Chinese Jr. High students can solve this. Why can't you?

Chinese Jr. High students can solve this. Why can't you?

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Is there an app for that?

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Because I have no interest in solving it.

but can they win in a fight?

The abo can't solve a simple Chinese children's puzzle. Sad!

It's the symbol for flame, idiots.

The abo has more important things to worry about.

There's a lot missing from this that makes you have to assume a lot to actually do it.
>What are you even solving for? (Most likely the area of red, but it isn't specified).
>No indication that those are truly squares, no right angle indicators, nothing implying the squares are the same. Unless math has changed since the last time I did it, you dont assume anything like that since an image isn't necessarrily an accurate representation

autocad says it's 36.5310, so i'm going with that

>Why can't you?
I INVENTED that problem, bitch.

But there's no question. All you've given me is a shape. You haven't given me anything to "solve."

They are 4x4 squares.

Solve what? There is no problem posited

Because i forgot all my maths outside basic everyday shit. Slow tedious way is then to solve square individually, but you could probably do it quick with good integrals.

It's doable for me it's been a while since i was in algebra 2 and i'm not gonna bother trying now but obviously you're just finding the area under some relatively simple parabolas, so i guess you need to take some derivatives to solve the area under etc. not that hard it you're currently learning pre cal/ all 2. Chinks will never compare to the white man in terms of mathematical/scientific ability. They have to be drilled over and over again to solve this type of problem whereas a white man can do it intuitively.

Because they do this to us


nobody fucking cares Cheng, go fix the number of deaths by maintenance ignorance in your country

I would have to see the formulae for circles again since I've always had bad memory for those but it doesn't look too complex, just a bit long to keep track of all areas subtractions

You can do the algebra

Attached: polmath.png (1000x760, 70K)

I eyeballed it yeah this seems about right.

look it this that thread again
all 4 curves are based on the same parabola that has just been scaled and inverted.
now what?

what parabola outputs y=12 at x=12?

>do it quick with good integrals
this guy gets it; they're just exponential lines, easy to integrate given the dimensions, sometimes you will have to find the inverse, following that its just simple addition/subtraction


Cpt Obvious

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true, i meant in the context of the problem, y=x^2-132 would cause problem for small x since we're not dealing with negative numbers

The curve isn't a parabola. The area is bound by circular arcs. You can work out the area using

Area of circle = 0.5*pi*r^2

by subtracting the white space from the red area like in

what a useless chink problem to solve

32π -64

Attached: bullets.jpg (750x350, 47K)

Chinese regulars can't last more than 14 days in the field without crippling demoralization. Chinese military completely lacks a joint command structure.

These threads make me feel bad about my low IQ and lack of education.

What do you mean "solve it"? Where is the problem?

Probably because common core, not sure what is the question though, the area of red?

Looks like 4 intersecting circular arcs of 90 degrees each. x^2+y^2

Chinese Jr. High students can't make high explosives and weapons from common household items, and know nothing about neurotransmitters.

What use do I have for knowing how to find the area of a logo?

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why wouldn't they be 3x3?

you have to make the assumption that those are circular curves then its all subtraction

If you lived in China and all of your job opportunities were about making knockoff Nike products you might think differently.

wtf is there to solve?

I could easily solve that if I wanted to. It's difficult until you realise that the shapes are parts of circles with parts of smaller circles cut out. It's literally plugging in π x r x r and subtracting.

find the area

Find the area ASSUMING the lines are parabolas


Attached: swish.png (527x377, 63K)

Traditionally we pose a question to be answered.

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Chinese have to solve shit like that so they know how to stitch it onto shoes and shirts.

This is just repeated use of the arc length to area formula. Try harder nigger.


fuck off chinese exchange student.

They're arcs of circles, not parabolas.

if they're so fucking smart, why do they have to fucking steal IP? this is nothing but a dog and pony can teach any kid to remember some formula, this doesn't mean that they can think for themselves..


Attached: diditpol.png (2644x1756, 292K)

32π – 64. What about it?

Lmao just do it the way scientists used to solve integrals, print it out, weigh paper, cut out red area, weigh red area, normalize red area weight by total weight. I don't give a fuck if chinks can abacus their way through this, work smart not hard

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>He thinks huffing gasoline and hanging upside-down from Eucalyptus trees is more important

They solve it. Then they sew it on some shoes with their tired, overworked fingers.

this + cord length from angle and radiys formula gives answer

>such cope
>ooga booga

Good job, you know how to (((Joogle)))

did they actually weigh the paper? I never really thought about it, that's pretty based.



chinese here

i remember this problem and it was very very easy once you start attempting to solve it
it takes time but it's very straightforward, there's no excuse to be a brainlet

>here, look at this arbitrary figure
>tell me what I think this is
>but I can't read your mind...
>WRONG hey chink, what do you think this is?
Ffs, syntax is useless without semantics.


Fuck off back to klendathu you filthy bug.

Australia is a chinese colony. Soon Canada will be as well. All hope is lost for America though cause the spics already won and we just dont want it anymore

>be lazy af undergraduate
>has shitloads of exercises to solve and are due next morning, procrastinated until the point of desperation
>gonna have to pull an all-nighter, but probably won't be able to finish things in time
>"shit, this looks like it's going to take way too long to solve"
>go to board known for high concentration of high IQ autists
>shitpost about some asshole minority and provoke said autists into solving the problem
>autists predictably sperg out and solve the problem for you
Kek, you fucking genius.

>Falling for the ol' Lobster Claw Gambit.

What are we solving for? Area? Are they actually squares?

Came here to say this.
Well done!

>He thinks it isn't

You aren't as special as you think you may be, burger cunt.
