New "lynching law" says if you and your buddy defend yourselves from being attacked by a pack of ferral minorities, you will spend 10 years in federal prison because you are white and they are not. All the minorities have say is "muh racism." And you're fucked.


That's what this whole Jussie smolliet hoax is all about. A psyop to set examples. Problem is... they lost track of their patsies and the Chicago police aren't falling for this bullshit. Laws has already passed though. So good luck white boys.

Pic related: kamala and jussie thick as thieves.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It is happening whether you like it or not
Minorities have been oppressed enough, it is time for whites to be oppressed

So? I'll just say I'm gay and it will cancel out

What if they force you to suck a dick as proof of gayness.

not that kind of gay

guess I'm sucking a dick. better than 1000 nigger dicks in the ass cuz I'm in prison for a hate crime

Should have picked a smarter nigger to do false flag

Looks like America is taking the South Africa model and not the Brazilian one .

Lynching whites when?

nah man just say you're a new kind of gay and cry because they're erasing you by assuming you're the dick sucking kind of gay. they eat that shit up.

It only applies if you attack someone. Not if they attack you and they defend themselves. What this actually does is place the internet under the jurisdiction of the united states government, and makes using the internet during the commission of a crime a federal crime.

“(II) using a phone, the internet, the mail, or any other channel, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce;

“(ii) the defendant uses a phone, the internet, the mail, or any other channel, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce in connection with the conduct described in subparagraph (A);

>It only applies if you attack someone

>doesnt understand that niggers will lie”I dindu nuffin”

Imagine being this retarded

Just because they lie doesn't mean they can prove it. If they cannot prove it, then it never happened.

So can we use this bill against niggers? They jump white people in packs all the time...and usually call people white boi, cracker, or some names

hate crime cannot be committed against whites. are you new here?

Tell that to an all black jury. Do you really think reasons governs them? Especially in a 12 pack?

If only that was actually how the justice system worked in what used to be the US. >James Fields

Yes you can. Hate speech during the commission of a crime constitutes a hate crime. In fact the most recent persons that I remember who were sentenced for a hate crime were these niggers. Makes all that niggers don't get charged for hate crimes shit seem retarded doesn't it?

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>So good luck white boys.
Support for anti white hate warrants a (((You)))

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That's not how things work.

"Proving that the defendant acted with hate crime intent can be challenging, unless the defendant admits (to police or others) that the crime was motivated by bias."

This is the key factor in "hate crime charges" You, as the defendant actually have to admit it.



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push them into a corner and you'll get only one result. i'll sit back in this /comfy/ basement with my animu, *sip*, and laugh as the bodies pile up.
>that's only playing into their narrative
right up until the point at which the narrative breaks and all out civil war begins. they're trying to ignite it before 2020 with the abortion bills, trying to get Christians to go apeshit on abortionists like in the 90s, and i'd frankly be shocked if it didn't work out exactly as they intended. only it's not going to be two or three isolated people reacting too early to the first step toward eugenics, it's going to be a holy war against secularists by radicalized christians.
>observing the obvious conclusion to this sad story is not incitement, CIA faggots

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Say you are the Q in LBGTQ. "questioning your desire to suck dick".

You have no idea what you're talking about.

"Fields, 21, was convicted on all counts, including first-degree murder in connection to Heyer's death and five counts of aggravated malicious wounding, three counts of malicious wounding and one hit and run count for injuring dozens of others with his vehicle."

He hasn't yet been convicted of hate crime charges.

Sure, there are no white people ever railroaded for pollical reasons. Get your head out of your ass!

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Tell them you identify as a lesbian. And ask if I can suck on vagina to prove my gayness.
It's all part of my master plan to lose my virginity.

WTF are you talking about? You're a loser with a victim complex. We're dealing with the concept of "hate crime" which is pretty impossible to prove unless you're a retard and you admit it. What does the guy in the photo have to do with this concept?

Fuck off. Read a book, or try to quit watching your shitty Vietnamese incestuous soap operas.

> What does the guy in the photo have to do with this concept?

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do not talk to the police
do not report to the police
do not rely on the police

if they only exist to clean up after its over and make your live hard why interact with them at all

do what needs doing then keep your mouth shut

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So instead of telling me who the faggot is, you post another picture. How useful. Like the fat shit in the photo is of any significance in life, and I should know who he is. Good job retard.

You are a shill or fucking naïve, I read the bill, it's to shut down free internet speech. If you "hurt someone feelings" on the internet it's a hate crime. You have to be a shill, no one is that retarded.

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You give me hope that all of Australia has not indeed turned into a dobber culture.

>Always a leaf

Is it in your culture to do this?

Oh sweet summer child...

I think the cold turns them into cucks....

Morgan Freeman was busy.

Those fucking niggers all walked with time served.

If you can't recognize "George zimzam the nigger killing man" it means you are either twelve, or fucking retarded. I suspect both.

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that is jason van dyke.

I've already stated that the bill is designed to give the federal government "control" over the internet. As depicted here:

“(II) using a phone, the internet, the mail, or any other channel, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce;

“(ii) the defendant uses a phone, the internet, the mail, or any other channel, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce in connection with the conduct described in subparagraph (A);

Lurk moar and learn how to follow a thread.

"Hurting someones feelings" isn't a tangible measure and therefore not a "hate crime". From the way it is written it would seem that it would grant investigators cause to research your internet history and make your internet activities admissible as evidence against you. Similar to phone tapping surveillance. It also expands the scope of what may be considered a crime on the internet by applying current federal definitions. Last I checked "hurting someones feelings" is protected by the 1st amendment. Not to much to worry about there.

Are you fucking retarded?

Well there you go.

if a tree falls......

You should learn to read before you comment, and the answer to that question is yes.

We had threads about it at the time.

Well fuck me then, im out

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right, just like how OJ didn't kill Nicole because the nigger jury said he dindu nuffin

black people usually attack in pairs so fuck them.

>Lurk moar
Rid'dick faggot, I thought, but no I think you are something else.
How much does the data mining group pay you?

So that answers the question. You're obviously a retard if you think any of the threads here are factual or useful. The 2 males were sentenced one for 7 years and the other for 8 years, both of them convicted of the charge of "hate crime" I don't know about the 2 bitches though as I actually didn't care about it. My only interest was that when I saw the video I knew they were getting served with a hate crime charge because there was no way around it. And they were. Charged and convicted.

We are here to lift one another up, and spread the truth.

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I'm not a 13 year old retard on the internet who has no clue of what he is talking about if that's what you mean. I know a little bit about law.

ok, chang

That's what you say, got a link? You really think black people would be convicted for torturing a white in Chicago?

Show some links, chief.

So you're LARPing. And poorly as well.

Learn some maff nigger. Whites have always been the minority. Learn some history. Whites are sometimes soft, but always good at killing. Bigly. The best. We only lose when we feel bad about killing. That's nothing a bit of appropriate propaganda can't fix. Enjoy it while you can

Once whites stop seeing you as human you become just another ecological problem to overcame and destroy for the sake of future generations.

>white people of previous generations were oppressive
>white people as of 2000 had completely gotten over race
>"I know, let's scapegoat the least racist generation in history and heap upon them the crimes of countless past generations, what could go wrong?"
I already did the white flight thing, whites just want to get away from toxic minorities for now. Keep it up and we'll want to gas the lot of you.

Black people are literally bad for the environment, prove me wrong.

Dumb fuck.

"Jordan Hill, 20, pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated kidnapping and one count of a hate crime, according to Tandra Simonton, chief communications officer for the Cook County State's Attorney office. Both crimes are felonies. He was sentenced to eight years in prison, Simonton said."


"The last of four people charged with hate crimes in the 2017 beating of a mentally disabled suburban teen was sentenced on Thursday to seven years in prison.

Tesfaye Cooper, 20, like his three co-defendants, had faced more than 50 felony counts following his arrest in the kidnapping and assault case that captured national attention in the weeks following President Donald Trump’s election victory."


You will see what you want to see, hear what you want to hear, and believe what you want to believe because that is who you are. What makes it funny is that is why you are who and what you are.

Nothing to see here. Just pandering to the black vote.

Hate crime = hate crime + power.

Could you do better?

>Niggers in Africa have literally shit entire tourist beaches into ruins

No argument from from.

Not progressive enough, it has been an unwritten law in Finland for the past 10 years.

Fuck you, you sadistic homicidal whack-job, I refuse to be punished for things I didn't do myself. And if you fucks try, I'll refuse to cooperate.

Fuck links and fuck white people.

If I read this right if 2 niggers attack a white person they can be done for lynching? Am I wrong here?

I'm just an average person who doesn't believe the Chicago press. Got any court records? The media is known to hoax.

"kill them all, god will recognize his own"

I just read the law, it’s literally nothing about what your saying. If you defend yourself against niggers, then it had nothing to do with race, so the lynching law wouldn’t apply.

You could actually use this law against blacks if they attack a white person based on race.

yeah just tell them you're a furry and human dicks gross you out and you'll be good to go

The FBI are now invesgating you

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>You could actually use this law against blacks if they attack a white person based on race.
>thinking that's how these things work
lol newfag detected

>whites have the power
....but the minority party claims to have the power now


You are correct, sir. But it would have to be because of race. It’s basically the “hate crime” law re-worded to get votes from the 70-IQ sub-saharans.

This is why I did the whole white flight thing.

If one Canadian is in the gang your fucked

Think you have milked the cow enough, shill.

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That is how they work, retard.

>implying we don't want to gas them right now

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Do you not have google?

Please forward.

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I actually think he's right though. If you are of German descent and get attacked by niggers or spics and they call you white during the attack I believe that a good prosecutor would say they were attempting to lynch a German person as you are offended by the term white.

Just to be on the safe side I am going to get a twitter account and create a history that shows I am about love for all people.

Gotta cover your ass.

And Neil deGrasse Tyson had to rape another girl

Stop giving it away.

Post the link or BTFO.

Actually if the prosecutor could prove that the person had a history of posting negative stuff about whites you could definitely say that they were biased against whites.


Glad to hear that. TY user.

That is if you fucking lynch someone and brag about it
>hangs black guy
>posts online “just lynched this nigger for being a nigger”
>hate crime

Confirmed 12yo retarded, you heard it here first

Kevin Hart was available.

I sit in court cases all day, I see shit like this happen all the time. Like you said, a good prosecutor will charge for a hate crime, which will at least get a plea deal.

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Got MLK?

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That would be a way to go. You should also volunteer to do community service projects with deprived niggers in the ghetto and post it on your facebook page. That would make the cloak completely bulletproof.

If you believe something that is true is untrue does your disbelief make that thing untrue? It would seem that BTFO it is.

It hasn't passed shill.

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