served me properly processed dog I'd have a bite.

>Sydney, Australia
>”you wouldn’t eat a dog”

You fuckin’ sure about that, cunt?

peta is just superiority complex: the movement. i hate hypocrisy the most out of all the shitty traits people can have and peta is fucking built on hypocrisy.

Any form of human decency or compassion is lacking from these 'people'.

Wolves and dogs are taboo as a food not because they're intelligent, but because they helped us hunt and survive. They evolved along side us, we forced them to evolve to fit our needs. Dogs as a whole exist because of humanity. They earned their place by our side as a peer in a way that no livestock has.

PETA is bullshit because they believe in killing off all domesticated animals. They don't just believe in being nice to pets, they believe that pets and working animals flat out shouldn't exist. All of their PR stunts and media presence serves to mask what they actually believe. They have no problem killing cats and dogs in shelters because they don't want them to exist in any capacity.
A world without domesticated dogs is a world where dogs don't exist at all. PETA functionally wants every dog on the face of the planet to die, so there will only be wild wolves in unincorporated areas.

Dogs evolved alongside human beings for 40k+ years.
Lamb is kept to eat.
Pretty simple stuff.

they are invading your country not mine

Japan is correct.
I actively lobby against environmentalist political platforms because they don't focus their efforts on easy to save species that are endangered but benefit their ecosystems as a whole.

You know the chinks are gonna line up to eat that right?

You've gotta try crocs some time, man, it's good.


Dogs were bred as companions, sheep were bred as food.

Fuckin’ oath. Sydney is a Chinese colony.

all that's missing are the antennae.

Dogs are useless emotional crutches for people who are unable to foster meaningful human relationships. They attack hundreds of thousands of people every year and kill hundreds (mainly children and infants). They waste resources and turn every public area into a toilet, spreading disease. They bark nonstop and are encroaching on every public space, down to the airplane and the grocery store.

They enable the insane "furbaby" mentality and have become socially acceptable replacements for having children. We are so emotionally stunted we ascribe human qualities to a braindead animal that only cares about eating and shitting yet insist on taking them to bars, dressing them in sweaters, letting them sleep in our beds and throwing them birthday parties - all while demanding the same amount of respect and recognition of a parent raising an actual child.

How do they NOT belong on a BBQ?

inb4 "not MY dog!" and "chink nigger ahmed". Western culture is SICK with dog worship and it's time to end this once and for all.

And a ching ching bing bing to you too

Muzzie may be assholes but I atleast give them credit for killing the animal before attempting to cook them.

Fuck off Obama

this is now a communist chink hate thread

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>they don't protect all animals, just the "cute" ones like dogs, cats
They seem to have just given up crying about our Canadain habit of clubbing baby seals. Probably just to cold for them to get out and protest.

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Fuck off, bugman

>thinks he can build a meaningful human relationship
>he can't even do this with a dog
absolute mad lad

Peta kills 90% of all animals that come to their shelters. In Virgina they had to make new laws to protect animals from peta.

Your country is being invaded by niggers, at your own request.
I'd take chinks over niggers any day of the week.

This is now a NATO psyop thread *

I bet you let your dog lick you on your face.

This is why flame throwers always have low dps. Lots of pain but no armor penetration.

I'm vegan, but if it were me or the dog, I'd have that thing quartered and roasted in no time. I have no qualms about eating an animal I've killed, hunting is biblical. My problem is factory farms and even free range farms. The conditions that are required to make decent money means that animals are treated poorly. So for me going to family farms, hunting and fishing are the only times I eat meat. That's my veganism.

t. a dog nipped me once and now I'm scared of them
Fuck off skippy

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I don't understand their question.

once we take the usurper out of office we'll that and all the niggers and sandniggers

Most working dogs are useful where raising them for meat is inefficient while they pay dividends in work rendered if trained. The only enablers are drooling retards that don't treat the animal as a guard or tool. This doesn't mean treat it like shit. As far as 'brain dead' Dogs seem learn far quicker than the average jackass.

we'll expel*


Spain is part of the EU.
The EU will never, ever allow you to expel "migrants".
You're stuck with them short of a civil war.

I would be mildly less disgusted if he at least cleaned it...

Dogs don't have a frontal lobe. They are incapable of understanding human emotion, much less reciprocating it. They are beasts and should be treated as such, not given access to humans in a way they do not deserve. Don't forget they have been selectively bred to appeal to us and to be reliant on us.

They are abominations and a testament to man's hubris, prisoners of our world, living inside apartments for 23 hours a day, but we LOVE them. And they love us - unconditionally even! Can you imagine that, a domesticated animal completely reliant on humans for their survival loves us unconditionally? What did we ever do to deserve doggos? When a human dies, I feel nothing - but when a pupper dies I cry like a baby!

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Would you compare hunting seals to burning dogs alive wang ?

I don't have anything on PETA but we're still in coal+oil economy because the coal/oil jews use a lot of money every year on suppressing the research going into greener solutions for power production and transportation. Just so that their coal and oil monopolies wouldn't crumble.

That's also patently not true.

It's long since been proven dogs have emotions. Akin to a 3 or 4 year old human being .

In not pissed to the particular meat, just the provenance and method of slaughter.

Whats funniest tho is the reason they used clubbing was because it was the most humane and quick way to kill the seals, as firearm barrels tend to constrict at such frigid temperature which often resulted in misfiring. Now that the hunting as grinded to a near halt, its the ecosystem that suffer as all the seals now devour the fishes colonies along the coast, with the inevtiable result that they'll reach the point of maxicum capacity soon and following that will be a massive crash in population as all the seals starve to death. Then you'll get biololgist who'll come out the woodwork to ask why are the poor little seals decomposing en masses by the beaches.

T. Someone who learned fauna and ecosystem management

>compare hunting seals to burning dogs alive
I don't give a fuck about injuns bashing seals, any fag who eats dogs should be shot

The only place it's illegal to consume dog flesh is South Australia. Though it's still illegal in the rest of the country to sell the flesh, consuming it is apparently just looked down upon.

>They are incapable of understanding human emotion, much less reciprocating it

Holy fuck have you ever interacted with a dog, ever? Dogs can literally tell on a moment notice how you feel and react in consequences of it. Oh ok now reading your second paragraph its obvious you're some children baiting, my fault for thinking even for a moment you could provide with genuine and thoughtful discussion.


I don't like enjoy living in filth of hair, drool, fecal remnants, being followed around the house, being stared at when I eat, having to schedule my life around an animal's shitting schedule. I don't like being jumped on, smelling nasty dog breath, listening to barking or licking of genitals. Honestly, who enjoys this? You could never enjoy your backyard because the entire thing is a piss and shit field. You dog nutters attach your egos to these worthless animals and are so incredibly hurt when others don't worship these godless beasts the way you do, you take it as a personal attack. So pathetic.

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i like dogs, but people need to eat.....

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the true redpill is veganism. Don't fall for the meat is manly jew.

>cite strawman to disregard another user post
>Proceed to strawman the fuck out of dogs

No one could be this obtuse involuntarily.

>It's long since been proven dogs have emotions. Akin to a 3 or 4 year old human being .

No. A newborn infant has billions more neural pathways than a dog. Objective science says a dog brain is incomparable to a newborn, yet ThEy'Re As SmArT aS a FoUr YeAr OlD, because, feelings. Just ignore that dogs eat their own shit but a baby can recognize their own mother's voice before they are even born. Yeah, totally the same! Honestly amazing what objective facts, logic and reason you nutters will ignore to justify your obsession.

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imagine being such a citybound faggot you sincerely believe most dog owners live in apartments

i would eat it if i had to or was offered some to try, but i wouldn't want to kill a companion animal for food unless i was absolutely starving to death

i don't care about factory farm animals though, chickens, cows, goats, pigs, etc. are produced for consumption not as pets so i feel no empathy. i prefer them to not be needlessly abused or tortured though, but i don't really care much, out of sight out of mind.


You are obviously a city faggot. My dogs have jobs, mainly security. Also
>"You could never enjoy your backyard because the entire thing is a piss and shit field"
You obviously know nothing of dogs, they pick a remote corner spot and general shit around the same spot all the time, they don't just randomly shit everywhere.
> living in filth of hair, drool, fecal remnants
So you don't vacuum or sweep, OK
Go back to your cats onions boy.

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