Generation after Gen Z will be called Generation Alpha

>Alpha kids will grow up with iPads in hand, never live without a smartphone, and have the ability to transfer a thought online in seconds. These massive technological changes, among others, make Generation Alpha the most transformative generation ever, according to McCrindle.

>In 2005, McCrindle's group ran a national survey in Australia asking respondents to think up potential names themselves. "Alpha" emerged and seemed like a natural fit.

>Everyone under the age of 5 falls into the Alpha category, as does anyone born in the next 15 years, what McCrindle considers the usual span of a generation. Unlike previous generations, which have simply used technology, Alphas will spend the bulk of their formative years completely immersed in it.

>This new climate of connectivity makes the leap from Gen Z to Alpha the largest in history, according to McCrindle - even bigger than from Baby Boomers to Gen X, who experienced the invention of computers.

Will the generation of alphas help us fight the Jews?

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umm no, moron! Gen A will grow up with virtual/augmented reality as a norm among AI. Gen Z is growing up with ipads that are on their way out.

Prepare your children well /pol.

Slaves to electricity will be easy to control.

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A fascist Gen A makes me hopeful

>>Alpha kids will grow up with iPads in hand

This has been shown to produce developmental problems. It is a bad idea to give kids this kind of access to electronics. They need to be playing with other kids.

Here's your redpill: there's no such things as generations. Babies are born all the time at a fairly consistent rate. Trying to define and stereotype generations with fancy names is the mark of a brainlet wasting their time.

There is no next generation. Central Banking's endgame is the death of all goyim.

you dumb faggot. of course there are no "lines" that separate the different generations - but there ARE historical events that mark major shifts in behaviors / society

>if you're 18+ when WWII starts
>if you're 18+ for Vietnam / drug culture
>if you remember what life was like before 9/11
>if you had an adult life and formed adult relationships prior to facebook/iphones in 2008

all of these sorts of marquee events/shifts have a way of shaping culture/people - the lives people live, and the way we interact, and our values, and the way we share information and the way we interpret that information is affected bigly by your age when any of these events occur(s)ed

>generation Alpha
>zero social skills due to only having online interactions

These kids are going to be fucked up with the constant exposure to technology.

Preschool kids can watch the most fucked up porn and parents don't care. How many parents block these websites? 1%?

> Generation Alpha
> Carry over marketing bullshit from a prior generation that built the internet

People are paid to write this bullshit
> Business Insider
Clueless outsider

>Will the generation of alphas help us fight the Jews?
No they're gonna be retarded

Id rather grow up in the woods than with an iphone in front of my face

Not just that, but having the constant feed of stimulation fucks with your brain

My kids will be born between 2023-2033 and they will not have access to these things.

It's a lot better for you. Shit I remember my mom taking me on nature walks and stuff when I was little. I loved it. These kids who have never experienced anything out side an app are going to be fucked up

actually, they'll only do that initially, because by the time they're like 10 there won't even be electronics lmao get fucked information-addicted nigger

>most transformative
This is silly. Generation alpha will grow up with tech and smartphones, the one after them with even more and repeat ad infinitum. Maybe if the next generation grew up with socialism, anarchism, the collapse of America or a word war you could say it’s transformative but do a couple of glass screens with pretty lights count as ‘informative’?


in 20 years from now the most difficult thing for a human to do will be to give up technology for a week, with a positive side effect of people dreading going to jail so much that they commit no crimes

Gen A will be a whopping 30% white !!

No they are just going to be actual automatons.

My daughter (3) sometimes watches cartoons on YouTube but I monitor the fuck out of her viewing. She can have her own phone when she's 16.

How bout your son?
You do have a son too right?

Hopefully you don't only have 1 child desu.

Early introduction to social media is what bothers me. I'm already planning on homeschooling my daughter, who is only 8 months now. Social media kinda removes the barrier I wanted to keep in place, protecting her from the pavement apes and other bad influences you find in public or private schooling.

At the very least I'm preparing a personal library for her to draw wisdom from, and she'll be rewarded only after finishing a book per week I've chosen. If I can finish a 400 page novel in a day, surely she will be able to complete it in a week, or suffer no modern privileges.

>Alpha kids will grow up with iPads in hand, never live without a smartphone, and have the ability to transfer a thought online in seconds.
But thats literally Gen Z. Are they retarded?

>iPads in hand
they are going to be implanted.

If douglas coupland never would have coined the term generation x would anyone even give a shit about this whole "generation ___" bullshit

Pretty sure that's already iGen or Gen Z, but these niggers will say anything to get headlines.

>tfw generation alpha is a meme to make people complacent about transhumanism and getting them selfs chipped.

Gen Z doesn't even have a name yet (zoomer isn't official, it's a meme), the next generation definitely doesn't have a name. Fucking Gen X doesn't even have a name.

This is clickbait bullshit.

Generation Adolf?

>30% white
by blood or population ?

lol your kid is going to grow up despising you

Can't wait for virgin millennials vs Chad alpha memes

So generation beta will kick off the beta uprising.


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How about "generation narcissistic part ll the redux".

She will grow to hate you. My parents did the same thing to me.

The jfk assassination...

A doomed generation

Bunch of tards in the making. It's lazy parenting. I'm lazy as shit and I still don't let my kid on a phone or tablet, and I've told the grandparents not to either.

My brain thrives on stimulation, I had to rent a second apartment for it it has grown so large...

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Got news for you, Gen Alpha is going to be mostly Muslim

>>in 20 years from now the most difficult thing for a human to do will be to give up technology for a week,
A pile of books and my boxes of vinyl albums and the internet could go to hell forever and I wouldn't care. I have no twitter, no facebook, no instagram...

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>Gen X
Slackers they were called slackers...there was even a fucking movie...called...Slackers!

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attitude era best era.

Not large enough it seems

Maybe in Britain where the cops think it's the responsibility of the public to keep THEM (the police) safe...

No. What'll actually happen is, due to constant dopamine agonism from social media and phones, they'll be a fully psychotic generation.

I'm growing weed here, of course I don't own it I could lose it in an asset forfeiture proceeding if it were mine...

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Ah yea that actually makes sense

>Generation Alpha will be the most beta

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Alpha kids will grow up in the ruins of the destroyed western world. They wont shit.

brainwashed gen

>1966-1979 Gen X
>1980-1989 Millennials
>1990-2001 Zoomers
>2002-2007 Gen Alpha
>2008-2012 BBoombers
>2013-2019 Generation Chad
Who Generation Chad here?

Why? They're not going to have real friends, so might as well get them online and working for big tech so they will be functioning members of society.

>They need to be playing with other kids.
That's problematic. It's easier to control if their interactions are always through artificial interfaces that are policed.

This means that Gen Z’s kids will be betas, right?

Technology like Phones and Computers are evil.

Lol, you really think a 1946 and a 1965 Boomer had the same experiences? It's literally from hippies to punk/metal.
He's right, generations only matter in small communities. This generation shit was pushed by marketers, especially when boomers were being blamed for the market crash, they started shitting on millennials. Then when they realised that they alienated all the millennials they pushed that gen back to the early 90s to try and see a new hip generation. But just wait to see what happens when they need to be blamed for not buying enough facebook apps.

What, the homeschooling or the books? Need to know, bitch ex is homeschooling my kid and I don't like it.

This. The crap started with boomers as a means to further D&C people, this time by age. Fuck the psy ops

There may be a slight reprieve with the Zoomers, but the next gen will have their brains turned to mush from early screen use. Imagine if your formative experiences were Elsagate videos. When they come of age, the "The Matrix" dystopia will be upon us.

Nah man the series of tubes taught me everything I need to know.

N-no stop making new generations its making me feel old

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Absolutely not. They are prototypes for the generation after theirs. They are prototypes of Homo-Taurus, otherwise known as goy-cattle. They are even more likely to be of mixed-race than Gen Z and will be exposed to internet degeneracy beyond any form seen before. makes a good (and concise) point and so does . As I said before, they are prototypes of domesticated goycattle, with one to two generation(s) left until the gentile race is100% ready for 24/7 rabbi-supervised foreskin harvest and blood-milking. They are pacified by internet overstimulation and turned rebellious by whatever propaganda they come by. They will be retarded, gay, and every single thing we could hate to have for a grandchild or child.
They aren't the end.