Give me the full redpill on Christianity. No beating around the bush, the full redpill

Give me the full redpill on Christianity. No beating around the bush, the full redpill.

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Jesus is the only way to Heaven.

Have you taken a cultural anthropology class? If so, did you get anything out of it?
You can only understand this if you can step back and look at what the religion does for the culture.
If you're gonna get into the dogma, forget it.

He never said that though

>no beating around the bush
The world is evil you and i are evil Jesus good jesus died in a way that lets him judge all of mankind but he will not judge the ones who except that he died for them everyone else will suffer the second death

It's just another religion

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Guess who said it.

ia religion has laws the followers of Christ are free

It's the original (((fake news))). What makes it different is that it claims to be history. Religious lies for the first time present themselves as historical events in the Graeco-Roman sense. This is a disaster for the European psyche and we will likely never recover.


Dropping a big redpill here; cults like freemasonry, Illuminati, satanism, and judaism absolutely HATE Christianity, Christians, and Jesus.

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Remember, the Catholic Church built Western Civilization. They are actually one. To destroy it, you must first destroy the Holy Church. Look into a Latin Mass Church.

it was made Europe and by extend the world great, people forgetting about God made us what we are now

whether or not the old testament is history or not does not effect the doctrines of Christianity unless your talking about the new testament which has been proven to have happened whether you believe he was God is up to you

>remove context from quote and apply it to suburban white people 2000 years later
yeah I'm sure that was Jesus' intention, to come to Earth and force you to believe in him otherwise you go to hell.... Or you're just retarded

Yea I have to admit this is probably what pulled me out of complete darkness. Seeing how all evil universally mocks and fears Christ.

1. Jesus is the way, he died for our sins
2. No man is perfect, we are all sinners
3. Try not to sin, and repent if you do
4. Live life on these principles
5. Welcome to heaven

Jews hated Stalins Russia. Does that mean they had nothing to do with bolshevism?

not force you make the choice

Jesus taught that the goal of the Christian is to become as Jew-like as possible. Jews are the Christian's idols and racial role models. Christians go to church in order to wish to be Jews, pretend to be Jews or learn how to be Jews. The Christian god's favorite race are the Jews. The invented story of fake Jesus starts when the Jewish race-god Yahweh chose a Jewess to breed with in order to create a Jewish messiah. The Jews watched Jesus come out of the Jewess that the Jew-god made pregnant. Jew-born Jesus studied Judaism and became a Jewish rabbi. He wore a yamaka. The Jewish messiah usually preached about Jews and the Jewish race-god. Jesus only preached to Jews and his message was for Jews only. Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit comes from Jewishness and that the world would be saved if whites bred with Jews. Christians believe that hereditary Jewishness is the source of Jesus' magical powers. The inventors of Christianity gave Jesus impossible magical powers as an enticement to cross-breed with Jews. The church was invented by Jews as an extension of the seed-maker of Abraham, so that whites and Jews could cross-breed. The Jew-king Jesus is portrayed as white, so as to deceive Europeans into believing that their king is a Jew and that cross-breeding with Jews will yield white children. Christians circumcise their children so they can breed with Jews. Churches give the money they collect to Jews to convert and inter-marry with whites. Christians name their children with Jewish names. Every Christian ritual is indistinguishable from Judaism. The pope and cardinals wear Jewish yamakas. This signals the magic pro-Semitic racist Asian Jew-god called Yahweh, so he'll let Christians into heaven for being Jew-like. At the entrance to heaven, where the god of the Jews and the king of the Jews live, is a clerk that examines how Jewish you are. The Christian is motivated by a set of perverted ideas based on race. His only plan is to turn you into a Jew.

literally all he did, died in the cross for you, if you believe that the Father resurrected him, that you are saved from your sins by his blood, and it's going to happen to you

but you also have to say it
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

The kike on a stick was high on ergot.

The Catholic Church is the only way through which you may attain a state of grace and enter into heaven to be seated at the foot of the Lord; however, despite this (or perhaps because of this) the leadership of the church has been infiltrated by homosexual pedophiles with no supernatural faith in God and are leading souls to Damnation.

Miracles are real and have been documented in the modern era multiple times, the most famous being the Miracle Of The Sun in Fatima, Portugal in 1917, where tens of thousands of people, as well as atheist newspapers, documented the miracle as real. It was during Fatima that three secrets were revealed to the church; one was that the war would end in one year, and that if Russia did not turn back to christ a Second World War would begin. the Third Secret is that apostasy would infiltrate the church during the 1960's. This secret was meant to be revealed to the world no later than 1960, but the church suppressed it for decades out of fear. We see now that the secret was entirely correct.

Find the closest Latin Mass to you, and begin to learn what is necessary to put yourself in a state of grace; while you are doing this, always be on guard against what could be heretical teachings being given to you under the guise of holiness.

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It is a completely baseless belief. It has zero empirical evidence for its supernatural claims, and actively supports meekness and selfhate.

In other words, it's garbage, both logically and ethically

>everything i believe has empirical evidences
you fucking retard

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>Jesus is the way, he died for our sins
>Try not to sin, AND REPENT IF YOU DO
what cut off your left hand poke out your eye if the sins are paid for they are paid for no need to REPENT

The real Christianity is about 3 things:

1) Love to God (the most importand).
2) Overcoming the pride.
3) Overcoming the Lust.

The Church Christianity is just about 1 thing:

1) Obey the Church.


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Christianism is truth but mainstream christianity is pure heresy.

Bingo... true from an anthropological sense.

As a Christian I absolutely laugh at the concept that all the billions of souls who never even heard of Christ were condemned by God. Christianity is about realizing the immortal soul in all men since the beginning of creation. Buddhist monks accessed their immortal soul and divine connection to all actuality without Christ. Maybe Christianity wouldn't lose popularity if you fags would stop acting like Jesus is some idol to worship.

Not really important, and just clouds the issue.

A jew is just another word for “god’s chosen people”

Jesus was the bonified king of authentic judaism

Jesus was crucified for telling the “jews” they are not the chosen people

Hell is forever my semetic friend

Stalin and his top minions were all Jews.
Stalin himself was a Rothschild puppet.

>Give me the full redpill on Christianity. No beating around the bush, the full redpill.
Jesus wasn't even a real person.

>pic related

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i mean you can believe whatever you want, that is not what Jesus teaches and you arent a Christian,we we need to preach to other people
if you want to be a buddhist go be one, that's not what Jesus teaches


Not only that, ((they)) are very united and control big parts of the media and economy worldwide.

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>No beating around the bush, the full redpill.
It's a Semitic religion infesting the Aryan mind. Read Evola.

It's responsible for the spiritual vacuum, the nihilism we're experiencing now.

We have a lot of work to do in order to dig up the old Aryan worldview our ancestors used to have.
Greek thought, Roman asceticism (stoicism) and Indo-Iranian god worship (Rigveda, Avesta) should serve as our starting point on this journey.

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>as a Christian
>Buddhist monks accessed their immortal soul and divine connection

Jesus never said, "hey guys write everything I say to you in a book and have people centuries from now apply it strictly to their life or they are going to burn for eternity lulz." I actually am a true Christian, you're the one following satanic lies.

Whosoever goeth to latin mass and learneth what is necessary to put yourself in a state of grace should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Repent is feeling sorrow/regret/guilt for your sins. You assume men of the church speak for god. You are strawmanning the teachings of christ based on the actions of everyone but christ.

According to one of the dead sea scroll translators, Jesus was a code word for a forbidden psychedelic mushroom taken by the "followers" who developed the early gospel stories.

>As a Christian
>Maybe Christianity wouldn't lose popularity if you fags stop acting like jesus is some idol to worship

I've got news for you pal, you're not a christian. Jesus is absolutely an idol to worship and youre not a christian

seeing an increase in catholics on this board gives me hope

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Its a foreign religion that needs to be destroyed.

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so you are saying God told you buddist got it right, Jesus was Christ, but you dont need him to be saved, also you believe the Bible is satanic
and you say you are a Christian?

1) believe on the blood of Christ

Good guess, and not wrong.
Not clicking that.
Dead on correct.
> Seeing how all (((evil))) universally mocks and fears Christ.

Imagine being this retarded. The story of the bible is Jesus dying for the sinner, and it us up to the sinner to accept Him as their Lord and Savior. GOD MADE IT SO SIMPLE AND HIS CHILDREN ARE SO DUMBED DOWN AND INDOCTRINATED THAT THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS.

Also, where in the hell do you people keep getiing this Muh wHiTe rELigiOn from? It's for ALL people. HE LITERALLY DIED FOR ALL OF MANKIND.

Look, if you want to deny your creator that's fine. But stop being this retarded.

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Notice how the aryan mind became corrupted after Christianity became weak and secular?

>romans nailed a moshroom to the cross and God resurrected a moshroom from the dead

look at the tolerant Christians telling me I'm not a good Christian because I don't condemn people for not worshiping idols lmfao. Absolute satanic scum on this board posing as Christians.

I see the thread has degenerated into the usual religious egotistical pissing contest.

>worshiping God is worshiping idols

read the sermon on the mount that's not repentance to God your talking about grieving the spirit

Everything that is good, everything that leaves us in awe; the music, Cathedrals, architecture, books, poetry, art, and even medicine, emerged as a result of the Catholic Church. It shows a certain touch of the divine.

Compare anything of modernity, created in the post Christian order; buildings, music, art etc.and you will notice God has now rejected man. His beauty is no longer revealed through us.

This posting style should earn a permaban. Do you really think people read this textual temper tantrum and think “oh this guy seems reasonable, he gave vague one liners to masses of people he disagrees with” keep hurting your satanic cause

I actually have a close relationship with God myself, and have experienced miracles along with watching demonic spirits cast out in the name of Jesus. I also know everything you "christians" spew about the bible is devilish lies. Jesus said many would use his name to deceive the masses. Guess who the deceived masses are? (you)

Read you some G.K. Chesterton famalama

>give me the full red pill on the full redpill

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May i ask why you post this thread so much? Genuinely interested? I completely Redpilled myself by learning about what kind of depression we are experiencing around the globe, It is called The End Times and this one quote has led me to reconversion, Atheism, Condoms,The Pill, Abortion, Homosexual acts etc, It is all teached now by false teachers with demonic intentions even though them probably unironically not knowing it

>1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

The persecution of Christians started by implementing anti-Church laws in the 1960`s and is effectively in ruins and is crumbling more and more day by day, Churches closing, Nobody blieving in God but the evolution meme (lmao 2019 and thinking that)

I have a feeling this demasculinisation of the (((West))) and white people in particular will lead to "power level exposed" levels of persecution.

t. Quadroon Dutch man so if you are not a bot Pedro, You would understand how hard it is to be of mystery meat and still not be a NPC.

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You do realize he never came to save anyone but the hebrew? He even refused to help those who were not part of his ethnicity.And that is without touching the fact that the religion is based on the myth of creation for hebrews.

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>after Christianity became weak and secular?
This was the telos of christianity all along. The semitic virus struck the final blow into Aryan soul.
And it managed to survive for so long because it has adopted many old European concepts and traditions. It's a weird Aryo-Semitic syncretism

>Jesus didn't say that
*sees Jesus said that*
>What he's saying isn't what he's saying

The absolute state of the lost.

>i believe the part of the Bible i like and the rest are satanic
fucking retard! RETARD go away


>hurr durr Jesus is God
wrong again


It's a semetic religion, I can't understand why anyone on this board would defend a doctrine created and founded by heebs that was thrust upon europe and the west.
Varg is a larping welfare queen but he's at least right about one thing...

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Jesus is God and Savior of all who believe that he died for their sins and rose to life.

I never said the Bible was satanic. I said your interpretation of Jesus and cherry picking his quotes to Jews 2000 years ago and applying it strictly to your life is not Christianity lol. Keep up your delusions though.


Indeed. Christianity is the first (((multiculturalism))). It empowered the brown masses of the Roman gutter against the state.

>mutt boomers ITT obliterated
It's sad because they don't even know how ridiculous they sound with all the christcuck shilling on this board

not when there is a literal event where God mocks the pharisees for there "repentance"

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you did, you dont even follow a thread and you think you can know about God, again, go away you retard


Nobody is asking the sons of mutah for theology advice so calm down Abdul.

we need to start killing people again by their way of thinking
this shit about talking is useless, God is going to protect who says the Truth

If Christianity struck the final blow, why did it help bring Europe out of the dark ages and where Europe flourished under it for hundreds of years? How is divorce, secularism, abortion, hedonism, and promiscuity inventions that derived from Christianity?
Because Christianity is a European invention. You are denying Europe's centuries of history being under Christianity along with all the culture that came with it.

The white race will never know peace while Jews reside in their countries. This is an eternal truth and goes back over a thousand years of European history.

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Based and Christpilled

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>If Christianity struck the final blow, why did it help bring Europe out of the dark ages and where Europe flourished under it for hundreds of years?
It didnt Europe flourish with the Enlightenment era and after the protestant religious war, which created a separation of church and state.

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>missing the point this hard
This life is very short, it serves as a test to see if man in his imperfect state can rise above his baser instincts. To worship anything of this realm except for the lord (in your case the state) is heresy. God created all life, who is to say god would deny those who accept christ? Who is to say consciousness does not expand after death? You are a slave to this material world, you cannot think beyond it. You can’t think outside of the box.

Did god write the bible?

>europe flourish with the Enlightenmen
literally the Enlightenmen was jewish, the Enlightenmen made us what we are now, with all this marxism and shit, go read history

I can't believe I live in a world where people believe shit like this.

fuckin truth. we are disconnected from our past due to a religion thrusted upon us via empires. Christianity is a form of spiritual bondage. It created the immense power of the jewish people and their religion.

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>why did it help bring Europe out of the dark ages and where Europe flourished under it for hundreds of years?
Are you pretending to be retarded or are you actually a retard? Christianity is the reason the Antique culture lost power. It was in the renaissance that people started to look back on our foundations.

>How is divorce, secularism, abortion, hedonism, and promiscuity inventions that derived from Christianity?
You guys have one severe weakness, you have a soft spot for jews. You imported them into Europe, you wanted a usury based system and most importantly - you're the ones obsessing over some Semitic sand stories.
Also, as soon as people started to read for themselves they realized your religion is a scam.

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>gypsy public education

>good Christian
>As it is written, there is NONE righteous, no, not one.
Do you know why we needed Jesus in the first place?

Here is the full red pill image also related.

>All Christians Are Cucks
>All Christians are Cucks #2
>All Christians are Cucks #3
>All Christians are Cucks #4
>All Christians are Cucks #5
>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant
>Cuck Identity
>Cuck Identity #2

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They are not Jews, But Pharisees and (((They))) deserve a explaination, user.

>Jesus, the Apostles, Jewish Christians, and Prophets were not one of (((them))). The (((Jews))) that you know of were the Molech, Baal, Ashrah worshippers who eventually became the Pharisees and Saducees and followers. Jesus was an Israelite.

What made Israelites unique from all other races/nationalities in the world was their lineage. They could almost all trace their lineage back to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. Jesus lineage in Matthew and Luke went as far back to Adam himself. In 70AD Tiberius Cesar ransacked Jerusalem in what is known as the Seige of Jerusalem of 70AD where the Romans attacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple and all archived genealogies. After this, no Israelite on Earth could trace their lineages back anymore and all true Israelites disbanded throughout the Earth. The Age of Israel was over. - American user

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Christians made it so the jews got all the money of Europe because only jews could be bankers. That's it basically, christians created the modern jew that Jow Forums hates.

kek at the path

Do you suggest that an unsightly life is instantly forgiven when a love of Christ is professed at the death-bed? A whoremongering murderer would be allowed into heaven simply because he prayed to Jesus once before he died? The height of Protestant heresies. One must learn how to walk the walk, and not simply talk the talk. I simply suggest a Latin Mass, because those that teach it are far more likely to teach you how to live a Christ-like life, instead of a Novus Ordo mass, which has led to priests that do not fear or respect God or hold any supernatural faith, and thus cannot be trusted to teach you how to live for him.

>literally the Enlightenmen was jewish, the Enlightenmen made us what we are now, with all this marxism and shit, go read history
Pure nonsense the knowledge from the old classics from Europe return to christian lands with the pushback of muslim invasion and reconquest of Jerusalem.

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>what is the parable of the prodigal son