How good was society in the 90s?

How good was society in the 90s?

Did people really have it better?

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I can only imagine as I was born in 95

Whyyypipo? Or Blaaaahhhhpipo?

It was a simpler time.

Gen Xer here. Yes, yes we did. The Earth is fucking gay now and I want off.

People were bitching about the tone of the 1992 presidential election, between a tired old man who wanted out of the White House, a based southerner who made his own charts and graphs, and a guy who fit the Hollywood image of what a president should be. Yes, things were better in the 90's, but most people didn't realize that the writing was on the wall for what ended up coming to pass. The 90's mindset and the old America died on 9/11 and nothing is ever going to bring it back.

It was the last time anyone could be complacent.

Pretty much since. Since 9/11 this world has been a shit show. I want to go back.

Totally tubular, man!

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After world war 2 every generation had it better than those who came afterwards. Before ww2 every generation had it worse than those who came afterwards. Thanks jews!

It was great in the sense that we didn't have vapid liberal cunts spreading their social justice coolaid.

Nobody used the word "tubular". In the 1980s OR the 90s. I was there. Literally nobody said it.

Yes. Social media has done irreparable damage.

Yea, privacy was actually a thing that people had.

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Pretty good, it was all a bit more relaxed.

People cared less than they do now, but more than in the 80's and the cartoons were better. The internet will also never return to its former glory of the 90's era. Ever.

9/11 was a huge catalyst, but I don't think 9/11 cause the shitstorm we are in now. Social media did.

the 90s were literally the pinnacle of human civilization

no internet, creepy video games, shitty TV, expensive travelling, traditionnalism


You could literally say anything you wanted.

And snl was funny in the first half

All my older cousins are pre-hipster faggots. Most people my generation are niggers, faggot hipsters, or fake rednecks

I said it. So fuck you.

we absolutely did you retarded millennial. Even before that we did. Look up the weather underground. They were a super liberal group who made bombs and set them off. They got slaps on the wrists because luckily they didn't kill anyone and now some of them are prominent professors.

This. Eighties were even better!

>no internet
Were you poor? I had internet in the mid 90's.

'member when video games didn't have tutorials?

>I said it. So fuck you.

Then you were a fucking spaz.

or save points. You wanted to beat a game, you stayed up all night to finish it.

There was a general feeling of optimism, EVERYONE had it, a feeling that every day was getting better... no real threats on the horizon

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True. But this planet went to shit, this country went to shit, after 9/11. For me it was literally the day America died. Ever since, nothing has made sense.

I member..

You have to remember that hippies were very likely responsible for trying to make "tubular" and meme.

Remember when games came standard with colored and worthwhile instruction manuals that often had concept art and other cool things sprinkled inside.

There were gay and transgendered freaks back in the 1990s, the difference was that back then they were treated like circus sideshow freaks... we certainly weren't allowing them to shape our public policy, and we didn't bend to fit their needs.

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Yes. Not all of us made it out though.

RIP fellow 90s bros lost to exploding knees.

Also, I surfed in the late 1980s. NOBODY said "tubular". We said "get tubed". But if someone said "tubular"...we would literally mock them as Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times At Ridgemont High.

Well it can certainly be argued that without the massive social media presence we would have just slid into the 32 year plan of completely ripping this country to shreds but stripping away every right. Ironically social media has done some good that backfired on globalists. No ones buying the narrative anymore. Sadly it's also brought out the worst in normal people.

I was born in 1990 and I remember DOS games... man good ol' days. I like the 90s a lot. I liked everything before facebook. Even Myspace was cool for me. Something about facebook just ruined the way people communicate and think of each other

a lot of things were better, everyone was white, people had privacy, no social media, normies didn't use computers and the internet was way better, also no trannies

I grew up building huts, ropeswings and big fuck-off fires in the local woods, and playing football in the local park.
People socialised so fucking much more... it was a case of getting off your arse and running or biking or skateboarding to your mates house to physically knock on the door to speak to them, even to see if they were there.
Shit was so inconvenient when you compare it to now, but it was social... you had more face to face interactions, more people in groups doing shit.

I remember when mobile phones and the internet became a big deal late 90's and early 2000's... that was the exact moment when shit got too convenient and when everyone stopped making an effort to socialise properly, because they could text or MSN Messenger sat at home.

We have it better now, but looking back now the effort was more rewarding.

Yes. The world we knew was officially over when /ourcoach/ was fired by a filthy rat jew.

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Do you remember Star Control I & II?

Peak western civilization.

You could smoke in bars and restaurants n the 90s. That was awesome.

You haven't lived till you've sat in a diner at 3am after a hard night of drinking, eating some pie and drinking a cup of black coffee while chain smoking winstons.

The economy was good and the left was still pushing for semi-reasonable change.

Now we're in a major decline and the left is calling for the death of all white men in America.

I guess you could view the 90s as the LAST American decade where Whites were the majority and they were Proud to be the Majority... now all I see are whites in the streets protesting to bring in more refugees....

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Doesn't matter. I went from being born in the late 70s, growing up in the 1980s, to seeing the United States become a Kike run Beaner/Asian shopping mall.

America is lost. We have no culture. We're a shopping mall.

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Indiana needs him back lol. They are trash now. Long live Bob!

Not facebook, TEXTING. Back then people actually spoke too each other, now texting has replaced speaking and it's fundamentally changed society and how people interact.

I read computer mags like Wired that would include code to make your own games. And I sure as hell typed every goddamned letter of that code to play those games.

9/11 fucked us so hard. Now we have to pay attention to stuff. It sucks, but there's no going back.

Another thing worth mentioning is it was one of the last eras were kids were dominantly playing outside and biking all over. This is in stark contrast to kids today and their sheltered existence.

>normies didn't use computers
So much this. The internet being opened up to legions of retards via smart phones was really the beginning of the end.

And yes, as a Gen Xer, I will emphatically say that the Beaner invasion RUINED this country. Period.

People had it much better

Internet ruined everything

You could travel to Canada without a passport (not that you'd want to).


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Again, I think after 9/11 the writing was on the wall for much of what was to come. What should have set off tons of alarms was the incredibly swift drafting and passage of the Patriot Act. Social media probably wouldn't even exist if not for that, and if you don't agree, you're not paying attention to who is benefitting from social media.

Pic related: predictive programming or pure coincidence?

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It was surfer speak you dumbass. Pipeline waves are tubular. Most all that cringy 80s speak comes from surfers.

A typical Saturday night in my household in the 90s:
>430pm: mom and dad gather me and my siblings up and take us to the swimming pool
>500-600: swim and play in the pool, plastic basketball hoops, foam floating rafts, etc. Had a blast
>600-630: on the way home, swing by blockbuster video and pick a couple movies. Usually my sisters had to agree on one, and me and my brother had to agree on one. Some of the frequent rentals: Camp Nowhere, Heavyweights, Slam Dunk Ernest, Dunston Checks In, The Sandlot, Little Giants, etc.
>630: no movies til after supper! We eat supper around the table. Everyone has their designated duties for cleaning up.
730-10pm: After everything is cleaned up, we all gather in the living room and turn on the movies. Dad makes a big batch of popcorn on the stove and me and my siblings bring our pillows and blankets and lay them out on the floor to watch the movies.
Sunday morning: mom wakes us up for church.

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Hell yeah! I was more into the old first person shooters though. I used to love games like Strife, Blood, Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem, Blake Stone, stuff like that.

>and now some of them are prominent professors.
Which ones?

Sounds real comfy.

i had some pretty awesome years after school
they were pretty skanky and angsty but at least we still had countries
because it was still so white it was more about class and who was the coolest so they could fuck the thots
it gets like a dick measuring contest in here sometimes, it was more like that

I was a surfer in the 80s. We DID NOT say 'tubular'. It was literally a Jeff Spicoli meme. We said other dumb words, but "tubular" was literally the butt of jokes.

the 80s and 90s appear to be the pinnacle of America. I was born in '92, so I only remember the tail end. I do think things felt different back then though, like there was more optimism in the general culture. Now it seems we're surrounded by negativity.

yeah web 2.0 was pretty shitty but cell phones is what really made things terrible, occasionally i remind myself that most people don't even own computers and primarily use their phone for internet

this disgusts me

popcorn on the stove? what is this 1960s?

McDonalds had Nintendo 64's... fuck the playground. Rent movies every weekend, call girls and hope their parents didn't answer because it was all landlines. Playing runescape on dial up. Nobody bitched or moaned or complained. Nobody expected handouts. Everyone now is just a gigantic pussy

It came from Bart Simpson, or one of the levels in Star Road

We didn't care about anything. We were apparently the hardest generation in history to try and aim advertising towards. I read that in Advertising Age at my first temp job.

Drifting, not caring, not giving a fuck about authority.

At the time I thought we were dead cool. But it's that same generation (my generation) that are the parents of all the screeching liberal fuck kids today. And I can see how that happened, too. Everything for us was about revisionism - everything that was authority was wrong, everything that was individualism was right. This is where all these little spoiled fucks get it from - terrible, shitty parenting. Thank god I never had kids.

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>Duke Nukem
This is why I ended up watching They Live! I never played Black Stone or Strife.

No internet? 14.4 baud modems? No? Dude there most definitely was internet

For a time, we had an air popper, but it could only make medium-sized bowl at a time. We were a family of six, so my dad would just pour some canola oil in a big pot and make one giant bowl of popcorn.

>Has never experienced the pleasure of Jiffy Pop

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I was born in 88 and my childhood was literally a disney movie, I had so much fun

I hope when I die I get to see it all playback.

Pepperidge Farms remembers

Bodacious dude

Strife was one of the best First Person RPG's ever, kind of like Deus Ex.

It was amazing.
The internet and smart phones really did kill our humanity. Younger people think we're just shaking our fist at the sky when we say that, but you can't imagine how fundamentally different society was. You only think in sweeping terms, you'll never be able to reinvent all the tiny little details that made life magical and that will be forgotten to time.

Sadly you are right 9/11 false flag and the muslim flood that followed ruined North America until the next great turning.

Before WW1, there is no way you can claim anybody had it better after WW1 compared to before

Bill Ayers

Just before the policy changed in the early 2000s, I remember me and my brother (both under 18) crossing the border with a note from our parents.

Well said, it's hard for me who experienced my childhood in these years too even truly look back and relate because of how much has changed. It feels like a different dimension from back then.

Also, I remember always begging my parents to get the ActII popcorn from Blockbuster but they always told us it was overpriced and we had perfectly good popcorn at home.

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I wish youtube was popular and big in the 90s. Imagine the shit the youtubers would be able to do and get away with.

get on my level

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Less hood rates but still nihilist cultural decay

Yes we dud, faggot. Ross Perot warned us about the giant sucking sound of jobs leaving the US.


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No there wasn't you absolute LARPing gen z shitheel. The entire decade was saturated in complete nihilism. Movies and TV were becoming more ultra violent than ever. Every form of media started to take on an edgier tone. The news media was more fear inducing than ever - and had good reason to be with things like the 1993 WTC bombing and the OKC bombing, not to mention columbine. Politics started down the path of becoming the increasingly divisive crock of shit it is today. The alleged voice of the generation blew his brains out, dosed out on heroin and dozens of his teenage fans followed suit. The entire decade sucked dog dick and the fact that underage b&s like you feign nostalgia for it is evidence of how depressingly shitty the current state of the world is.

>Dunston Checks In

my nigga.

Lol ya your parents were right. I wanted that popcorn too, I think they made it smell like popcorn in the store somehow to make you want too buy.

Ross Perot also did not win the election or even come close.

>my anecdotal evidence

Its literally in surf slang dictonary

What surfers really talked like wasnt what like "surfers" really talked like. It became a parody of itself. No shortage of people in Minnesota wearing Jimmy Z never near an ocean using all that slang.same went for Valley Girl speak.

Pretty gay desu

We used to sit down and watch X files as a family with hommade popcorn and root beer, such comfy times. I try my best to do the same with my kids now, watching 80s and 90s classics and making them popcorn but the world they are growing up in is so fallen and confused. Trying to hold fast and guard the inner fire for the future against the non stop cold winds of the Jew world order.