why does trump shill for more and more legal immigration? has immigration at scales were seeing now, legal or illegal, ever NOT completely destroyed the host nation? i just don’t see how anyone can claim to represent a country and it’s people while simultaneously undermining their native citizens with even a single foreigner. EVERY non citizen is displacing a natural born citizen from their birthright. what will it take to halt all immigration into the US? is it possible?
America Firs-
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so you are acctively brain draining like half a world, and you dont like it? noble man
i Like us to Brain drain other countries
Indians will come in big number to US if this happens.
Koch Brothers and (((Kushner))) making a deal to let immigration and amnesty occur. Trump will cave barbecue he really doesn't give a fuck and just wanted to have one term of power.
This! Trump never disappoints Israel.
Republicans always claim that they aren't against immigration, just ILLEGAL immigration. Of course that is a lie as you are demonstrating.
Can we please remove Trump from this House and get Melania do the things... I think only hot people like me should run the office
Trumps just a hype man who rode populist rhetoric to the white house, then his zionist cabinet one by one removed the populists
Because he’s a neocon still just like everyone else, user
Thats why he always makes pissy tweets about how he's the president and you're not, because his former allies accuse him of betraying them, the truth
seriously fuck this clown and his family of kikes
>what will it take to halt all immigration into the US? is it possible?
truth anyone who still supports trump at this point is a shill or legit retarded
>want to push a smart wall
>will literally fund California for years.
>will use h1-b poo in loos to program the smart walll
A-America F-First
I worked at a tech start up and was forced put by dumber cheaper programmers from india
Iys less brain drain and more poo n loo
Highly skilled shitposter here, heard you guys were hiring.
Those are based and redpilled immigrants you ignorant leftist cuck
thats a loss on behalf of your company. unless, of course he wasnt really much worse than you
indians are based and redpilled?
fuck off cunt
>how the world works
>make up some excuse to outsource a job
>ridiculous requirements
>say no one in the applied that was qualified.
>create some niche item u need to manufacture,and claim that the usa cannot do it.
>i mean it not like you spent millions in a manufacturing plant, and didn't bother check suppliers.It was all smoke an mirrors to make an excuse to not make it in usa, and go to china like apple did over a screw.
they only need to make stuff up because of moronic laws