Next week`s shit show

FBI user here:

In the words of the immortal Walter White from Breaking Bad, Are you ready?

Comey and Brennan indictments dropping. We are hearing from wire taps the Democrats are planning something dramatic before the State of the Union to embarrass the President. Trump is aware of what maybe coming and is prepared. God help the Democrats if they do so. The stuff Trump has on the Democrats is not to be believed. Primarily from the files of Admiral Rogers and the NSA.

Interesting how the intelligence community has turned on the Democrats. They find them unreliable and basically believe Trump is the only adult in the room. They have enough on Harris and Feinstein to lock them up forever. Feinstein really is a Chinese spy.

Attached: fbi.jpg (124x124, 9K)

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Do you have proof?


Been hearing this stuff for a while now, better see some action soon. We are tired of waiting for justice.

You can lead them to water but you cannot make them drink. Really does not matter, it is what it is.

Lol there's no evidence for any of this. Stop listening to Hagmann Report.

Nice larp. Actual Fbi anons are now posting on New Pol

Big if true

Attached: sunglasses-2.gif (400x218, 1.24M)

of course he doesn't, it's made up.

>We are hearing from wire taps
> Trump is aware of what maybe coming

This guy is a retard