Why is there so little facts to support the Holocaust theory?

For it having been such a historically important event isnt it strange why so much about it is still unknown? The way it is taught in schools requires mostly faith to believe it even happened.

Thoughts on why this is?

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>if i post tits then they will enter my shit thread
at least post more tits son

is that a tranny?

This is one of the final bosses, gotta play the jew game and win back the educational institutions before we can start questioning the pillars of shadow banking cartel marxism.

history is full of shit who really knows what happened

I too am an intellectual.

Attached: Lindsay-Lohan-Nude-Tits-In-A-Blue-Bikini.jpg (819x614, 45K)

Oy vey! You just have to believe! Pay me money and I'll tell an auditorium full of young minds about how I escaped the showers disguised as showers!

damn, that's a one night stand if I've ever seen one. wow. the simultaneous levels of repulsion and lust. hate fuck for sure.

This might help.

Attached: 58736.jpg (722x463, 159K)

oy, it happened and over 66 billion of g-d's chosen were ruthlessly slaughtered or died to the endless pleasure of diabolical masturbation machines.

Attached: 1528176522289.gif (480x270, 2.81M)

How did she go from this

to this?

My redpilled buddy was telling me something about how all the textbooks in government schools are essentially approved by one shady guy. Know anything about that?

history* textbooks

where did you get a pic of my high school gf?

liquor and drugs

Attached: lindsay-lohan.jpg (1920x1200, 128K)

If you want roles in Hollywood you have to give it up to the Pizzamen, some sacrifice it all and they're never quite the same again.

Cocaine, booze, and repressed memories of being passed around hollywood casting couches since childhood.

She looks 10 years older that she really is

Sweet Jesus...

this him?

Attached: 4B4DE515-3CD7-47AE-81B6-6CFF52409124.png (1293x1407, 718K)

It might be i think it was a jewish sort of name

>little facts
little facts?!?! what about all these newspaper who were reporting on it decades before it even happened?!?!

Attached: six_million_jews.png (1080x1920, 2.3M)

(((They))) removed all of Norm MacDonald's holocaust jokes off of JewTube and replaced it with a link to the Wikipedia fiction page about ovens and gassings. That's what pissed me off the most

666 septillion died you antisemetic fuck.

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Why is there so little facts to support the Holocaust theory?

Because it was made up between the Jews and the communists.

Jews wanted to get both a country ((( israel )))) and reparations(((( money ))) out of the deal

The communist russians wanted reparations ((( money ))) and a "look over there !!!!! death camps !!! "

because their conduct during the war to prisoners and civilians and pow's was worse than the German Nazi's ever was

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There are things other than schools. Are you a fucking idiot? Checked and based.

That's my fucking sister. lol

your sister is a slut

I want to rub my dick on her pink european areolas
then ejaculate into her pussy and run like hell when she gives birth

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