Leaked mueller investigation documents

>More than 1,000 files leaked

anyone have these?

CNN is saying
obviously a lie and something important is in there

Attached: file.png (200x199, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=robert mueller filetype:pdf&tbs=qdr:d

bad links. kys

How are they bad links brainlet, it is to the story, not the documents, OP is clearly requesting the documents or checking to see if anyone has looked over them

I would also like to find them & go over them with Jow Forums

Why would you want to give shitty news sites "clicks"? Archiving is the best option.
Thanks for the archiving instead of direct linking

Doesn't seem like 1000 documents...

I, too, would also like to go over them over a nice cup of hot chocolate with Jow Forums



Attached: 1548216513836.jpg (231x210, 49K)

depending on who owns the doc, can easily dox yourself if the link is only posted here..

The person who posted the docs can see your account when you access them.

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well i am pretty sure that it is not the full set of files, just a single 18 page pdf
I think they managed to totally scrub the leaked documents and website that hosted them from the internet
because i can't find them
i tried 24 hour search for the keyword while limiting it to pdf format
this is the results
google.com/search?q=robert mueller filetype:pdf&tbs=qdr:d

Attached: 1545846233529.jpg (1920x1080, 471K)


>The webpage allegedly linked in the tweet is said to have contained “file folders with names
>and folder structures that are unique to the names and structures of materials... produced by
>the government in discovery.”

>Of the 300,000 files on the site, “over 1,000” matched the hashtag values of documents
>provided by Mueller to Concord, the filing said. Mueller argued these must have been obtained
>from Concord, because the FBI “found no evidence” that US government servers fell victim to
>any hack involving the files. Somewhat confusingly, the filing argued that many other file
>names used a reference to the Relativity database, which the US government “has not used”
>to store materials related to this case.

>Concord’s lawyers have informed the court that the company’s computers have not been
>hacked, but Mueller’s filing accused them of lying, saying that the webpage contained “actual
>discovery materials from this case.”

So there was a tweet with a website, but they never say what website & the tweet is probably gone by now....

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Attached: teslaphoresis-1.gif (480x270, 2.1M)

But that file is hosted on an CNN cdn and not in Google docs. That link is just using the Google docs pdf viewer for an pdf file on a third party server (CNN
If you don't want to use the jewgle pdf viewer then just strip the first part of the URL and download it directly from cnn:

found the tweet by the user who linked to all the files
pic related

Attached: tweet.png (891x461, 136K)

Thats a merchant pic for the newfags on here

Attached: 1539414790507.png (483x470, 184K)

surely someone has the fucking files

Attached: 1515331417029.jpg (1024x724, 57K)

>follows you
>unknown geoip
Hi, Snowden.

Attached: B06151DE-7FF4-4E43-8E1E-A0580924ABC1.png (415x280, 305K)

So? This is important & you people always seem to be helpful when it comes to this sort of thing.
The files are critical & being totally scrubbed from the net while the MSM tell you not to look at them.

Attached: u.png (59x90, 3K)

Well, Ed, could you at least post the download link again? The Twitter account got shoahed.

The twitter account is gone now of course. Did not have time to get the link. Full link is not anywhere now in fact. Chances are high the link is useless anyway because the download has been deleted.

what do you think about niggers?

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Dammit Ed you had one job; joking aside, if it is you or others risking their necks take care of yourselves.

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Just had high hopes one of Jow Forums had it re-hosted somewhere or saved the documents personally.
Seems that is not the case. Very bad outcome.


Attached: bumps.jpg (933x700, 52K)

Even though I agree, since you have a memeflag opinion automatically discarded

Be patient and have hope.....perhaps the ones you seek haven't gotten here yet........or they have lurked already and are on the case.

As you type an user may be reading and investigating. Time lets the Truth shine.

Wait are you really Snowden?

I had another guy a couple days ago trying to imply that he was Snowden.

Attached: 2DC4D0EA-75B2-46E7-8AA0-D69B6D5172F1.jpg (822x1101, 130K)

I suppose, but the thread will be pushed away & archived too fast for very obvious reasons I do not need to explain.
I personally can't make a new one, even if I did it would have the same outcome. The thread would need endless bumping to survive.

looks like the Russians loose again! Can't wait until the Mueller report comes out and all of Glornpf's supporters get arrested for treason.

And... IT’S GONE

Attached: 14F7D548-3AFA-4992-8206-3F76C9110655.png (640x1136, 53K)

>The thread would need endless bumping to survive.
Ask in /ptg/. It takes state level intervention or server maintenance for those fags to let their general lapse.

I was there the moment the story dropped, and searched everywhere for the docs but didn’t find a thing. I chocked it up to Fake News, designed to softening the blow from an unfavorable Mueller decision.

You gotta be shitting this comment out your ass for the lulz

Attached: Laugh4.gif (400x206, 1.76M)

So everyone knows /ptg/ is run by the feds now? Because it totally is, those awoo posters are some serious faggots.

Attached: A3EB4B7E-CACA-4B1F-86E8-E6BC51BE875B.jpg (793x594, 50K)

What’s the deal pol? Is this real?

What exactly did you think was going to happen to an unofficial arm of the Trump campaign once he got inaugurated? Of course there are feds. Sean Spicer used to tripfag.

Attached: crossing the delawoo.jpg (3492x1996, 1.87M)

It was real.

Attached: Untitled.gif (166x160, 2K)

Did we ever get actual proof it was Spicer?

Attached: 3C936A37-0C5F-43B4-94CC-0822953FF8F8.jpg (1024x544, 83K)

There was a post on /m/ that was probably him right after he got canned.
>hey guys I just got laid off from a really busy job and I haven't had a chance to watch mecha anime in eight months
>what have I missed?
The thread devolved into THANK YEW SHAWN posting and the OP vanished. It was probably him.

Attached: spicer misato maga.jpg (498x388, 271K)

I never had any proof that it wasn’t, just the absence of the docs in question and the reporting source. (CNN)
Thanks for posting though user, I’ll do a little more digging; can’t promise much.

It was real and we can't find the docs anymore

The documents, totaling 175 gigabytes in data

must've been more than words

That’s not proof

Is he public with his mecha autism?

Yes, that's what started this whole thing.


I'ma supposed to be seeing a merchant here or has Jow Forums finally broken me?

>Of course there are feds here
Why so lightly scratching the surface? Spooks and goons from every Department & Agency of virtually every country in the world are here------lurking/recording at the least -------when not talking shit.
Just remember that every funny thing you've ever posted here got lulz from every time zone around the planet

Attached: gmatweetfup.jpg (400x981, 115K)

How did you find the exact file size of all the data?
Can someone link this thread in other popular threads so that someone who can help may come faster?


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they even link the onion to the site

Yes but
are both KILLED when it comes to the data

I noticed that too. How long were they up?


it came out Oct 2018 and nobody has a copy of it???

Real disinformation, don't be patsy (again)

epic and based anonymous location poster

On a scale of 1 to life in prison, how illegal would it even be to download these "secret" files assuming they are legit?


Seriously not a fed, but I kinda like the Awoos.

that is just the join date of the account

Reminder if you're stupid enough to goto a google docs, while logged in with your real gmail you deserve everything you get. Natural selection newfags.

Depends, Assange has spent almost a decade in prison for breaking no laws. Laws don't really apply when the elite don't want them to. In this case laws would not apply. The Russia narrative is the linchpin of both the intelligence community and the Democrat elite.

okay, you sold me. i'll host the files on my crypto site if there is a link posted ITT for them.


Attached: 01589251479.jpg (906x720, 83K)

Never mind. Ferrofluid is cooler though.
Bumping cause gonna troll the thread for good screenshots.


b u MP, plzzz re-upload docs! I want to search

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Bump for Ed

I wonder if my posts about drunken spooks boasting about their arson of the aboriginal tent Embassy were read by the same spooks that I was drinking with...

i doubt there's anything to it. the whole concord thing is fake and its a fake lawsuit just like flynn's court case is fake and gay

>follows you
is that you Mueller?

Attached: 1476922348309.jpg (882x731, 124K)

can't you lazy gov posters name your photos yourselves? i bet you have a gov paid for machine that wipes your ass for you

I suggest you ask them next time you're "avin' a bee-ah" with them my fine Aussie shit-posting friend!

Attached: AussieShitPoster.jpg (249x249, 11K)

>Don't separate your quotes like that, that was painful to read. This is an example

I will seed.

Attached: 1530132176245.png (254x274, 76K)

ipfs plx


Attached: classified101.png (286x268, 91K)

IRA? wtf that got to do with anything

id pay for that shit and I don't even like white chicks


Related...mentions this url...


The .onion linked is in regard to that which leads to "DarkSideOfTheKremlin"


torrent linked there


Attached: 1535478721373.png (900x900, 478K)

ur still a nigger feggit

I ain’t clicking that shit nigga

Attached: FB4DFE6B-FF95-4B05-9063-CA127AA05D78.png (384x378, 131K)

Fuck off FSB.



Some contents

Attached: files.png (780x1704, 151K)

Theyre talking about the internet research agency not the Irish Republican Army.

I've seen 2 different sizes now.
157Gb and now 258GB
and the torrent is 108GB

I'm getting a muh dark overlord 911 files vibe here without the BTC

The torrent is all comrpressed, it is probably 258GB decompressed, text compresses very well.

Attached: 1540934236254.gif (900x900, 306K)

I'm snatching it.
Never know

The more you complain about them the more they post. I stopped and started ignoring them, like you do kids when they're having a temper tantrum