Why is Jesus portrayed as some pacifist hippie post ww2?

>Jesus wasn’t a pushover.
>He was stern.
>He cast out demons.
>He fought the bankers
>He told you to buy a sword.
>He showed righteous anger toward God’s enemies.

>inb4 muh turn the other cheek
pic related

Attached: Jesus.png (1380x1343, 1.36M)

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Because the Church is comped by Satanists and Pedophiles. This is intro level stuff right here.

Who cares about some fag who got killed thousands of years ago?

Jesus taught that the goal of the Christian is to become as Jew-like as possible. Jews are the Christian's idols and racial role models. Christians go to church in order to wish to be Jews, pretend to be Jews or learn how to be Jews. The Christian god's favorite race are the Jews. The invented story of fake Jesus starts when the Jewish race-god Yahweh chose a Jewess to breed with in order to create a Jewish messiah. The Jews watched Jesus come out of the Jewess that the Jew-god made pregnant. Jew-born Jesus studied Judaism and became a Jewish rabbi. He wore a yamaka. The Jewish messiah usually preached about Jews and the Jewish race-god. Jesus only preached to Jews and his message was for Jews only. Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit comes from Jewishness and that the world would be saved if whites bred with Jews. Christians believe that hereditary Jewishness is the source of Jesus' magical powers. The inventors of Christianity gave Jesus impossible magical powers as an enticement to cross-breed with Jews. The church was invented by Jews as an extension of the seed-maker of Abraham, so that whites and Jews could cross-breed. The Jew-king Jesus is portrayed as white, so as to deceive Europeans into believing that their king is a Jew and that cross-breeding with Jews will yield white children. Christians circumcise their children so they can breed with Jews. Churches give the money they collect to Jews to convert and inter-marry with whites. Christians name their children with Jewish names. Every Christian ritual is indistinguishable from Judaism. The pope and cardinals wear Jewish yamakas. This signals the magic pro-Semitic racist Asian Jew-god called Yahweh, so he'll let Christians into heaven for being Jew-like. At the entrance to heaven, where the god of the Jews and the king of the Jews live, is a clerk that examines how Jewish you are. The Christian is motivated by a set of perverted ideas based on race. His only plan is to turn you into a Jew.

He was a socialist through and through.


do you ever grow tired of spamming this millionth time debunked copy-pasta, rabbi?

>proxy flag
Matthew 10:34

>Jew Jew Jew
wanna know how I know you're a kike?

The pic you posted is actually amazing. I've never heard any of that before, but it makes sense. Jesus wasn't a fucking pacifist pussy, he was a righteous Chad.

Imagine virtue signalling so hard that you fulfill your own self sacrificial prophesy

We need to take Jesus back!

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>His only plan is to turn you into a Jew.

Mostly just a triggered Jew slave unless you're one of the ones with a charmed life.

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>He told you to buy a sword.
Can someone give me the bogdown on this one?

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Because your LARP religion changes, adapts and integrates new things in order to attract new goyim.

Because the filthy Jews have destroyed his image

>advocating charity is the same thing as forcing it

>implying this is new
Have you people never heard of based Kinski? He got Michael Jackson'd after his death because of all this


He literally said rich people will not get into heaven. Any rich american, no matter how much they pray, are as doomed to hell as any gay or suicider. Jesus was against capitalism.

jews and their propaganda, if you see a change in the world politics and media after ww2 know the jews won

>Why is Jesus portrayed as some pacifist
Because he was.
>but his preaching weakness isn't real if I can make shit up to justify it
No, there is no justifying this shit.
>Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
>inb4 muh turn the other cheek
>pic related
Let's look at that quote, huh.
>You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also
Oh, look at that, he is clearly directly saying not to resist and to just take it. The "cultural context" you pulled out of your ass can not justify this.

Because Christianity is a pagan joke that actually no one practice and no one cares because you do not care

to keep you from being more like how he actually is, which is an unrelenting savage staring down darkness itself and giving no fucks about it, because people deserve better than what they're being given and someone has to stand up to those faggots when noone else

Jesus only came to the Jews
Your entire text is pointless since the basic truth is that Jesus came to enforce the already existing law of God
Your pagan church after killing the original christians created this mess that you call now Christianity

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"He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." Luke 22:36

>I've never heard any of that before,
You think there might be a reason for that? Its because it isn't true.
>Jesus wasn't a fucking pacifist pussy
He didnt defend himself and told his followers not to defend him or themselves. And they followed his lead and fucking died.
>he was a righteous Chad.
Oh yes, never marrying, never siring a son, not defending yourself, and shirking honest work is the true ideal man. When you see a street bum do you think "what an ideal man he is?". Hes living just like jesus.

why did he buy a sword and not just have one given to him then?

he said it would be difficult for a rich person to get into heaven, but 'rich' isn't the sin, 'greed' is. the beggar who steps into a rich man's field for grain will also not make it into heaven. socialists think they're entitled the whole field.

>Meme flag
>Goyim, Christ was a pacifist that tolerated evil.

Every shill I see just makes me hate you people more. Christianity will unite the goyim against you dirty kikes yet again. The Synagogue of Satan will be purged from this Earth.

That picture is 100% mental gymnastic. Turn the cheek was secretly a taunt and an insult? Really? Is every single act of pacifism by jesus also a secret taunt that requires five paragraphs of explanation? When the romans came to arrest Jesus and put him to death and Jesus stopped the fight and healed a roman who lost his ear, was that a passive aggressive taunt too? Let me guess, it goes like this: "you need to understand that healing was actually a deeply rooted insult and offensive taunt in these ancient times. Did jesus ask for permission to perform a miracle? No! He just did it! He healed that roman and by doing so he asserted his power over him. The roman was BTFO by this passive-aggressive healing, notice that he says nothing in the story, that's because he was paralyzed by shame, he probably killed himself later, and that was the goal of Jesus all along"

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Scofield Bible + American Church-ianity

And how did you come to the conclusion that he meant greedy people from his pretty straight forward sentence about rich people specifically? Greedy people can be poor also, but he was specifying rich people. He was also against thievery, which explains the beggar.

he also was a communist who hated capitalism

>Why is Jesus portrayed as some pacifist hippie post ww2?
It's an American thing, see: This very thread. No idea why they do this.

Why was Jesus so angry at the marketplace?

because I read context, you select quotes.
>against thievery
that's an admission that he's not a socialist. compulsion is not pious.

He had it so a beggar could take grain from a field as far as he could reach. That was the rich man's charity. It was suggested, not forced, but the lack of charity was warned against as a matter of the spirit.

He also cursed a tree in a fit of rage. That tree died soon after.

says the memeflag kike

Actually, it was necessary for Jesus to get crucified to fullfill the prophecies. That's why Peter going medieval on the Roman guards was a bad thing to Jesus.

>select quotes
I read what's literally written in the bible, I post it here and it hurts your feefees. And where in socialism does it advocate outright thievery?

>Jesus healed a roman soldier so... We should let satanic jews that diametrically oppose Christ destroy our society, the message of Christ, and endanger the souls of our youth.

It's amazing that you confuse "pacifism" to a Roman soldier whose character was unknown and whose motive wasn't necessarily opposed to Jesus ideologically with pacifism to the "children of the devil".

All analysis of the Bible has to include historical context or you're losing a large amount of the meaning. Why do you throw a fit over including historical context?

Attached: what the talmud says about jesus.jpg (2005x1221, 395K)

maybe if your generals had the balls to call hitler a triplenigger and a rothschild bastard when he tried to micromanage shit he didn't understand you could have changed that.

even among those who hold the holocaust happened, if they're being honest they'll note that bankers were never made to wear the star.

Psalm 17:
34 He makes my hands expert in war, so that a bow of brass is bent by my arms.
35 You have given me the breastplate of your salvation: your right hand has been my support, and your mercy has made me great.
36 You have made my steps wide under me, so that my feet are kept from slipping.
37 I go after my haters and overtake them; not turning back till they are all overcome.
38 I will give them wounds, so that they are not able to get up: they are stretched under my feet.
39 For I have been armed by you with strength for the fight: you have made low under me those who come out against me.
40 By you their backs are turned in flight, so that my haters are cut off.
41 They were crying out, but there was no one to come to their help: even to the Lord, but he gave them no answer.
42 Then they were crushed as small as dust before the wind; they were drained out like the waste of the streets.
That's some Warhammer 40k-level pacifism right there.

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taxation is theft, and all of your policies involve targeting "the 1%" to fund them (oftentimes against people's will), but when the 1% gtfo, you hit the middle class (again, oftentimes against their will). Just because you call yourselves the government doesn't mean it's not theft.

>from his pretty straight forward sentence about rich people specifically?
Have you ever actually read the Bible? The point of that parable is that nobody can go to Heaven without faith in God.

>even if he was the son of god
>been so long all he said is probably misremembered at this point


>the words written in the bible don't mean what they mean they mean what i interpret them as 2000 years later trust me

double yikes

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>Christ was a pacifist that tolerated evil
I quoted you scripture where he is quoted saying "eye for an eye is wrong now, do not resist evil". So yes, he was.
>whose character was unknown and whose motive wasn't necessarily opposed to Jesus ideologically with pacifism to the "children of the devil".
He was coming to put him death, his motive is right there. Instead of defend ng himself jesus admonished his closest friends for trying to defend him and healed his arrester.
>All analysis of the Bible has to include historical context or you're losing a large amount of the meaning
What context says that not defending yourself means you aren't a weak bitchass pacifist? I'd like to gear this.

>memeflag can't read
>assumes everyone else is also illiterate

Healing the guard wasn't necessary to fulfill the prophecy. In fact the act of healing could have been cited as evidence that he was a nice guy during his trial and spared him the cross. If his goal was to be executed in public then he should have been motivated to perform heinous acts.

lol are you ok?

Some Jewish bankers who died in KZs:
Ludwig Loewenthal (KZ Theresienstadt)
Hermann Hagen (KZ Sachsenhausen)
Benjamin Perlmann (KZ Auschwitz)
Benedikt Kautsky (KZ Auschwitz)

You know there are lists of KZ inmates, right?

>He was a socialist through and through.
Where in the bible did Jesus advocate socialism?
>He literally said rich people will not get into heaven
This is a lie. He said for a rich man to go to heaven would be like a camel fitting through a needles eye but through God all things are possible. He said the exact opposite of what you're claiming.
>Jesus was against capitalism
Again, please show us where Jesus said he was against private ownership of the means of production faggot.
>I read what's literally written in the bible
Obviously not
> And where in socialism does it advocate outright thievery
The entire premise of socialism is seizing the means of production you fucking moron.

please kys

This is you.

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>double yikes
Sorry buddy, it's right there in Matthew 19:
>23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
>25When the disciples heard this they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”
>26But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

'Yikes' Doesn't change the fact that when the layman does what the "G-man" does he is called "criminal". Doesn't change the fact that codified Christianity or modern law societies conclude in the world you see before you.

'Yikes' is fucking instagram soi language, not an argument.

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This is you.

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>If his goal was to be executed in public then he should have been motivated to perform heinous acts.
lolwut, the guards were sent to arrest Him you retard.

Have any of you fags ever actually read the Bible or do you really only have your knowledge from Jow Forums memes?

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Nobody fucking cares what the bible says. Christcucks claim to follow the book and in the next sentence tell you how ignoring 80% of the thing is perfectly okay.

To nueter Christians
Didnt work on me

this is true, but I don't adhere to the 'faith alone' approach. If and when you go, I suspect you won't see Angela Merkel or George HW Bush. I could be wrong though.

As for me, I have the works but not the faith. Not sure if it's an advancement or a deficiency in my form. If it is so, I'll likely burn because I can't see it. If so, may I burn brightly so others might see better paths.

>probably misremembered at this point
Also purposefully lied and twisted to suit the wants of the elites at any given time

If instead of healing the ear of the roman guard he chopped off the other ear it would have increased his chance of being publicly executed, if that was his plan.

Christians are at least more respectable than "secularists" -- they more or less tell you what they want with their society, the less degenerated the congregation that is. The secularist will always pilpul away from his true, much more totalitarian, position.

These law society secularists are unironically more totalitarian in their ideal grasp of society than any meme fascist on this board could ever dream.

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I guarantee you believe in all kinds of shit without the slightest shred of evidence (Pizzagate, hypergamy, Skyking...), so you not believing in God is merely your personal preference and not some inborn trait.

But he was going to be executed anyway.

Come the fuck on, how hard is it to read the Bible? Do it online and come back when you're done with the New Testament.

When people were going to stone that prostitute to death and jesus stood in front of her, he wasn't advocating for non-violence, he was taunting and jeering everyone with micro-aggressions like the holy chad he is.

>2000 years later rome 2.0s upperclass think jesus sides with them

>for a rich man to go to heaven would be like a camel fitting through a needles eye but through God all things are possible.
Start praying and apologizing for being a capitalist lmao

irrelevant to conversation

didn't look lol

You're a fag and your shit's all retarded. Take off that memeflag, we all know where you come from Chaim.

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>Oh no he called me on my bullshit
>Better say something stupid instead of showing evidence to back up my claim that Jesus was a socialist faggot like me

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what, no rothschilds?

Even if Jesus wasn't real.

He's still real.

>eye for an eye is wrong now, do not resist evil
The OP at the top of the thread literally just disproved what you just quoted. If you don't care to understand the quotes from the Bible in historical context, don't try to explain it to others.

>He was coming to put him death, his motive is right there.

He came to put him to death which fulfilled the prophesy. It ultimately lead to Christianity defeating the roman empire, spreading throughout the world, and benefiting billions of people with his message.

Beyond this, the Roman soldier himself was following orders and Christ (being without sin) meant him no ill will. The Roman soldier was a neutral figure in the theological struggle between the mosaic israelites and Pharisaical "sons of the devil" (you). The Roman soldier did not pervert and corrupt God's word; your people are. Did you know Judaism has a prayer to lucifer?

>What context says that not defending yourself
The OP literally posted on it. I assume you didn't read it.

Now to the only unsettled issue here. Why the meme flag? Why not show us that satanic star of remphan? Why do you hide your true self? You fool no one. Be a man. Show us your flag, kike.

See above.

>heinous acts
Did you miss the point? Christ was without sin.

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>Why is Jesus portrayed as some pacifist hippie post ww2?
Jews subverted christianity along with everything else post-WW2.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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Because they fear the judgment to come and want company in hell.

Don't join them.

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What's with the left's obsession with crucifixion?

It's like they want to be crucified or something.

>get proven wrong, claim other was proven wrong

you haven't proven anything
cite your sources

>I proved dat Jesus wuz against people owning biznises. Only da state should be aloud to own da buznizes. I didnt even hav to quote a bible verse.

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Let's not forget, Jesus lost his shit and kicked the Jews out of God's house when the ((merchants)) were using it as a market place.
Christ was badass and red pilled as fuck. Every page in the Bible is a red pill on kikes. God made sure that his son was born a Jew so that we may see how Jews treated him, supposedly one of their own, and realise that Jews are subhuman.

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The Bible

why are you typing like that lol

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Literally missed the entire point of OP's image but what can you expect from a jihadi meme flag

>God made sure that his son was born a Jew so that we may see how Jews treated him, supposedly one of their own, and realise that Jews are subhuman.

Let's not confuse Mosaic law of the ancient Israeli's with the pharisaical beliefs of Judaism which are much younger.


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>Muh source is da whole entire bible. Yep. Jesus wuz a socialist.

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So what's the difference between a jew and an israelite?

The eye of a needle was a gate in Jerusalem that camels came through that forced them to crawl, the quote is saying the rich man will have to submit to god like the camel through the gate

Jesus was a Judean Jewish rebel. That's the real Jesus. Hellenized Jews "corrected" the stories about this Jewish hero, making him look West-friendly and like a gud boi who dindu nuffin. Jewish media has been around for a long time.

Dumb goyim bought the gud boi stories. But as the first century progressed, because of Jewish behavior-- rebellions, setting Rome on fire, and typical Jewing-- Christianity actually grew anti-Semitic. Retconning and We Wuz (((Kangz))) fixes early Christian cognitive dissonance.

Real answer? The Isrealites essentially were absorbed into tribes of the area through wars, migrations, and cohabitation.
Jews today are Khazar converts, eastern steppeniggers who took up the the religion and are closer to turkroaches

>knowing the historical context of the bible is mental gymnastics
The printing press was a mistake.

based. we need a new inquisition. Ben XVI was going to go there, then got blackmailed

thanks malichi

i mean the rich man rejected Christ, what if he didnt tho? what if you are rich and accept Christ? isnt it a win win?

prots are fucking faggots

more like usa post ww2

What historical context? It's an absolute asspull, just like this