Why is gay marriage such a big deal with a lot of people?

Why is gay marriage such a big deal with a lot of people?

It literally is completely irrelevant to you if gay people get married.

Learn to mind your own business.

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youre right op whether or not they can get married isnt the question its whether or not we should kill them

Me on the right

Homosexuality is a sin and the wages of sin are death.
>in all fields

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because gays can only larp as married, its not real. meanwhile the family unit is the base of civilization its not something you can just larp into. im not mad it just seems silly and undermines civilization itself. and of course it wont end at gay marriage. you want to completely remake human nature in your progressive image.

Marriage is between a man and woman. Call it something different.
They don't reproduce between themselves so they shouldn't receive the financial benefits of it also.


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Bread and circuses that's why. Think about it they used these issues as a way to cover up the antiwhite hatred and white genocide. Look at this shit
This is why we are going to lose stupid fucking baseing our attacks on jewsus religious bullshit. I want /new/ back and I want these low iq whites out of the fucking board now

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I'm against it because asking for the benefits of a Christian rite of passage after your culture endlessly bashes that culture is hypocritical as fuck.
I'm not religious, but its sad to see how destroyed the tradition of marriage has become.

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Gay marriage is a myth

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Same argument over and over yet we always lose. Maybe it's time to stop giving a shit about these wedge issues and start worrying about the real issues

So, what do I care if some faggot wants to fuck 100 men and get aids, he doesn't need to be married to do it

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It's an abhorrent abomination to the sacred act of capitulation between man and woman.

Look at her eyes god dammit!!, absolute terror.

>Learn to mind your own business.
All gays are pedophiles. Pretty soon just being a faggot won't do it for you (dopamine) and you'll need a harder taboo to get yourself off like say wearing dress or screwing a little kid. How will you justify it then? "MYOB?"
But to give you a helpful tip: Try taking a break from masturbation and looking at pornos, and then see how you FEEL. There are NO gays on Earth who aren't very deeply addicted to masturbation.

Marriage and preserving the family unit is the most important thing that preserves western civilisation. This is scientifically proven right down to the psychological level.

Marriage is a deal between a man, a woman, and God.
The government shouldn't even have the capability to form marriages.

Why wasn't a civil union recognised by the state enough? Why did it have to co-opt a fundamentally religious act?

I don't really care except for the fact that it could provide tax breaks and a path way to foreigners gaining citizenship when it's essentauly just two people wanting fuck, they aren't starting a family which is the entire point of marriage

>"we're losing because we're basing our stance on Christian morality guys!"
>ignores that the rise of Satanic sexual deviance can be directly correlated to the decline of Biblical Christianity in the West

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I regret saying gays should have rights.
Early 00s, 10s. They were mostly safe to do as they please, now, they're everywhere.

I never thought aids was more than bad blood. Its cultural aids. There is no defences now.

You really are fucking stupid the family unite is fucking gone you aren't perserving shit IT IS GONE. Even supposed right wingers on this very board treat there families like shit. It's over. Start attacking white genocide the attacks on whites specifically the attacks on white identity it was working but now they are throwing out all these faggot distraction issues that Jews always fucking do abortion faggot shit and so on. All meaningless the ones that matter are white identity and immigration. They are trying harder then ever before to get normies to stop paying attention to those issues so they are going more and more progressive shit to get you to stop paying attention to the real issues.

Wrong, christcucks have been fucking kids forever faggot.

Satan is LGBT!
“At the heart of hermeticism lies androgyny”

André Nataf writes, in The Wordsworth Dictionary of the Occult (1988),

At the heart of hermetism lies androgyny. Androgyny or hermaphroditism is an awareness of one’s bisexuality and is the ultimate goal of the alchemist’s search. All the disciplines grouped under the general heading of hermetism or occultism—magic, alchemy, initiation, etc.—suppose that the human being, once he is rid of his innermost darkness and lack of understanding, realizes that he is bisexual. This bisexuality is what enables him to relate to other people and the universe. From this point of view, the hermaphrodite symbolizes bisexuality controlled, refined, and harmoniously integrated.

There it is, plain as day. Did you notice the occult view of heterosexuality in the above passage? Darkness.


I don’t care too much as long as they can’t adopt.

>financial benefits

Yeah because the guys who were saying if we let you fucking faggots pretend to be housewives you'd be in the schools next recruiting kids to cut their dicks off and dance in gay nightclubs were way off.
Fuck your bullshit slaaneshi, you filthy animals deserve no rights and no sympathy.
Time to do things God's way and wipe you out.














Pick one and only one

Also, way to completely ignore my argument that the decline of the West can be directly tied to the West's abandonment of fundamental Christianity. Your pilpul will not avail you here.

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Failure in upholding the law does not mean the law us at fault.

Papists aren't Christian.

he shouldnt be allowed to exist
The fags spread aids via needles, and when a bi fag fugs a straight girl, it spreads the aids to STRAIGHT men. this is why you KILL them

I don't care about homosexuality or gay marriage. I don't care when straight people are in a relationship either. Stop flaunting it in the streets like a child.

You're right, but I'm talking about more than their perverted fag "marriage", I'm talking about the disease of homosexuality. We eradicate sicknesses for the good of society all the time, why is this one to be celebrated and praised while it wreaks havoc on our nation?

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Pro-Semitism in the New Testament

In the Gospels:
Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38 emphasize that Jesus was Jewish and a descendent of David.
Matthew 10:5-6 - Jesus instructs the disciples to take the Gospel to the Jews first, not the Gentiles.
Matthew 15:21-28 - Jesus tells a Gentile woman that he was sent to save the Jews first.
The Jews are far from being the only ones involved in Christ's persecution and crucifixion. Pilate let Jesus be crucified despite realizing his innocence (Mk 15:9-15) and the Roman soldiers mocked and persecuted Jesus, as well as doing the actual crucifying (Mt 27:27-31, Lk 23:11, 35-37).
John 4:22 - "Salvation is from the Jews" (i.e. from Jesus, David's descendant).

In Acts:
4:27 - Herod, Pilate and the Gentiles in Jerusalem (not just the Jews) conspired against Jesus.
11:1-18 - In the account of Peter and Cornelius, the Jews are amazed that God is merciful enough to save "even the (unclean) Gentiles."
14:1, 17:10-12 - Paul follows Jesus' model of going to the Jews first, and many Jews accept Jesus as the Messiah.

In the Pauline Epistles:
Romans 1:16 - Salvation is "first for the Jew, then for the Gentile".
Romans 9:1-5 - Paul (who is Jewish) describes his desire for the Israelites to receive Christ and the honors the Israelites have received, including that Jesus' human ancestry was through them.
Romans 11:1-24 - Paul warns the Gentiles against boasting, comparing them to wild olive branches and the Jews to cultivated olive branches.
Romans 11:28 - Even those Jews who reject Christ are to be "loved on account of the patriarchs."
Romans 15:27 - "For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings."
Galatians 2:7-9 - At least three of the apostles had a specific ministry to the Jews.
Galatians 2:11-13 - Rather than an anti-Semitic prejudice, the early church had if anything a pro-Semitic prejudice.

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Fuck off with that two consenting adults bullshit, the community comes before your sexual depravity.

>gay marriage
No such thing. Marriage by definition is a bond between a man and a woman. If fags want to have some kind of institution that certifies their relationships, they should make one instead of trying to force normal people to adjust their legal and religious system to their degeneracy

Marriage is not a right, it is a duty. Not to your spouse but to the kids you expect to have and raise. Most anti-gay marriage people I know are not mad because gays are happy but because they see it as the final nail in the institution of marriage.

OTOH, you're not entirely wrong about not being judgemental, if you fap, use contraception, do adultery or fornication, you're in no place to judge fags.

>why is replacing the cornerstone of civilization with bug-chasers and boy-fuckers a bad thing?

If you don't intuitively know the answer to this question, it may be time to switch to a stronger mouth-wash. I recommend "Shotgun" brand.

>let's blame the LGBT community and not the retarded parents

What has ruined the sacred union of marriage more feminism or faggots?

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>implying parents are not part of faggot community

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Why not invent your own version of unity or dumb shit. You can still have tax benefits just literally just stop trying to call it a "marriage" keeps the sanctity and let's u fags wear rings.

They get tax breaks for being married so as a taxpayer I have a say in that. If you wanted true equality and being left alone then the government should not be involved in marriage in any way.

because marriage is religious term and they wouldn't insist on using it if they didn't have an agenda behind it (marriage institution blurring/weakening, normalizing sodomy)

if they only cared about partnership benefits, they would only insist on those

>Humans live together
>humans do shit

This is how you sound.

this guy would die if he did that in Poland

Because as soon as we have our own stuff, fags are going to demand to have the same exact thing. And marriage is not just a big party to show your love and exchange rings ffs.

It is the business of the church.
If they stick with marriage in a registry office then I don't care.
I don't believe in homosexuality as anything more than a mental perversion whether a pervert takes it to a new level makes no bloody odds. A deviant is a deviant.
The church who openly opposes homosexuality shouldn't be forced to adhere to liberal laws made by the athiests.
I'm a conservative but atheist but don't think the church has to agree

It's the retarded parents who voted to enable this trash, therefore their fags too.

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Marriage and divorce are financial arrangements entered into because of love.
No need to moralise about them.

I'm amazed that you could know those verses and have such a bad understanding of them
God made a plan for everyone to have salvation
He started the plan by picking a chosen group of people to carry out this plan and when the plan was carried out then all races would become as the chosen people
The old covenant made for the jews was done away with, with the sacrifice of Jesus and it was under this old covenant that the gentiles were deemed unclean
Your modern understanding of semitism comes from the jews who reject Jesus because they have a superiority complex about being God's chosen people

The Bible even has prophecies about the Synagogue of Satan being "those who call themselves jews but are not jews" and this is likely modern Judaism, a religion founded on the rejection of Jesus Christ and adherence to the old covenant laws with the followers being called "jews" while jews are actually a race, not a religion

>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah
>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah
>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.
His own people aka Jews.
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.
Samaritans aka Gentiles.

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Seems that the gov gives benefits to people who agree to "pair for life," despite divorce being so prevalent now. But at the same time the Gov makes a lot of money on both marriage AND divorce.
Now when it comes to gays marrying, I think that it goes to show marriage is an outdated practice that was only useful when people were so degenerate they needed to rely on a god to tell them what to do. In modern time, a piece of paper doesn't exactly change what people choose to do with their genitals (i.e you could be married for 30 years and still be cheated on). I think before allowing gays to marry that the whole act of marriage should only be allowed for those are truly religious since it is a religious practice. If gays can't legally marry then neither should heterosexual atheists.

On top of this, it would also seem that marriage should be split from church and state. Marriage should only be between the couple and their church of choice, while the benefits from long term pairing should be something entirely different and be dealt with by department of human services or something. Gays deserve tax credits if they are to allocate their own resources to one another the way a man and woman do.
And we all know that if marriage was completely removed, men and women would still be fucking and making offspring just as we have for millennia. And gay guys will continue to pork like they did in ancient Greece.

>why do you care if men want everyone to pretend they are women?
>why do you care if women want to murder their own children?
>why do you care if people are put in prison for badthink?
There is NO SUCH THING as evil that does not affect society as a whole

>Gays deserve tax credits if they are to allocate their own resources to one another
No. No they shouldn't.

Not just tax benefits but other benefits as well. If you allocate time and resources to a person like a husband and wife do, then you should be just as engaged in the peripherally related decisions. I'd rather they be married and be legally allowed to be involved in each other's healthcare decisions rather than viewed as separate entities.
I'm not gay but I've been married and divorced and I will tell you, it's all about the gov making you pay them money to make you feel like you're somewhat special but it doesn't change whether your spouse will fuck around with other people.

Please explain your reasoning. A simple no is not enough.

Marriage is the act of creating a family, it's not merely a sexual relationship.

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I'm a pretty die hard conservative and even I don't give a shit about gay marriage

Reminder that children adopted by gay couples suffer from several issues and shortcomings.

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We're literally redoing the "After The Ball" normalization routines they pulled on us back in the early 2000's.

You're Pedos and You're Disease Vectors, not to mention you're failing basic DNA laws of nature.
>pic related 2015 new HIV cases.

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I agree, you wouldnt thunk it but Jow Forums is suprisingly pro gay marrage. The problem is when you introduce children into it

Explain yours. Mine is self evident. Yours is the one you have to make rules and exceptions for.

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Um, no, we're not. It's degenerate, and it's a sign of ultimate cuckness.
You literally cannot get more cucked than to take it up the ass.

Tell me the races of each of these groups and I will tell you. I hate faggots as well but i'd wager the majority of those short comings are because they are fucking niggers. fags shouldnt get adoption rights.

1 post by ID

>gays do not deserve tax credits
>my reason is self evident

Okay buddy, but it is obviously not self evident or I wouldn't have come to a different fucking conclusion than you. Are you actually retarded or are you so removed from intellectual stimulation that you've forgotten how to reason?

My reasoning is that when you allocate time and resources to a person whether it be animals (tax credits for farmers) or children (tax credits for parents) or simply pairing with another human being (tax credits for spouses) that it involves the gov giving kickbacks for investing your own stock in another person. There are multiple ways that have nothing to do with how people are using their genitals including healthcare and real estate ventures. When marriage was first rolled by the catholic church, these things weren't an issue.

I don't completely agree with gay marriage but I do believe the entire concept of marriage and its place in society needs to be reviewed and revised because it is outdated.
We are steering away from religion as it is a comfort for those who do not understand nor trust science.

>afraid of immigration
>niggers have literally destroyed your cities already

Pretty sure you're a faggot

I don't understand why gays need to get married.

changing the definition of a legal term has wide-spread, and unforeseen consequences.
>faggots can get a civil union
>they get the same rights
>they can still have a wedding ceremony
they just want extra-special treatment instead of being treated equally.

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fags shouldn't exist

You sound like one of those students who only half answers every question.
You give a yes or no but never an explanation why. You had to have had some thought process to arrive at that answer, correct? Or does the universe bestow upon you the correct answers to societal issues daily?

Civil unions don't receive tax benefits, social security benefits, insurance benefits, housing benefits, or medical benefits. Those only go to married people.

so advocate to change the definition of civil union

Shut the fuck up.

When they start pushing faggotry onto kids in school it becomes an issue. So decades ago.

>1 post by this ID


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Sexual deviations increasing in frequency is never a good indicator. Especially when it's incorporated into the norm, then you know you are living in decadent times.

>Ever growing army of fags pushing their degeneracy onto children is a wedge issue.

Unironically kys now.

Wow, an articulate black man in the same room as Obama. That's astounding.

>Redefining marriage completely doesn't affect anyone

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Obama looked confused

>we just want to get married
And now there's trans kids dancing in bars for dollar bills, well done faggots.

We didn't have tranny drag kids on video billboards before poopdick marriage was legalized. It's pretty gay.

I'll just leave this here.

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How is he wrong? There is a constant push for the normalization of kids to be adored by pedophiles, especially young boys being adored as drag queens by older men.

Gay marriage would be a great way to adopt out a lot of orphans if gay people could be convinced to take on that responsibility.

.....das rite.

100 %

Imagine getting your worldview from r/atheism