Jow Forums prophecy in the process of beimg confirmec

>it will happen when the weather cools

Elements of the Deep State plot to remove Trump have been set in motion prior to, during and in the immediate aftermath of the current cold wave affecting the US.

>a killing bolt will shine from the sky but will not kill

US space based weapon will be used against its opponents in Venezuela in either a failed attempt to assassinate its leader or as a “non-leathal” weapon to pacify armed resistance.

Attached: BBEA737F-3854-4FC6-AD73-724922CD5E4F.jpg (1200x1254, 148K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't forget this shit
Note how there's snow everywhere

Attached: iPetGoatLibertyIslandDogStar.jpg (410x240, 25K)

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Attached: Bear-Will-Leave-Its-Cave-Forever.jpg (2025x1162, 885K)

Attached: Two voices will cry out in a silence that all can hear.jpg (1200x675, 142K)

Attached: Idols will speak and move about.jpg (720x405, 43K)

Attached: An Island Will Drift Away.png (1536x1016, 1.11M)

Attached: The Star will Gorge itself on Clay.png (810x1184, 689K)

Attached: Belly-of-the-Dragon-Will-Drip-Water.jpg (1705x1703, 990K)

Attached: Ravens-will-starve.jpg (2420x2898, 3.58M)

Attached: 3-Branches.jpg (1460x5465, 1.98M)

obvious cia op
every enemy of the globalist order are framed as evil satanic deep state niggers to gain complicit attitudes of trump fags against the enemies of neolibs/neocons

This is all bullshit.

Attached: The-Rod-and-Ring-Will-Strike.jpg (2098x2910, 1.72M)

Jow Forums is way too cucked and bluepilled at the moment but the truth is OP I think are right

I think the prophecy is coming true, to a T

Attached: Rock-Will-Stand-on-Seven-Hills.jpg (1739x1303, 1.39M)

Attached: Killing-Bolt Will Shine in the Night but Will not Kill.jpg (1274x1976, 1.13M)

I think we jumped the shark on this one, the weather is just now cooling with these record lows in the midwest. It’s about to habbening in the coming weeks I think.

Don't worry Izzy, your bought and paid for bitch Trump will come to your rescue, allowing you to keep shooting kids tossing rocks.

Attached: Gaza1.png (1000x398, 688K)

>Gov spending resumes
>Qtard larping intensifies

Trump is Deep State. Also, the """"Jow Forums"""" prophecy is literally ripped off from Revelations in the Bible.

>US space based weapon will be used against its opponents in Venezuela

holy shit why would you waste that unspeakable advantage on peasant land when everyone is watching and carving spheres of influence?


The US used its then top secret F-117 Stealth Fighter in its coup against Panama’s President in 1989; Panama a shitty little non-country in Central America.

Yep. Classic conspiracy forum operation.

>Cold reading vagueness
>Not even a get
Why do so many shill this shitpost?

Attached: Heresy.png (1185x1029, 593K)

the star gorging itself on clay is mercury being destroyed. I feel it, and rolled digits earlyer...
the thread where all those screenshots come from was interesting but im not sure I buy it. (since it was essentially 'trump is a time traveller and is fucking with the NWO')

Anyone got that other bullshit larp? The one with the ayys and Russia invading through Mexico or some shit. It's way better than this one.

God is literally guiding Trump, no joke. Trump showed up to the meeting in France, got assassinated, so God literally rewound time and told Trump not to go. The Satanists will never get the last laugh. They've reached their peak. It's all downhill from here. Cocky fuckers think they can beat someone with cheat codes.

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We're almost to the turning point. In the next few months we're going to know whether there's any hope for civilization. I'm just some random guy but I can feel it stronger every day. Something's coming, lads. I don't know what it is or who it's going to be but something is coming. It wont be a big happening but rather probably something small and seemingly benign but most of us here will see it and recognize it as a symbol of either the beginning of the end or the beginning of forever.

Attached: do not answer.jpg (1280x720, 38K)