This image is awesome, the way Jesus' eyes were drawn... Wow.
They Jew-ish
Ish as in theyre not really Jews
Theyre from Judea, but they follow the cult of the Pharasees.
dats right!
damn it's even in the name JUDAs JUDAism, how could we not have seen this
Reminder that Jesus was a jew
The Devil got Judas. I don't think the whole religion is Devil worship, but they know Gods chosen people are White. The Yewish people.
Damn there are alot of slide threads right now.
Shieeeet, user.
judas was a jew
Jesus is a Christian :D
>hover hands
Was Judas a homosexual? Why did he have to kiss Jesus?
Haha good catch.
Who drew this, by the way? It's fucking beautiful.
ok what if judas is just a symbol for jews
Judas was a member of a group called Sicariots, who were responsible for the riots against Roman rule.
He was sent in by the pharisees to spy on Jesus, and when Jesus refused to rebel against the Romans, he betrayed him for 33 pieces of silver.
33 is a Masonic number, which only thickens the plot.
Jews to this day call Jesus a rebel leader, instead of the masiach.
An he was crucified. Idon't see problem user
watch marching to zion
If I was Jesus I would kick your ass for saying that.
He was Christian that got killed by Jews.
Looks like Kenshiro
Agreed. Here's a closeup. What is this art style called?
So Jesus was a false prophet set up my these khazar kikes?
yeah, Jesus was a jew stupid
it's Chalcography (or unlikely, a wood engraving). you carve the negative version (!) of the intended picture, line by line, into a copper or, resp., wooden plate, and then you can print the picture by using the plate as a stamp. pretty krass. you can't recognize that? how old are you? don't they teach you basic culture on that darn island?
30 not 33 silver coins your faggot retard.d di you even read THE books?
Burger education has failed me. Never heard of this and I’m very impressed
Arrest this goy, he knows too much
Can someone shoop the "if you only knew" meme on there?
Nope am uncultured swine.
Youre a genius, honestly.
hes just a little polak, user, dont bother.
I knew it was some kind of engraving. Not all americans are retards
A gravure
Before Jow Forums -> After Jow Forums
The first Jew was Juda, the fourth son of Jacob and Leah. Jacob the son of Isaac and Rebecca. Isaac is the son of Abraham.
Juda was one of the 12 sons of Jacob that were fathers of the 12 tribes of Israel.
To say that all Israelites are Jews is like saying that all Scandinavians are Swedes just because Swedes are Scandinavians.
Lost Vatican Manuscript Reveals Judas Was Gay
Ivory coast is not an island
>you can't recognize that? how old are you? don't they teach you basic culture on that darn island?
We're not all autistic G*rmanoids
I've never seen what's supposed to be so bloody bad about them. They are not less ethical than average, are you kidding? In fact they take pride in humanism. That's good. People who don't care for human beings are secretly commies and furfags.
Jesus is brown
Fucking clowns
Jesus died as a 33 year old. 33 is the number of vertebrae you have. Also 3-6-9 memes.
The story of Josef and Judah:
Reminder that Jesus would forgive Judas.
the final redpill about judaism is simply realizing that Christianity is older than judaism because Jews don't not actually believe the Old Testament, their religion began in the mid 600s AD and is based on the Talmud and rabbinical interpretation of the Old Testament. they're not jews, they're something else. i believe the estimate of people who practice actual traditional judaism is something like 1% of people that identify as Jews. guess which side Ben Shapiro is on, while he pretends to be a Jew.
>their religion began in the mid 600s AD
you mean that's when khazars chose their religion?
>they're something else.
The question is what exactly are they?
The more you study them the weirder they seem.
>basic knowledge is autistic
how's that great canadian education going? is it "free"? seems like it
Yahweh is Yewish. Yewish is European Whites. J was invented in the 1500s. Thr letter J is actually a fish hook. Who are the fish? Who is captain hook? The fish are Europeans forgetting that they, the Yewish people, are in fact Gods chosen people. Why have they ran the earth after God came down and separated man by language and geography to stop the Tower of Babel? Why are European Whites now being genocide to create a new Tower of Babel? Because the Devil and his slaves and servants are the ones genociding Gods chosen people right now. ...
>J U D A i S m
J U D A _ S
>Christianity is Judaism is nothingness is self-condemnation
fixed it for ya
>das Jew
>the Jew
next redpill: Jesus (the lamb) was a messenger. Adolf (from Old German 'Adalwolf', meaning noble wolf) was also a messenger.