The first month of 2019 is over. How are your New Years Resolutions coming along? What have you done recently to better yourself?
Share stories and give advice. Post motivational images/infographics.
The first month of 2019 is over. How are your New Years Resolutions coming along? What have you done recently to better yourself?
Share stories and give advice. Post motivational images/infographics.
Started fapping daily again to prevent prostate cancer
What I'm working towards right now. I spent all last year trying to form good habits and a healthy lifestyle. This year is about making friends and pursuing a social life.
I just love how Jesus died for the sins of black niggers who murder innocent civilians
Cringe and bluepilled
So what do you believe, user? You have to believe in something. Nihilism and and hyperindividualism will be the death of the rest. If you choose not to be a Christian, at least know what you believe and be firm in your beliefs.
solved my childhood trauma with a therapist. I finally understood that migrants are just humans and deserve our help
I fucked up so I'm restarting february.
6:30 wake ups, intermittent fasting, nofap.
both of those pics are so stupid
i can take some from both and not make a whole thing about "self improvement"
and honestly, if you need a Jow Forums thread for this you're such a fag.
it sucks Jow Forums is so dead these days because 18 months ago these threads used to 404.
one white male sacrifice is not enough for all the cruelty your kind has brought upon us
A big goal of mine this year is to create cash flow by buying rental properties and hiring huwhites to do the work. My direct mail starts monday.
We must be the change we wish to see in this world. In a world where degeneracy is so heavily pushed upon us and traditionalism is counterculture, taking a stand against it is political. This is a thread for building communities of like-minded people, giving reading recommendations, and preparing ourselves for the struggle ahead.
Yeah, now we're blessed with black rimming cuck threads 24/7
I actually like the SIG thread because it's the solution for the white race to retain supremacy
there is a nice patch of woods near my house so I made a new years resolution to go in the woods every day
there is a nice hill to climb and after 31 days in a row my calves are getting pretty robust
did you guys know that any land owned by the BLM (bureau of land management)
is free to explore in its entirety, all year round?
I always thought you had to "check in" with some sort of ranger but nope, all parcels owned by BLM is fair game to roam around and explore
>wtf i love BLM now
When the weather gets warmer I'd like to go fishing more often and take more hikes. Wish I still had my boat desu
I've started to count calories and I've lost 5 pounds in the past two weeks. I'm doing great when it comes to lifting as well. I could never do a pull up as long as I could remember and did a solid 10 when I tried for the first time since high school.
I think my goal of getting down to at least 200, probably 190 now that I'm counting is completely possible.
yeah I live in a spot getting hammered by the vortex, all the deer trails were iced over and I couldnt spend more than 10 minutes out there with many layers
Lost 15.5 lbs through January. Got at least another 30 lbs to go, ideally 45-55.
I found out I’m going to be a father.
Wat do now /sig/?
>waiting until February
>not starting when initially coming up with the thought
You'll never start, and if you do, you will fail within days.
Post your story
If you need a new year to improve yourself you’re a weak loser.
this is literally the standard Mediterranean diet.
Get a paternity test. If that baby comes out black and you thought it was yours, that's a lot of time and money wasted on supporting her through the pregnancy.
prepare to survive on zero sleep for awhile. newborns wake up and fuss about every 15 mins.
>he doesn't know about ear plugs
My wife and I met in my sophomore year of hs. Never dated anyone else. We took each other’s virginity. I married her shortly after I left for the Air Force. We’ve been married five years now. Were going to start trying in May.
She’s literally the only thing I’ve done right in my life.
I’m hoping I can add one more to that list.
Self-taught web developer here. Convinced someone to hire me while knowing fuck-all 6 months ago for $15 / hour. Asked for 52k / year today, effectively $25 / hour and got it. Also feels good because I work at a company that sells an honest product so I'm not selling my soul to kikebook or some shit.
If anyone else is interested, check out
I somehow let myself get 85 fucking pounds overweight. Poured out the booze and stocked with healthy food earlier today. The next six months are going to be brootl but I'm not spending another summer as a fat sack of shit.
part 1 of my plan of sending candies in exchange for entertainment is going as planned
i like long term goals, and this month i met amazing people who are interested in my ideas, and a very useful and great like-minded individual
so i'd say, all acording to keikaku
Start lifting. If you lift + eat well, you could lose that by summer, not exaggerating. You will also be jacked by the time summer gets here if you're br00tl.
You don't just let a newborn cry without checking on it, retard. Enjoy your SIDS.
And its a good diet
Romans always had the right idea
>Enjoy your SIDS
"Sudden Infant Death Syndrome" or SIDS, is exactly what its name says: Young mother puts her newborn to sleep. In the morning, the baby is dead in its cradle. The reason? None to be found. So it is death by SIDS.
In reality, SIDS is a made up term coined late in the 20th century, to cover for the fact that first time mothers suffer hormonal imbalance after birth, and that may cause them to hurt themselves - or hurt the child. People knew of this before fancy science came to explain it, that's why young mothers were never left alone.
Finally stopped watching porn this year, fap once in a while to stop wet dreams, changed my lifestyle, sleep better and added early morning exercise, cut my diet to get healthy. Will start gym once I have reached a certain goal for my waist line. Get a better job and marry a woman from my own race and teach my children our cultural history which I had never given importance to.
helped them by fixing their shithole so they can go back
Been smoking weed and hash for 10 years now.
The last 2 years it became daily.
Quit and fell back enough times to know about the dopamine roller-coaster.
Last Friday I've realized that I cant tell the difference between high and sober anymore, and actually was looking forward quitting for good.
Got rid of my remaining hash, went through the 3 days hell to get it out of my system.
The last 4 days ware really good. High energy, actually doing meaningful stuff when bored.
The first 2 days after the "3 days hell" I still wanted to smoke at the evening.
Now I'm too clear and too "afraid" to go through all of it again.
Today picked up my vape instead of the intensive cigarette smoking.
To all of you struggling with quieting with weed: I fell you.
Just know it's a 3 days HELL, spend it angry eating smoking and sleeping, but by the 4th day something will click (dopamine back to normal I guess) and you will just wake up clear with energy.
Every-time I went through it I was amazed how it's just like magic.
You can do it bros, just don't break in the 3 days hell.
yayay woopwoop ! ! ! d o i t
I've tried to get back on the right path but I actually think I have ADHD and bipolar.
Tried being more social, it helped my motivation and energy levels.
Getting much worse at nofap because no goals and kind of blackpilled on women rn.
Cleaned my room for the first time this year.
Tried to get a job but the boss wont page me back.
Had a few driving lessons but shit is booked out now.
Starting uni next month, been reading my textbook.
Just been blackpilled the last 2 days, idk why.
How the fuck do i get better without SSRIs? Excercise helps but... i cant always do that.
>mutt deciding who's white or black
He no longers asks to see bob and vagin. Bob and vagin ask HIM.
I've been sober for over a year now. Decided to quit when I realized I couldn't be happy without weed anymore. It gets rough at some points but after awhile your brain resets and stops craving it so much. What makes weed so sinister is that it makes you content with being bored. It saps all your productivity. All you want to do is get high, eat ice cream and lay in bed. It gives you a gilded cage and convinces you you're happy.
Have you stopped scamming people by pretending to be tech support, too?
I don't understand why Zionists are using Israel proxies all the time lately and making posts that sound like "ha ha hey guys i'm just like you"
>forgot to use a memeflag
Fuck yeah man. I lost all my gains because of depression and a bad break up but I'm going to start lifting again. You motivate me, we motivate the other losers to become the best versions of ourselves
lol, I'm 100% sincere.
Why is it so hard to believe I'm from Israel?
Plan to drink every day after work, or as much as I can afford.
Don't even try it.
Checked and redpilled
White is a mutt term to describe a hybridization of different European ethnicities.
good job, user. keep it up. What kind of diet?
Haven't busted a nut in over 2 weeks. I thought semen retention was supposed to give you more energy and clarity of mind, but all it's doing is making me feel horny and distracted.
Does it get easier later?
peasant food
I have no respect for brainwashed little kids.
>and that may cause them to hurt themselves - or hurt the child.
Yes and a prime example of that would be putting in earplugs and ignoring a crying newborn, fuckin dip. babies crying themselves blue in the face and dying is a thing.
How can I train myself to avoid mind-wandering? I often get off-task near computers.
Wasn't a new year's resolution, but I just breached 10 weeks nofap. Aiming for 97 days, 90 to mark the 3-month goal I initially set and another 7 days to carefully record the differences again.
Based and redpilled. Promise us you will still text her and ask for the bobs and vagnene every day, even after you've been married for 30 years.
Dude it's not about no fap. there is a biiiiiiiiig difference between watching loli\porn everyday and stopping complitly.
Do everything within reason of your mental health.
Meditate, Excercise and Read. It is really hard to deal with the horny fog but if you use enough energy your mental clarity will be the sharpest it's ever been.
Take your current wakeup time.
Set clock for 06:30.
Every minute you get out of bed sooner is a victory.
The only way to lose is changing your alarm back.
you have to transmute the energy
look into transmutation of male sexual energy
(Mantak Chia, Samael Aun Weor, etc.)
start with testicle breathing and the microcosmic orbit
Bad news. It likely actually increases the risk, especially if you are under 50 years old. Prostate cancer is a negroid disease for the most part anyways. It must be said that there are conflicting studies with regard to the prostate thing. Likely it is family history and ethnicity which are bigger factors. nocturnal emissions occur when the body needs to do what it needs to do. The prostate thing is pushed because they want a devitalized population of chronic masturbators, not because of prostate health. Being a wanker is not an admirable characteristic. Spreading disinfo to try and get others to continue being wankers is also not admirable.
Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s but appeared to be associated with a decreased risk in the 50s, while intercourse activity alone was not associated with the disease.
Only age, family history of prostate cancer and ethnicity have so far been established as risk factors for the disease. The probability of prostate cancer increases after 50years of age and most men diagnosed are aged >65years, but 25% are diagnosed when aged
>Spent the last month developing a proper exercise routine for each day including stretches and warm-up
>Evenly spread throughout the week cardio, flexibility, and strength
>Studying to code
>Trying to make my way through my large reading list
>Been feeling a lot less depressed
>Been feeling a lot less anxious
>Trying to be calmer and less quick to anger
>Studying metaphysical stuff like Asatru and Occultism
Been doing all these since December
Day 6 nofap and I lay here depressed
Learn to do the work yourself. Hiring property managers to do shit is a good way to kill cash flow.
>finally a good thread going and sure enough some annoying yid shows up
Quit drinking (hard alcoholic for last five years or so) successfully, going to quit smoking weed, wheeled a cute white girl, gained 15lbs (160, was 145 , recovered from polysubstance addiction , lowest weight was 130lbs at rock bottom, and I'm 6'1"), started eating better
Things are going better.
dopamine withdrawal
You have to endure it.
While I got rid of the brain fog pretty quickly, it took 3 weeks nofap for the horniness to finally die down.
You might start feeling like you're flatlining but don't worry that's part of the gig. Ups and flats. No downs, that's when you watch porn.
Thanks for the replies. Will take any additional advice if anyone has some.
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
>Writing something relevant to the thread.
>Kids obsessing about where I'm from.
>I'M the annoying one.
It's winter summer child, go back.
Makes sense actually, thanks
>all equal in christ
If that counts for niggers, then fuck off
but despite that christianity is fine yea
That horniness is what nature does to motivate you to go outside and find something to fuck.
Listen to it. It's not just "stopping" you will go insane.
Late bloomer here. Getting life on track, regularly attend church, quit porn, quit video games, got /fit. No gf atm but I attend a lot of social stuff and am tall/white so shouldn't be hard to find a girl. Only problem is finding a Christian who isn't a turbo slut. Not financially stable yet but getting there.
Only thing holding me back is Jow Forums desu, I'm thoroughly addicted and often end up here even when there is things I could/should be doing. Think I need to quit but can't chaps.
Got my shit together 3 years ago. Almost graduated. In good shape, got top marks, and eating well. I browse Jow Forums a lot less these days, I think that is a key. Looking for an internship now.
If you choose not to improve yourself just to avoid doi g it around new years, you're a faggot.
>Think I need to quit but can't chaps
I don't know why I keep coming back here either. I quit for months, come back for a few weeks, quit for a few more months, repeat.
Based thread. Goal pic related - plus at least 2 more
On a 1200 cal a day diet because I don't want to do much more than sit at home and relax for a few months this year. Lost about 10lbs this week already.
Cut out carbs, sodas. Down to fapping once a week. Quit smoking entirely. Got a gym membership, trying to get my numbers to what they were last year. Treated myself with a trip to Florida later in the year. Lining up a seller for a 50 BMG rifle and going to get a hold of this BMP-1 that I've been trying to get shipped to the states.
Next year is year of GF. This year is year of being a fucking Chad.
>How can I train myself to avoid mind-wandering? I often get off-task near computers.
It's fine, goy.. It's totally normal...
It's kinda stuck in your brain as a habit, I cant tell you how many times I'm sitting in front of the computer at the morning and automatically typing 4ch-
What I find best is to find some niche groups in your interested for a constant feed of inspiration.
I used to hate myself on FB, jumping to all the toxicity, and then I just joined TONS of artists pages, sound groups and all the things I like, and now its much better, because my "aimlessly web surfing time" leads m to new stuff.
You have the option to use a meme flag. Instead you use the flag of the most hated "nation" on this board. You're fishing for replies.
I got a pretty good job last November and I am still working.
Didn't get back together with my ex.
I am actually saving money.
Now I just need to find a place to live.
So it's been pretty good so far.
I find mid-energy repetitive music with no lyrics really helps in focus while working (Deadmaus or some random glitch-hop mix).
Nothing to intense to get your mind distracted, but with enough energy to keep you centered.
Over the last 4 years of my fitness life I went from fat, to skinny, to powerlifter/bodybuilder. Does anyone want any lifting/dieting advice from a fitness vet?
I'm trying to brother. Computers by design scatter the brain. Train yourself not to have more than three browser tabs open at a time. Read, move on, read, move on. Don't hop between. Meditate everyday. Start with 5 minutes, then 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 minimum after a week. Also time your computer sessions. Like an hour with the goal of working on a paper or something. Don't fall victim to mind controlling AI, develop self-control.
I don't understand why it's so absurd to you to believe I'm really from Israel.
You think I will pass on the best news source and discussion on the internet because of some edgy banter? we invented that shit.
I find mid-energy repetitive music with no lyrics really helps in focus while working (Deadmaus or some random glitch-hop mix).
Nothing to intense to get your mind distracted, but with enough energy to keep you centered.
Yes, please.
How long does it actually take to go from 131lbs to 175lbs only doing chalisthenics?
I hate the gym, I wanna work out laone because I do shit better when I'm alone in general.
Wizard here. I am now technically full time since I work two part time jobs (I used to only work 10 hours a week). I am in a big hole, and I am not sure if I can dig myself out. But I want a normal life. All of my wizard hobbies got taken over by political zealots and idpol psychos.
I'm becoming a buddhist