Is he really the big bad guy?

Is he really the big bad guy?

Attached: maduro.jpg (1008x1600, 172K)

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Yes you commie bitch

Attached: DDqsvsPUAAAFCNx.jpg (2048x2048, 1001K)

Macron is worse.

just a dumb fag at the wrong place and time when chavez died
look at his face, he has no idea where he is. he needs help

high five

>the u.s. should just be isolationist

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The answer to ops question is definitely yes

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commie man bad

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He is not worse than its enemies.

Yes he is chavez shill used to drive a bus for a living, clueless, speaks to birds, drove venezuela from being the best SA country to under somalia in 2-3 years to earn the leftovers of chavez, deserves death

He’s, objectively speaking, hot garbage

He is definitely a fucking moron and doesn't understand basic economics.

But thats what happens when you put a bus driver in charge.

Don't listen to the manlet haters here. They are jealous of the fact that Maduro is 6'6".

Maduro is gonna be one of the big names in world history as the Bolivarian Revolution takes hold worldwide this century.

When his opposition is a literal tranny fucker, he doesn't seem so bad.

His governmental management has led to widespread famine and food shortages in the country due to the economic mismanagement of both the food cultivation and distribution in the country. Also the sanctions will end if we just invade for the greater good of the Venezuelan people

i don't even get a kek for this

ffs what is wrong with the world

What a niggerish get-up. Like something out of Idiocracy.

Should have stuck to bus driving.

Remember how Bush and Obama crippled venezuela and froze their assests for leaving IMF and other pozzed globalist institutions and all opposition in the country is entirely CIA assets and Guidio’s mentor was a fuckin CIA agent provocateur and gets fucking money from the UN and peace lrize bullshit doing the elites’ bidding and terrorising Venezuelans?

weird that venezuela has enough to pay its military, feed chavez fancy meals, AND pay a force of government shills online

for lulz, you should tell your venezuelan people to cake to their faces. just say that famous line right to their faces. they won't do shit because their stupid, weak-willed latins

nah the other guy is a huge fag that opens his asshole for John Bolton

*maduro, i mean

What happened to Venezuela general?