The media is turning on him! This is at least the fourth time this month they have all reported a fake anti-DRUMPF news...

The media is turning on him! This is at least the fourth time this month they have all reported a fake anti-DRUMPF news story.
This guy’s career is fucking over lol. I hope Kamala Harris paid him enough to retire.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wonder what will be on his cellphone??? Hmmmmm

There is probably some serious degeneracy on that thing

>I hope Kamala Harris paid him enough to retire.

Could it be... could it be... related to drugs???

all lies have an expiration date.

They are turning on him to cover their own asses. They knew the story was fake from the start, but they ran with it to create outrage against the right wing as they usually do. They are now turning on him as planned to cover their "credibility" now that the outrage has already been made.
They learned from the MAGA kid that they stuck with it too long and they wont repeat that blunder again.

This is all according to the kikes plan

It was a stunt by his (((manager))) to fill out the Trubadour in LA. Apparently he had sold less than half of the 500 tickets. Lo and behold, it's now sold out

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desu he shouldnt. why should he have to?

Because you and I both know he has some damning evidence on that phone.

He is friends with Kamala Harris who drafted an anti-lynching bill that she has been trying to push on people. Immediately after this news broke she and Cory Booker were giving statements expressing their sympathy for him and they both used the phrase "attempted modern day lynching" to describe the "attack"

he probably does not want to turn his phone over because hes involved in pizza

I find your tone to be problematic.
Only someone born of exceptional privilege would make such a statement.
People of Color have higher concerns about phone privacy because of historical systemic phone racism.

A lying faggot? A lying nigger? A lying niggerfaggot? Too much suspension of disbelief required. It just has to be true lads.

4th time?
We had the fake huffpost article debunked by muller, maga kids and now this... what else did they report this year?

lol i remember when the story first broke, my iphone news line popped up blah blah something something racist attack, 4 minutes later blah blah something something racist and homophobic attack on black actor by donald trump related MAGA hat wearing white people.

i pressed the news read it, and instantly thought to myself." who goes around around wearing a MAGA hat in a democratic stronghold city beating up black people and calling them fags out in the open?" and OUT OF ALL POSSIBLE BLACKS, they had to have targeted a semi-famous black? Smelled like CIA operation/set up to me.

now that there seems to be a relatively "neutral" media backlash as they arent outright calling him into question or calling him a liar, simply calling out the fact he isnt cooperating. im thinking it wasn't a CIA operation or a set-up, but rather a degenerate nigger was the victim of his own doing made up a story got some help and decided to run with it.

nothing to see here, just a socialpathic, criminal nigger that wasn't content with the absurd money his handlers were throwing at him

>grindr faggotry
>texts with his drug dealer
>some pics of those 10 year old drag queens

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Go through the border with Canada and see how badly you want to turn your cell phone over to the border guards "I need your smart phone, tablets, and iPads and pass codes"

I think he said that he was talking to his manager or something when the attack happened
If he gives them the phone, it proves that he is full of shit

He was called a nigger faggot by two niggers, and decided to turn the whole thing into MAGA hat people throwing bleach on him and putting a noose around his neck.

The phone also tracks GPS positions, messages sent before and after the alleged attack, etc.

Isn't lynching already covered under murder in terms of legality? Is somebody who intends to seriously run for president considering an anti-lynching bill? cavedinhead.jpg

THIS. I'm almost positive this nigger was out in the early AM trying to buy some drugs, and got his ass handed to him by black drug gang members who didn't recognize who the white-acting Oreo was.


The faggot didn’t think things through when his Jew handlers instructed him to pull this stunt. Now he’s going to be exposed

Have journalists realised they actually have to do their jobs now all the buzfeed people have been fired?

Probably related to faggotry

Even a lot of normies (and a few Nigs) are having a hard time buying the bleach & noose story at 2 o'clock in the morning in Nigchago.

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He refuses to turn his cellphone over to police
so they can investigate the attack.
Well, well, well, why would he do that?
Doesn't he want those mean racists to be caught?

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Smollet = Fake & Gay literally

The 7 year old girl who was shot in a gang shooting but her family told the cops it was a white man and the media reported a heinous racist murder of a 7 year old black girl at the hands of an evil white man

Sounded fishy from the get go. Come on, wearing a noose to the hospital? MAGA hat wearing men in Chicago during a cold snap? On some actor I never heard about until now?


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All memes will become reality

All of them, even the bad ones, like post child abortion

The only way to stop this is to destroy mankind.

why the fuck would he lie about this? what is his problem?

He’s a nigger.

>when being black and gay isn't enough to get you attention
This is going to blow up in his face and we'll forget about it until the next fake attack during the elections

Oh yeah
Thought it was last year

Fucking hell, these retards are going to end up re-electing trump

Don't forget about the chipoltle girl that got fired over twitter racism and the whole Zim Zam trial.

>hey this thing happened
>can you provide us with some evidence?
>no and I shouldn’t have to

ya plus there's almost zero chance that ultra-racist "MAGA boys" would watch Empire in the first place, recognize this actor, and know that he's a homosexual. On top of that who walks around in freezing cold weather at 2AM with a container of bleach and a noose? the story literally makes no fucking sense

>why should he have to?
he doesn't but when you are trying to solve a real crime that happened to you and your phone has the evidence to find them and convict, then why would you not hand over the phone? Dude is lying.

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"I didn't want to press charges, just cause social media outrage"

>middle of the night
>attacked by white supremacists

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Im here in Chicago and I'm white. Me and another white body of mine are thinking about going over to where the fake psy op was reported with maga hats, a bottle of bleach, and rope and film it all for a youtube channel. Should we do it?

Text convos with his manager conspiring to lie to police and media about this.

>If he gives them the phone, it proves that he is full of shit
They'll get the records from the company, but by then they can just run a tiny update to the article long after anyone gives two shits

Records of calls and text messages to phone numbers known to the police as belonging to drug dealers.

this he getting some nigger street ..he a QUEER ..

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>why the fuck would he lie about this?
Because he's an attention whore. People usually grow out of this phase in their teens. You can tell he grew up living inside a bubble his whole life, because his made up story sounds too good to be true and is full of holes.
His story literally sounds like a bad Law & Order episode.

About time you altright fools gave up isnt it? You ll never win

Of course you should.

yea ofc lynching is already covered but it's just a way for Kamala to essentially virtue signal and put the spotlight on herself, and this actor getting "lynched" just brings it around full circle, ties it up nicely in peoples minds, "oh wow evil racists lynching people", "oh kamala is fighting exactly that problem! go kamala!"

political stunt, this guys a pawn, literally fake news 100%

Police will not GAF about those.

what should our signs say? Smollet = Fake News?

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If you're gonna chest-thump about a terrible thing that allegedly happened and your only proof is something you aren't willing to share, it makes it look like you made shit up.

The phone would prove where he was and when to tighten the timeline for his attack.

They're not going to get the phone company records unless Smollett forces the issue forward. If he expresses anything less than a firm desire to push this case and crow to the media if it isn't pushed, the police will drop it due to lack of evidence.

His manager claims he heard the attack on the phone. They can learn the precise moment it occurred, to help solve the crime? Why wouldn't he want to help get these dangerous white supremacists off the streets?

I bet they make an episode based off this story.

Jow Forums BTFO

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They would say the same thing if he was a suspect.

fag cheese pizza

>His story literally sounds like a bad Law & Order episode.

For media attention, of course.

He probably got attacked by one of this gay lovers and went to the police with a story about some MAGA hat wearing country hick who beat his ass for being black and gay.

Chicago cops have better things to do than pick fights with minor celebrities. As long as he doesn't overreach to far they'll do a bit of digging and drop it.

They're not going to bother charging him with any kind of charge unless he really makes this into a media circus and their reputation will suffer if they don't. They have more important shit to deal with.

>but he's the victim. why are they investigating him?

Lmao. Of course! Thank you for this info, this hoax makes sense now.

Pol-we support privacy but only for white people

"Chicago police say 'Empire' actor Jussie Smollett refuses to hand over cellphone to them"

He should contact Hillary to assist him with deleting all of the incriminating evidence from his phone I mean wiping it with a cloth...

>They have more important shit to deal with.
Like the daily, raging nignog gun battles on the streets.

No fucking way. Good job user.

>pic related
Won’t age well

>Pol-we support privacy but only for white people

He's a celebrity and public figure, first of all. Secondly, he is alleging a hate crime, publicly, and making statements and allegations about what happened and what was said... AND now he has injected politics into it, to boot, with the MAGA phrasing/hats.

He chose to make all his statements publicly, too.

Have evidence of the crime, and yet won't share it with cops? Absolute 100% pure nigger.


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>all the buzfeed people have been fired?

Ahhhh........I love how we are the reason those SJW NPCtards are suffering.

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His cellphone doesn’t have evidence of the crime. He doesn’t have to hand it over.

He won't turn over his phone because he's secretly a Jow Forumstard.

Why not report that some faggot nigger stole your laundry supplies instead.

Erotic asphyxiation and arsehole bleaching selfies ?

Filing false police report = crime

He doesnt wanna hand it over because there was no phone call with his manager, and there are probably texts/messages between him and others trying to cook up this "wypipo with bleach and nooses" hoax

100% it is cp

underage tities

Oh okay I get it now. In America we have this thing called the 4th amendment, the cops can’t search your shit just because they want to.

The media coverage is wall to wall "hate crime", "LGBTQ", "black LGBTQ community", and other empty buzzwords used to virtue signaling as hard as they possibly can.

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>bitch publicly, claim hate crime
>cops want to see phone to help get your exact location

>His cellphone doesn’t have evidence of the crime.
It has information pertaining to his location, at bare minimum, hence evidence that could help in the investigation.

>He doesn’t have to hand it over.
No, he doesn't (yet), you absolutely filthy fucking nigger.

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certainly they can get metadata from his cell provider without his phone to establish calls and times

>nigger tries to craft a false analogy, fails

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Burden of proof you fucking shit lord

most likely conspiracy to make up events to make his name in spotlight in hopes of positive PR at expense of those on the right

Cops already know his location, they don’t need the cellphone. If the cops later have probable cause to believe he lied about the attack then they can get a warrant, but right now they don’t have that. Don’t piss on the constitution just because you’re irate at a gay black man.

You think Boost Mobile doesn't give out tons of subpoena'd info every day?

Phones track with cell tower location and its exactly what "jewgle maps" uses for accuracy results. Doesn't matter if you turn the GPS off, your location is already given away if it connects. Cops can sit at a cell tower and snoop incoming messages and phone calls all day.

Not just a literal niggerfaggot, he's half jewish too. Shame.

can someone screen the fb comments from OP's most? might be lulz worthy


Retard lefties: police are evil except when doing a brave faggot POC’s bidding no-questions-asked

No, and I don’t have to believe his bullshit story if he refuses to provide evidence for it.

You are fucking stupid. No one is saying the police should seize his phone. If he wanted people to believe his story actually happened he should be cooperating with efforts to catch the culprits. But the truth is he made it up.

>Cops already know his location, they don’t need the cellphone.
No they don't, at least not insofar as the alleged incident took place. The cellphone, and data, can pinpoint it especially if there was a call in progress at the time.

>If the cops later have probable cause to believe he lied about the attack then they can get a warrant, but right now they don’t have that.
Probable cause exists right now to seize his phone based on complete lack of evidence after reviewing hundreds of hours of footage, and what appears to be observations from the police who took his original statement and (I would assume, given their wording) find it incredible. A false police report in Illinois is a misdemeanor on the state level, however given that he is (apparently) alleging a hate crime that could qualify it for a felony, definitely so if he has made statements to any federal agent.

>Don’t piss on the constitution just because you’re irate at a gay black man.
Did I say seize his phone? No I didn't, you absolute fucking brainlet. I said this guy is a lying nigger, much like you. Looks like you fuckwits just blew up another news cycle with fake news.

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So that means he’s half White. After all, Ashkenazi Jews are White Southern Meds.

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What a dumb fucking faggot nigger, filing a false police report and wasting time/resources over a hoax.