Why can’t niggers pronounce “ask”?

Why can’t niggers pronounce the word “ask” correctly, after being here for hundreds of years? Why do they say a variation of axe, aks?

Is it laziness, genetic, or they’re trying to be edgy?

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Because monkeys can't talk

Because of this

y u wyte bois make us go 2 scool an shit? nigga

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they grow up around parents or parent not saying it properly. they go to school around other people who don't speak properly. etc etc.

why can't they pronounce extra

it goes a lil something like dis........excra

most of them are flat earthers also. i think it is a hereditary condition

All around the world no matter what language or culture they live in they all seem to have very limited vocabulary with poor pronunciation. It must be genetic.

Because they're speaking 'black English' which is a recognized form of English now, and they actually think YOU are the one saying it wrong.

>Is it laziness

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It's an accent. If they try they can speak regular normal English.

They do seem to speak in a way that requires the least amount of tongue effort

Blacks used to do this too. Only after the Civil rights Era did this end as it was "acting white".

Because they are lazy pieces of shit that cannot understand english. If you say a word they do not know, they want to fight you.

Most can but choose not to because dats aktin wiy and the other blacks will think they are cucks.

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A combination of these, really. They're obviously physiologically different, anyone can see that from looking at the side profile of a black's head. They're also lazy, and it's a cultural thing as well

stop trying to civilize niggers

Anyone have that trayvon Martin prayer in cursive?

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beside during slavery when the African was being taught English when he tried to translate kuuliza to ask, the White Mistress would suck his BBC.

So now when Blacks try to pronounce ASK they have subconscious memories of a white woman sucking their dick, which make it hard to pronounce.

scrawberries, nimbers, "why come I", trooff, nughtin, whud. I work where there are blacks and asians have to speak with eachother and the white people are basically translators. Now hispanics are showing up. Half of my time is telling this woman what this guy said, or I think he said.

you try talking while pinching your nose.

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There’s definitely an aspect of it which is defiance. A refusal to assimilate.
Which is self-defeating behavior.

It's them stumbling over their gigantic lips. Like trying to talk with rain boots on your lips. Boot lips

The constant effort exerted to avoid success at all cost leads them to embrace retardation as cultural identity. You axxed.

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It’s how their tongue is shaped and structured. They’re not able to pronounce certain sounds with their tongue.

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Yo I gotsa axe y'all questin bout erraythang!

Well then let me aks you a question, why can't crackers pronounce "aks"? Why do they say a variation of asque, ask?

Stop being a linguistic prescriptivist. People talk how they talk, and as long as the idea is communicated from one brain to the other, it gets the job done.

Because enunciation is learned and you learn to speak from your parents

Then why don't they spell it "aks" if that's how they say it?

>smirks in 1-800-AXE-GURY

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what the hell ask mean mane?

Shiet mayne wut da fuk u tawkin bout foo u finna make muh hed hert

lol idk, I guess they read non-chronologically

Lots of southern whites say "nukular" but still spell it "nuclear". I think the real answer here is that people who speak non-standard English still have to really on standard English dictionaries when it comes to writing. Nobody writes in AAVE, it is only spoken.

Why are you spreading this neocon mass murderer faggot meme


Ok, story time.

>Be me
>Talking with nigger at work
>Kinda just happened so I rolled with in
>Nigger talking about cologne
>Says "I mostly just use ask".
>Think to myself
>"Self, what the fuck is ask".
>I ASK, "Nigger Jim, what do you use?"
>Nigger Jim says "Ask..."
>He looks at me like I'm the dumb mother fucker
>I repeat "What?!"
>He repeats "ASK!"
>"God dammit Nigger Jim, are you talking about AX body spray?"
>Nigger Jim affirms "Yeah, Ask Body spray."
>"Mother fucker do you legit AX questions and use ASK body spray"
>Nigger Jim chuckles his little nigger chuckle "ha ha...yea"

Not even joking here.
100% real exchange I had.

Whites have been saying "axe" for millenials you retard

Why didn't they say it for boomers or gen x though

And it’s never ‘four’ but ‘fo’

I've noticed "economy" is a tough one for them too. I always hear "ecomony"

They produce it as axe just like their true viking heritage

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You're just full of excuses for these barely literate apes

You can call me Jane Goodall

RIP rug

Specifically to piss you off.

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Here was a good video. A black businessman tries to teach black youth to say 'ask' instead of 'axe'.


I work with a black guy who talks just like a black guy until he talks to people on the phone like a mechanic or something. “Yes I did drop my car off at your establishment this morning. So you’re saying it’s an easy repair and should be done by noon. Thank you so much for helping me”. Then he looks at us “have to use my white voice to get shit done”

>Bears hibernate because they are lazy
They arent so much lazy as conserving energy. It is evolution. Traits that make them genetically superior in their environment make them seem lazy here.

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Now give me a (you) you nigger

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>Why can’t niggers pronounce “ask”?

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>the scent of sandalwood and lilac waft in behind you
nothing personal kid.

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Like the way mutts say yall.
Take some pride in speaking English you degenerate scum.

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what do you have to eat to get poops like this

lol totes this! OMG we like just click, we shud get 2gther and P A R T Y

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Why can't Americans speak English?

has to do with being raped by gay jew slave owners.

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Never made sense to me; especially when their favorite, hive mind, modifier is "ass".

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>imagine the smell

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Because you can't pop a cap in yo ask

I've asked myself this very question a thousand times and still have no answer that satisfies.

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>If you say a word they do not know, they want to fight you.

This is actually true.

I had a really ignorant Puerto Rican friend. He would become hostile and very angry and defensive if I used a word he didn't know, even if it was a positive compliment. Literally too stupid to know he was being complimented. And if you called him out on it and explained it, he would just get angrier because he knew he made himself look dumb.

Blacks get really confused if you use big words near them. Especially if they're really ignorant types.

>it is a hereditary condition

Yes, I'm convinced it's some kind of learning disability similar to dyslexia, most of the ones who do this are functionally illiterate, too. Their brains literally cannot process words correctly.

It's actually kind of handy because it makes it easy to tell who has shit genetics.

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I had a good black friend in HS, who grew up in the same nice suburban area that I did, that still for whatever reason still said aks instead of ask in his daily life. All his friends were white who said it properly. There were no other words that he said like a ghetto nigger. Just that one word. It was weird as hell, and we would always call him out on it too, so it's not like he was getting away with it.

One other story very slightly related, but I'd have no where else to post it but I just need to get it off my chest.

We had this black chick, that I think had an african dad and white wife. She also grew up in the nice suburbs, and for the handful of years I knew her always acted totally normal. aka white. Sang in choir, had valley girl type white friends etc. I decide years after HS to look her up. For some reason, probably through media manipulation this privileged suburban bitch now speaks like a ghetto nog, saying nigga all the time and talking about just regular gangsta ghetto shit. This fucking bitch moved to Tanzania to I guess start her "music" career. Got knocked up by some African within just a few years, and has now moved back obviously single, with no husband in tow and two twins to take care of as a single mom. I have no clue what she does for a living, but I assume her white family members just take care of her little niglets 24/7.

Who the fuck goes to africa to get knocked up and raise a single mother family? unreal. lel.

clever niggers are dangerous

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>Stop being a linguistic prescriptivist

>anyone can see that from looking at the side profile of a black's head.

It's true. The back of their head seems very small proportionately to the rest of them. Not much cranial capacity at all. It's very obvious. The top front also slopes inward a lot more earlier on many of them, further diminishing cranial capacity.

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Why can't niggers use trigger discipline, ever?

Obviously because they don't know how to "ask", only how to take and gibsmedat.

I doubt anyone really cares, but here is that chicks instagram/twitter. Literally grew up in one of the nicest suburbs in America, yet still felt the need to revert to her african traits of speaking like a ghetto retard, and getting knocked up by some rando and becoming a single mom. But this tard apparently sought it out so there is no way he would help out, since he's an african with probably 5$ to his name. kek.




And those people are stupid too

It's just a nigger thing.

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they stole the lingo from italians because it was "cool"

at least he is smart enough to realize this. so many pavement apes don't.

They do it on purpose to prove they're rejecting white society.

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No, they make themselves understood so there is nothing wrong with talking like that.

Not the user who requested this, but have a (You), I laughed at this

it is because blacks are the biggest fucking sheep starfuckers on the planet, one nignog on tv wears his hat sideways, then every nignog does, one nignog walks around with his ass out, then every nignog does, one nignog speaks ebonics then they all do it, etc., etc.... that's why they all dress/walk/talk/act the same like turd clones

Unironically the best black people I have ever met when it comes to articulating are from Africa. The ones that have come here to study, and attempt the American dream or go back to Africa and attempt to fix their own society. It is a shame that they are rare, and nearly all Americanized Africans are complete wastes of space. I had an economics professor that was from Ethiopia that was unironically one of the most redpilled people I had ever met, and a classmate from Zimbabwe that tried his damnedest to act and talk like a white person. The guy from Zimbabwe moved back and I pray that he is successful. I have yet to meet a American Black person that wasn't a degenerate however. It just goes to show that uppity negros when surrounded by black culture in the US are an athema to society due to jewish influence.




ax deodorant spray

They’ve never seen it written.

Requesting a video of a young nigger sitting in a car, saying "aye imma beez ridin today all y'all niggas will dill heh heh" or something. Title of the video before it was removed was Tyrone got A+ on Mr. Goldbergs English class or something similar.
Also a video of a fat babbling negress and her kid making kool aid with tons of sugar.

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I worked at a credit union and typically had a no nigger policy for my office. I would wait for someone else to help them if at all possible. I just didn't feel like dealing with bullshit. That being said we had a noticeable portion of members who were from Africa and ALL of them were kind, respectful, patient and trying to be good new citizens. They all had families, liked to joke around, told me about their culture. Many were muzzies too and no problems whatsoever. Gave me a whole new view of "black people" vs "american niggers". It's seriously night and day.

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why cant southerners pronounce the word "wash" correctly, after being here for hundreds of years? why do they always say a variation of warsh, worsh?

Boomers smell like axe

Why can't yanks pronounce pundit?

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a LOT of fried chicken

i know a nigger from kenya hes actually a decent guy, runs his own business, has a wife and kids, not a deadbeat dad.... hes still a nigger but hes better than your average muh dick

>from Africa
i see that around here too, supposedly lower iq african blacks and even hatians hate american blacks, the africans call them slaves

Why do northerners add -er to -a words? Would you like some pizzer? I’m going to go visit Atlanter, I heard the south was nice. She owns a nice viller down by the ocean.
Fuck off. Only blacks say warsh. Go suck down some pizzer and pop

>they go to school
kek good one

Same reason all sorts of euromutts can't pronounce "th."
>threw = frew
>with = wiv
>another = anuvva
et al
Shit drives me insane.

Why can't Americans pronounce the letter T ? As in Toronto , daughter , water , etc ?