Can you guess what my monologue is going to be about?

Can you guess what my monologue is going to be about?

Attached: stefan coalburn.jpg (2080x2700, 897K)

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niggers and faggots and faggots and niggers

No, I am afraid I am lacking context. Who is ther person depicted and how is he or she pertaining to a monologue?

Drumpf bad, gay, but also bad, checkmate Blumfsh


Attached: colbert.webm (904x500, 613K)

Is Trump in smash?

Attached: 1548795465494m.jpg (928x1024, 134K)

is Colbert best goy?
something like this

this is Colbert a late night TV show host and he gets very angry if someone, for example the US president, gets to many scoops of ice cream

Attached: 1494800235396.png (1280x720, 1.73M)

Attached: C6A85065-1161-4EA7-A29A-981B7C45CA69.jpg (800x644, 43K)

He's going to come out as a Young Earth Creationist?

probably his malformed ear

Dont care . Doesnt matter .
Because me and 90% of the rest of the country do NOT watch shitbag kike dick suckers.

Its going to be incoherent because youve got tds

>crowd softly giggles
>giggling gets louder
that drumpf guy huh?
>*ba dum tss*
>crowd erupts into hysterics

The time you went to Pedo Island w/ Slick Willy

"White people are bad"


Reginald Gloompf


Attached: 1519845620028.jpg (1271x715, 480K)


this guys the best they could get to fill the late night spot.. all late night talk shows are garbage, nobody watches it

you mean you dont like the LATE LATE SHOW with that fat beta fuck named james corden? if you asked who that is. don't worry. it's normal


*Dies of an aneurysm mid-soi rage*


Orange man kill babies.


Probably about how bad and dumb Drumpf is.

The sad pathetic death of Jon Stewart's rhetorical legacy. When will he open his animal farm.

orange man bad
>inner thought: "god these people are so fucking stupid, there are other ways to point out than this NPC bullshit. i also miss working with that non-jew jew and talking about almost anything else that day after day of 'orange man bad'."