When you die pulling a gun on a cop when they arrest you for refusing to leave your wife's son's school

When you die pulling a gun on a cop when they arrest you for refusing to leave your wife's son's school

Attached: charlie-landeros-fight-the-patriarchy.png (737x443, 299K)

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He was just trying to smash the patriarchy.

He also fired two shots point blank.

Guns for me but not for thee

Attached: Life is Strange.webm (640x360, 2.16M)

Damn CIS SHITLORD COPS, he was doing it for them!

Some of these far-leftist types are actually pro-gun because they need them to kill whitey


he was a good goy

Post birth abortion, just a clump of cells.


>not carrying a portable acid spewer

this guy was like corys messed up twin.
idk the context but do not pull weapons on cops

Attached: maxresdefault (10).jpg (1280x720, 58K)

They also found IED's outside the police station yesterday



Somebody give me a rundown.


Kek wtf

>nigger chimps out and pulls and gun on two cops
>get bullet to temple as reward

I don't understand. Did the devs make a gun that shoots forward and backward or something?

Anyone have the picture showing the dude's antifa ties? It'd be nice to make an infographic with that and the bombs

Liberals probably think it's possible to put a bullet in backwards in a revolver and have it shoot in the wrong direction.

I saw that, this shit is fucking retarded if it's related. The mentally of these people, "I stand with a shool shooter, hulk smash the patriarchy!"

They need to grow the fuck up.

I watched Tim Pool's video this morning where he states that this shitskin lead a civilian firearms training camp for POCs and LGBT fags

>state takes guys kid away
>state kills him in front of his kid

I can't decide if leftist tyranny would be much worse than the tyranny we already have.

His gfs son must be so relieved. What an embarrassment to have in your life. "my mom's cuck died."

Maybe don't pull a gun on the police if you don't want them to pull their own? It's pretty simple logic, really.

This is the reward for being a feminist male. Although he could have just not pulled a gun on the cops.

>Daughter steps out of door to see cops wrestling her gender non-conforming parental unit into submission.
>"That's my dad!"
>YFW the last words you hear are your own daughter misgendering you.

Attached: 1s3s4e.jpg (480x360, 27K)

>your wife's son's school

what is this?

he's antifa not muslim

iirc the bullet supposedly ricocheted and hit the dumb cunt

life is strange, check out the E;R video on it

fuck it i'll link it for you