>Jow Forums will have a problem with this
Are you guys so cucked that you defend billionaires?
>Jow Forums will have a problem with this
Are you guys so cucked that you defend billionaires?
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you so ignorant to believe government uses tax dollars efficiently?
>Our law only abuses the freedoms of a small minority, therefore it is okay
The government shouldn't get any taxes at all. Taxes are theft.
My family is in that 0.2%. Good luck with your estate tax lol.
If the government wasn't filled with Democrats and Republicans maybe I would trust them with that money
somebody finally gets it.
the issue isn't that we want billionaires to keep money they arguably don't deserve and probably haven't earned, it's that the expansion of government that would come with expanded revenues is completely unacceptable.
>45% estate tax on 3 fucking million
what the fuck is wrong with this asshole
whats the point of even making money then if it just gets wiped out by the fucking government.
>bro lets just fuck the end result instead of regulating how we got here in the first place
>all millionaires deserve to suffer! despite however honorably they made their money
like a fucking child lashing out at the root it tripped over
Sounds like a great way to ruin our economy.
>77% tax on billionaires
sure way to make sure no billionaires die in the US
bump this reply
billionaires are the enemy
as are their foreign mercenaries
come on dude offer a more realistic argument, you know its in your bones try harder
taxing should be so aggressive that nobody could possibly be worth more than 100 million.
I agree with him on this one.
The problem with kikes like him though is that he'll spend the money expanding a beurocratic government while opening borders to all the third worlds fuck trash.
That's exactly what happened here.
Don't forget to send your tax refund back to the government.
if you were to join the millionaire club, the next thing youd do is find a way to get your money out of the US based on this.
I agree Satan. But it would be nice to reduce our deficit.
>muh expansion of corrupt government
With the kike ZOG president donald trump you’d expect that to not be the case. Didn’t he drain the swamp
Estate taxes are too easy to avoid, find another way to soak 'em.
The rich will have ways of moving their money out of the country or otherwise making it untaxable. Fine art and high-end booze are two ways of going about this. These sorts of populist exercises are useless.
Lmao honestly they can put it all in a pit and burn it for all I care.
Better than letting the (((rich))) keep it.
Look im for single payer healthcare, and taxing people who make above a million, but if you let the 3rd world in they'll just drain from us and force us to have to use the middle class and lower to tax like me.
Build a wall and tax the rich.
So that it's distributed to more people which means more spending to stimulate the economy and buy your products/services thus making you richer in the long term than you would be otherwise.
The IRS is too strong nowadays for such a thing to be feasable.
In the 80s under Reagan, taxes were higher then than now, higher marginal rates for lower incomes than what's being proposed now and that was even after the Reagan tax cuts.
>removing the incentive to be rich
>Unironic call yourself the free-ist country in the world
This is why I am going to Singapore. Western and European countries are done for. We are unironically viewing the decline of a country and even China is more economically free than America.
why do you ask this question every hour? one thread would have been enough. this is clearly shilling
I know how to avoid this: have your son create a company, invest all your money in it at some insane valuation, and then have him IPO the company and keep doing generation after generation.
>3.5million is now 0.2%
well i guess just about every homeowner in los angeles is fucked
What my family does already: Get fucked, Bernie
Because you still get to be a millionaire, which is like being a God on earth? Are you really going to tear up a 3 million dollar lottery ticket if the government takes half, and work at Wendy's?
Reducing our deficit won't come with more tax revenue. They literally take the tax revenue throw it into a budget and say "now we have more money to do more things or hire more people". The only way to reduce deficit is reduce government spending and shrink the budgets.
> If the insured transfers an existing policy to the insurance trust, the transfer will be recognized by the Internal Revenue Service only if the insured survives the date of the transfer by not less than three years.[4] If the insured dies within this three-year period, the transfer will be ignored and the proceeds will be included in the insured's taxable estate.
>generation after generation.
t. retard
kill yourself shill rat
I refuse to authorize more money to the government unless its for building a wall with machinegun nest. Why would I fuel a corrupt ass government.
What was the tax rate on millionaires in Nazi Germany?
Why do leftists think taxing the rich solves everything? All that happens is they pay their workers less money.
This. I was born to a broke loser that drank himself to death. The only thing he left my brother and me was the bill to bury him. Ive worked my ass off and at 38 with all my properties and holdings I'm worth 1.2 million. I intend to grow that to at least 5 before I'm ready to relax. I did all this to give my children a better life. Fuck anyone that thinks they deserve 45% or more of it when they've never created or contributed a fucking thing.
If you look at it: the actual problem is indeed leftist liberalism and not the Jewish billionaires.
I propose that we kill all niggers, if you aren’t a nigger you literally have bo reason to go against this proposal.
Eat shit if it's money you have today that you didn't have yesterday it's income. Saying some money is special and shouldn't be taxed is a Jew lie.
Want a real country? Yes end infinity Gibs
Yes end infinity wars for Israel.
But also tax people.
Again I repeat if you have money today that you didn't have yesterday it should be fucking taxed.
And yes I think the government should regulate some profit that's critical for our economy.
Healthcare I don't care for it being g state-run but not Jew run like what we have now. Having healthy and non broke citizens is key for a strong economy.
Roads critical for commerce
Education, doesn't have to be college it can be the trades. Having a education populace is critical for a strong economy.
Fuck gender studies, but yes to doctors, stem, nurses, welders, technicians.
If you give a fuck about the top1% you're a kike lover.
If you care about the top 10-2% then good I don't want small business owners harms just kikes on wallstreet
>Farmer buys 300 acres of land in 70s
>time goes buy, local area becomes more developed
>land price goes up
>come 2019
>been farmer all his life, doesn't have much money and lives simple life
>property taken by government because family couldn't pay the inheritance tax
>property value went from 150k in 1970 to 3.5 mil now
>farmer never was rich and never wanted to be
Even without this bill, the inheritance tax on land and property is fucking ridiculous. This dumb commie kike can go fuck himself with his retarded hammer and sickle
Get fucked poorfaggot, my earnings shouldn't be taxed again when my children inherit it.
This. I'd rather have them instead give raises to their workers but we all know that isn't going to happen. Honestly, the best solution is to tax them at these exorbitant rates and keep the taxes for lower/middle incomes near zero. But that's never going to happen.
grandpa buy land in 1920 pays 10k for 100 acres.
grandpa dies.
wills it to parents
parent shit fucking poor,
scraping by
have dreams of using farm land
"oh looks like the value of the property is 3.5 million"
do you have an extra million to pay in taxes on the land?
well looks like this land gets taken by the government
and scholo rothstein is going to buy it and turn it into a palacial estate where they sacrifice babies to moloch.
and thats why you tax the people recieving the estate rather the estate itself.
would be much better if they taxed beneficiaries who are valued at over 10 million dollars.
this is just more commie rhetoric to get the prole to give up their land .
reminder that most esates and wills deal with assets that tend to APPRECIATE in value.
so ANYONE going off of an estate tax generally wants to fuck over the people who cant cover the tax on appreciation.
it better to have a BENEFICIARY tax where it a death tax is paid based on the amount of assets the beneficiary to the estate has.
i.e. if the beneficiary makes 3.5 million before gaining estate, then you tax the estate he will recieve at 45%.
kek your networth isn't 3.5 million. God forbid your children get a PALTRY 1.75 million.
holy shit fuck this fucking communist fucking scum.
If my dad dies and leaves me 5 million dollars The government gets to take half of it?
Fuck off you kike
Discord trannies die slow
>kills farmers and land owners while rich jews hide their wealth in trust they (((pass))) on to their kids and die "penniless" paying zero taxes
this retarded commie can fuck off with the tax bait and loop hole switch bullshit
This is a prime example of someone who inadvertently would be swept up in Commie-Sanders little schemes. FUCK THIS OLD KIKE AND HIS PLANS
The 1% exists because the government and Federal Reserve. You're acting on emotion and it sounds childish. Taxes does not solve neither of those.
>he hasnt gotten rich selling targeted ads or click funnels
I would as you how it feels to be retarded but I fear you wouldn't be able to explain it to someone.
We should reestablish slavery
After all, it will only affect 11% of the population. You should not be against it if you're part of the other 89% since it is in your own best interest
Most billionaires do not gain their wealth thru company profit. It is gained from estimated value of holdings. This value is hyper inflated due to the Fed pumping fake money into the exchange market. This money does not circulate well because we have a shity monetary policy. Taxes have nothing to do with anything and you don't know what you are talking about. But hey let envy and emotion rule you.
>everybody gets a tax break
>a fixed percent of a bigger number is bigger than a fixed percent of a smaller number
Federal income tax isn't constitutional and was sold as a temporary measure to pay for WWI.
Muslims are only 1.1% of the US population, why should you care if they get deported?
0.6% of the US is transgender, why should you pay for their genital mutilation?
>take money from the richest billionaires and multimillionaires so that you can import more pajeets
hey retard!
one million inheritance is already being CUT IN HALF because YOUR GOVERNMENT prints money to spend on welfare programs, and on banks! who have MUCH MORE money than a modest millionaires lifetime earnings
rest assured!
>But also tax people.
yes shithead, but you shouldnt tax people so much that it makes it literally NOT WORTH IT to make more money. Like I dont understand this game youre trying to play. why are you trying to wipe out the incentives that drive the fucking economy. If you want to do fucking retard scumfucking shit like that go to Venezuela. Because this isnt about some doctor who has a lifetime earning of 5 million after 12 years schooling and 40-50 years of hard work.
THIS is about fucking rats who manipulate the economy, and make free fucking money from your government which then in turn COMES OUT OF YOUR PAYCHECK
is this fucking sinking in?
>Healthcare I don't care for it being g state-run
you know what happens when you have state run health care? you have morbidly obese black women get 50 MRIs
you have the government sanctioning of incredibly high medical prices; my medications alone HAVE TRIPLED which are essential medications Ive needed since birth.
You have people come in who get disability from the government for being morbidly obese and charge the taxpayer literally 1500-2500 USD/mo on pain prescriptions because of the collusion of the government and big business to raise and cover the price of her medications and treatment.
The out of pocket expenses for these people were the only barrier preventing them from getting frivolous treatments
and YOU my friend have completely eliminated this
great job!
>Education, doesn't have to be college it can be the trades. Having a education populace is critical for a strong economy.
and the exact same thing is happening
our government has guaranteed college and now they charge whatever they want. Good job!
The Billionaires will not only squirrel away their money even more but now they'll have even more legal for their shit for their lawyers to manipulate.
And the middle class will get shit on even more.
All from a turd in congress who's accomplished little. :(
All taxation is theft, but anything other than a flat tax is extra-secret triple theft.
15% flat tax when
Checked the satanic trips of fact and logic
noooooo!! think of the billionaire jews!
>Taxation isn't theft
Why? If persons A,B,C think they deserve person D's money, does the fact that they are the majority magically make it moral?
Does legality bestow morality? Was slavery moral?
It always boggles my mind how democrats think they support consent, then vote to rob people.
Here is a link to a free PDF of that book if anyone is interested.
Nice try Satan, this country needs a richer government !
>tax billionaires
>all the money goes to wars and welfare for illegal immigrants
>actual middle class gets nothing in return except watching their race and way of life die out
So rich people get slightly less richer but my kids will still be speaking spanish?
I was about to say that you can't possibly be this retarded, but then I realized you're a leftist, and figured you really are retarded, so we'll leave it at that.
>Are you guys so cucked that you defend billionaires?
no but i wont defend the state stealing someones money after they die... thats fucking disgusting
don't forget this when you are done
The lack of a higher tax rate is just welfare for the wealthy, Jow Forums unfortunately is inhabited by the most retarded people alive, it’s actually funny how people here think this place is a bastion of free thought when everyone here is a troll retarded or simply in disbelief that people so dumb exist and are here for observation.
They start by getting you to accept taxing billionaires and then 10 years later they are taxing everybody as they run out of money for bullshit they want. Just like 10 years ago they just wanted gays to be married and now 10 y.o. kids are dancing in NYC gay bars at 3 a.m .You fucking know it's true so just shut the fuck up.
Who cares. I want the rich to get fucked. They have fucked the white middle and working classes. It's time to fuck them with the power of nigger gibs-wanting.
This guy understands.
Anyone who doesn't want a high tax rate deserves their fate.
>Abandoned Bretton Woods because making too much money overseas
>Start Globalisation in the 80s because they have so much capital
>Fund all the pro-immigration group to Western Countries
>Run the media which pushes degenerancy and globalisation
>Eat shit if it's money you have today that you didn't have yesterday it's income. Saying some money is special and shouldn't be taxed is a Jew lie.
This just shows you how bullshit income tax is not prove that estate tax is legitimate.
No money can change hands without us knowing about it goy!
> Thinking billionaires will keep their us citizenship instead of just gtfo and getting a visa if they want to come back for a visit.
So much for that smart jew myth.
Considering that money would go into government enforced culture destruction via mass migration
>In a letter to President Trump and top Congressional leaders Wednesday, nearly 1,500 economists extolled the economic benefits immigrants bring to the U.S. and urged Congress to "modernize" the country's immigration system.
lol arguably haven't earned and probably don't deserve, tf do you base that on? "But they have more than me, they must've cheated!"
They probably worked harder and longer than bernie has over his whole fucking career. Bernie is a lame communist faggot.
It was taxed once already. Go fuck yourself.
If your estate us worth over 3.5 million you are smart enough to find a way around paying any estate tax.
I'm not opposed to it in principle but in practice it just isn't doable.
Oy vey you should have given the money you scrimped and saved for to the (((economy))) so we'll just take half of it and give it to government workers to check their emails 7 hours a day and """""disabled""""" NEETS.
>estate tax
bernie hates white people
what they should do instead is encourage the rich to have more children and discourage the poor from having children
that way, the rich will invest more of their money in their child's future, which means stimulating the economy
I'm pretty sure this was a big lore point in Deus Ex.
>China is an authoritarian shithole
>yeah, but at least you're free from the globalist elite
>Economic benefits
(((infinite growth)))
Rich flees the States.
Government raises taxes for everyone else, because someone has to pay.
isn't bernie technically a socialist who has some nationalism for his country
You realize the more money we give the government the more money that will be wasted, the more free money and food will be given to lazy people, etc.
How about instead of this we start pushing for a reform on government spending, welfare and snap programs with regular audits and waste reports
Thats not my point. Too much wealth is bad.The example I laid out are just the tip.
If you don't do anything except your fate.
>hurr durr
flag checks out.
Doing that will get the jews out of your country probably
Jow Forums
>those elites are corrupt, getting richer and use their wealth to promote certain agenda, day of the rope when
>wtf?? you want to tax those elites, are you commie?
Lying fucking Zionist just like social security was supposed to be never touched . You believe the federal government you fucktard? Fucking tranny
Only when muslim women earn the same as privileged jewish males who hide behind the holocaust can mankind finally be free of oppression