I saw a niggress beat her child at Walmart today

No one did anything. I was in line and the baby was laughing and going "heh.. ah.. ha.. heh heh" really quiet like and then the silverback mom quickly turns and goes "shut yo damn mouth aint nobody wanna hear that shit" and slaps the baby across the face and it makes a smack. She doesn't stop the first time either she really gives the baby a good few smacks across her face. The baby put it's hands up to protect it's head and let out a loud "eeheh.. eeheh.. eeEEEEEEHHHHHHGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and the mom kept looking around at all of the witnesses in the room. You could tell had she not been in the presence of other people she had knocked the babies teeth out. After the paid for her shit the college aged white girl cashier looked really upset and was not smiling. I just had to laugh, I couldn't hold it in. I felt like a big asshole. But the thought kept going in and out my head on what that cashier thought of that. I wonder if she rationalized it as anything other than "huh, just a baboon mom doing its monkey business. carry on"

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Based and nigpilled

Interesting. I was working my wagie job at a grocery store stocking shelves, and I heard, "Dammit, you need to shut the fuck up". I looked over, and this fat black woman in pajamas was bent over shouting at this little boy, which I assume is her son.
Anyways, the little boy runs up to me, and asks where the Lunchables are at. I tell him just on the other side of the aisle, and he runs over and grabs the pepperoni pizza lunchable, and asks his mom if he can have it. She then proceeds to run up to this child, slap it out of his hands, then shoves him out of the way, proceeding to grab the chicken nugget one instead.
I got sick to my stomach watching it, and I had to stop myself from saying something, because I want to keep this job.
I don't understand why black people, primarily black mothers, exhibit this sort of aggressive behavior to their offspring. Like, it does not compute in my head. And the other thing that made me even more upset, is that if she has the gall to act like that to her child in public, imagine how shitty the boy has it at home.

Probably why blacks grow up to be so angry and aggressive. Makes sense now

>I don't understand why black people, primarily black mothers, exhibit this sort of aggressive behavior to their offspring.

Because that's how their shitty mothers treated them and their 13 siblings, and they have no concept of scaled levels of discipline. If their child does something even slightly displeasing to them, a switch in their brain flips and they immediately jump to yelling and hitting their child to make them stop.

Hopefully that sheboon kills her niglet.

The nigger desire for chicken is so strong they choose nugget lunchables of pizza luchables?

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Ya'll think we should just sucka punch a bitch in that situation?

Black women abuse their children, because they are reminders of their father who abandoned them. I estimate that 75-80% of black women would give up their kids if they had a chance to do it, and still get welfare.

I understand that, but is there that much of a difference in empathy between white people and black people? I could see the child was trying to be nice. He approached me and asked very politely where the lunchables were at, and when I told him and called him "buddy", he was beaming. Then he immediately got shoved away by his mother, and now learns that being nice means you get shoved. Great.
Does empathy and humanity not run in black generations? That's what I'm struggling with.

You see some crazy shit working at wal-mart. As for the nigress... well there is a reason the nigger tech tree ended in the mud hut and sharpened stick era.

And so here we have the origins of nig. ....

>Does empathy and humanity not run in black generations?

Honestly, you tell me. I've met some very kind black people, the kind who wouldn't dream of treating their kids the way you described in your previous post. However these people are *far* outweighed by the stereotypical 'vicious" black mothers and fathers (when they're present in the first place). That's really the big question - Is this behavior a result of race, culture, or a combination of the two? If you want to know what I believe, it's a combination. This type of behavior comes fairly naturally to black people, and is then not discouraged and just repeats itself over and over throughout generations.

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This is one of the best posts of all time.

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Protip: white privilege or whatever is really just having decent parents.

Nigtip: blacks do not teach rules, they enforce them. That is why blacks break rules, they are never taught why they should not, only that they should never get caught

I agree with you. Though it's a crying shame, I believe their history has led them to be detached and aggressive, traits the children develop and strengthen into adulthood, then pass along.

damn nigga. you smart as fuck. my whole life makes sense now.

I'ma get me a job at whataburger tomorrow. appreciate you

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It is a shame. We need to see a *massive* push to change 'black culture' in America. I've lost hope for Africa haha

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mind = blown

How can we (white people) do a god damn thing to try and change nig culture here? They hate us, and they clearly have no desire to change.

They all want Barry back in the White House even though they were worse off after he left.

What we really need is race wars.



Nonono, you misunderstand me. White people can't do shit about black culture, obviously. I'm saying black people need to fix their own problems, because all the welfare and affirmative action in the world can't fix a culture that's broken from the bottom to the top.

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>black people need to fix their own problems
They do, but they won’t.

That may be. I don't have much hope, I'm just stating what I think needs to happen in order to fix the kind of shit that was described in the OP.

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I'd like to add to that. The Democrat party is literally the weight around the neck of every single African American. Man woman and child. I'm not talking about the retarded "durr the parties switched" bullshit. I'm talking how Woodrow Wilson and LBJ are two of the worst human beings to ever go after African Americans.
I literally can't imagine the life of a black American, from being kept down by Democrat politicians for nigh on 100 years.
Imagine being a Freeman, having kids in Jim Crow era, but just when you think things could get better, Wilson gets elected, resegregates the US government, saying Negroes belong only in the cornfields, and knowing your president advocated and supported the Klan.
Or LBJs demonic Great Society plan, which is a post by itself.
Imagine hearing the draft was being levied against all able bodied men to go die in Vietnam, knowing it was done so because at that time, the super majority of white men were in college, and could elect to dodge the draft to finish school. Now you have a bunch of black men dying in a shitty country, and this begins the culture of no black fathers in families. Now we have modern african american culture which is, well, OPs post.

tl;dr, democrats bad

niggers are disgusting

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90% of blacks are fundamentally incompatible with western civilization and should be sent to their "Wakanda" utopia lands in africa. so many actually believe that without our influence they'd be living some futuristic utopian dream; let them try.

If blacks never existed kikes would have figured out how to create them.


Found the nigger

Probably why black female / white male is still relatively taboo, even though statistically more stable than other mixed race matches. Gotta break down that family unit to reach the brave new world.

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>be me
>shopping inna walmart
>with mom
>inna bakery section
>some niglet, about 14
>fingers through every fucking donut in the donut case
>takes one and takes a bite out of it
>walks off eating the donut
>walks out of store with nigger family
>never paid for donut
>mom asks walmart drone wtf? Arent you going to do anything? Thats theft.
>walmart drone shrugs and says its not worth the loss of bussiness
Another time same walmart with mom again because im a good boy.
>fat black lady
>two little niglets
>one boy about 5
>one girl about 4
>boy is hanging off the outside of the cart making a hybrid tard/niglet noise
>girl is about 15 feet behind mom crying for her to not leaver behind
>nig mom yell get yo ass oer here now
>starts beating the girl with her shoe
>girl is crying and boy is visibly scared
>no one does anything
Same fucking walmart
>anytime gibs come in the mail
>filled with niggers
>loud as fuck
>whole store smells of a mix of weed, garbage, ciggarettes and wet dog
This used to be basically an all white a city not 15 years ago. You cant go anywhere with out seeing white girls of varrious shapes and sizes with with two or three little tolls in tow. Or otherwise very nice old whites with dead, sad eyes with a halfcast grandchild with them.
>tfw my cousin just started dating a nigger

David Bowie?


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I have my own story of a black mother losing her shit and whaling on her own kid. I used to work at a grocery store and this black guy was buying some grapes at my register. Suddenly a little kid, maybe 5-6 years old, runs over and grabs his leg and starts crying and yelling "DADDY DADDY." The whole time the guy looks extremely confused and just says "What? I don't have a kid"
The kid's mom rushes over from another line and just yanks the kid off his leg so hard he slides across the floor, then says "I'm sorry sir, he does this sometimes." Then she turns to the kid and slaps him, saying "THAT AIN'T YO DADDY, YO DADDY AIN'T SHIT, THAT'S JUST SOME NIGGA" and pulls him up, slaps him again, starts pulling him out of the door while hitting him with the bag in her other hand... I swear I've never seen anything like it in my life, you could see the confusion and horror in everyone's face, even the guy buying the grapes.

I told this story to some hipsters a couple years later who were telling me about the poor, oppressed black people in the ghetto because they didn't understand how things really were and they just shouted me out of the group telling me I was lying.

At least hide your flag so the irony isn't so strong

Every time we get a good influence, they get fucking wiped.

"If only you knew how bad things really are", but for real though.

I grew up reading Booker T. Washington, a paragon of ethics, patience, and self reliance. He is so wholesome yet very frowned upon. Booker T. was taken off the shelves in my school district quietly. They don't want kids reading him, and that's just one example. (((They))) would rather you listen boring controlled commie MLK instead. I mean, eh, he's not an evil dude, but there's only one Booker T.

Man, Booker T. Washington is rolling in his grave. Everything he criticized in newly freed slaves is worse than ever and his work is largely destroyed.

Wypepo can't comprehend the influence of community organizers on hoods. That's what ol' Barry used to be. One of the most glow in the dark jobs too. Hoods are dirt cheap to buy loyalty from too, gibs and promises of gibs go a looong way. When I was a kid they would go door to door singing songs of doom, starvation, and republikhans tryin' to end being able to buy condums, and what ever lie is oddly specific enough to get by.

Things were nicer in the 40's. I have a picture of my great grandparents looking cute. They died holding hands. I wish I had a loyal nubian qt... or a dad.

good night Jow Forums
Don't let them eat your culture whoever you are, it CAN happen to you.

>be me
>be ghetto vegan
>buying grapes to make organic grape drank
>some lil shit runs up and accuses me of being his father
>sweating bullets, thinking maybe i should dab on this lil nigga
>peep his moms
>thank Biggie and Tupac that little man isnt one of mine
>get home and realise i forgot the onions suger substitute

>I told this story to some hipsters a couple years later who were telling me about the poor, oppressed black people in the ghetto because they didn't understand how things really were and they just shouted me out of the group telling me I was lying
This right here is why some people can't be redpilled unless they live in Chicongo for a month. Fucking libshits live in their 95% white neighborhoods only interacting with the most distinguished non whites and they have no fucking clue how the vast majority of the nigs and spics act naturally. Every single nig nog I've met in my life has been a total asshole to me which is why I'm never quick to defend them. soiboys are so damn desperate to appear tolerant that they'll defend an entire group of people they haven't met outside of their safe neighborhoods. The most frustrating part is how they'll white flight somewhere extremely white but if you point that out to them they go ballistic

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Nogs are sadistic they injure things for fun including their own children.

Because violence is their way and they need to learn it young in order to survive.

Post-birth abortion is a thing now. Liberals all support it.

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This thing killing these sweet babies must die

Uhm ok digits


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>white roastie visibly disturbed
>cant stop laughing

You are my hero dude.

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Under rated post.

whats really sad is if Jamal gets gud at niggerball and makes a lot of money, the FIRST thing he'll do is buy mama a house

jesus fuck dude


spic here

I've never met anyone more racist than a fucking white liberal. These faggots are all closet racists. They pretend to like you but are just just repressing feelings, like a gay conservative. it just bottles up in there because they have to be like their peers. The worst part is when they pretend to understand your culture and feel offended for you, and tell you why you should feel offended at how you're being oppressed as if you're a fucking kid and it's a parent talking to you. The best way to scare a hipster is for a minority to drop some truth bombs on them. Me openly saying the word faggot, scares the shit out of them because they're afraid to correct me since I'm a minority.

>repressing feelings, like a gay conservative
you can be gay and hate other homosexuals though

Yes, they are always talking about "black and brown bodies" like all minorities are united, not realizing that Hispanics hate blacks and gays like nobody's business and are openly racist against each other.

You won't see ONE fucking Leftist DARE speak out against this.

Anyone with any sense at all will never let themselves be disarmed.

Niggers and post menopause women are the fucking worst


I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.

Thanks LBJ

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This is what they deserve for being black. Niggers are doing the job for us.

Niggers are binary creatures. There is no subtlety in anything they do. Their emotions exist at 0 and 100. This why they'll never write an opera or create real art. Rap is a great example. Very, very few rappers say anything deep and introspective. Even some of the most deep rap lyrics pale in comparison to average white lyricists in other genres and the metaphors have to be blatantly obvious and bland. There are a few who touch on important subjects because their overall paranoia tends to interest them in conspiracies and who's really running things but only a handful. They all basically stop developing past where a white 12 year old does. Even the very brightest that are able to force their way into colleges and positions of power thanks to EO laws just teeter on the edge of that 95 IQ level that makes them the perfect useful idiot to parrot the communist bullshit they parrot after they get there.

>I wonder if she rationalized it as anything other than "huh, just a baboon mom doing its monkey business. carry on"
No, she thought "I'm not racist, so I'll just ignore the fact that I've never seen those racist whites do this, and white people probably made her abuse her child cuz colonialism. I'm racist for even having to justify this in my own mind, so I'll go home and say 10 Hail MLK's before I suck Tyrone's load down my throat tonight. God, I hate how abusive white people are. I'm sane and accepting."

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>I don't understand why black people, primarily black mothers, exhibit this sort of aggressive behavior to their offspring
>Because that's how their shitty mothers treated them and their 13 siblings
It's not quite just that, it's that they didn't want them in the first place, but they get paid by gubment to have them, so they thought it'd be easy to just shit out a turd that cries and makes turds of its own for 18 years, and they'll be damned if that turd is going to get in their way of not doing one single worthwhile act of any kind for as long as they live.

Either she grew up this way or she beats the kid because it reminds her of his father , or combo of the two .

One time my son was waiting for the bus to come home and he said that he saw some she boon with her son out by the same stop. The little niglet looked like he would have been in 4th grade and was trying to make conversation with the mom but she wasn't having it, telling the kid that he was a horrible child, ruined her life and should have aborted him. She beat the kid a few times to get him to stop trying to talk to her and my son said that it he felt so horrible on not being able to do anything without risking his own safety since they were in the middle of the ghetto.

>live in rural Mississippi
>niggertown is 15 minutes away now thanks to the highway they just built so we have even more niggers than the usual ones that take up the west side of town
>almost back to truck in parking lot when I hear crying and yelling
>manlet nigger is beating what I assume is his child outside his beat up nigmobile with what looks like a thin cord
>just stare at nigger until he notices me looking and starts asking "what you looking at" reply "nothing worth my time" shake my head and keep walking but keep eye and ear out waiting to see if he decides to chimp out(not worried about nigs nogging, we got constitutional carry and I carry daily)
>he doesnt and gets back in nigmobile with crying kid

Not all blacks are like that, but most are.

Thats legit a perfect explanation

Witness child being assaulted = call police and ask other witnesses to also make report to police.

they would /kill/ their keeds for gibs

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should've called the cops to ruin her day

nothing ever fucking happens

if liberals weren't racist, they'd live in ghettos

I'm not fucking opening this tell me what happens

It depends. Once I got a nearly 100 mile lift from an older country fried black man who was a total stranger to me, just a neighbor of a coworker of mine. Dude was old as the hills and cool as hell drinking rum from a big flask driving his Mark VIII Lincoln coupe. I think its more of a poverty+gibs that makes black parents so fucked up, as Country Fried Black Guy grew up on a farm with both his parents and like how I grew up around and went to school with some non-hood/non-gibs black families in the suburbs that had both biological parents at home turned out just as nicely as any white/two parent home.

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>instead of confronting her right then and there he resorts to making a crybaby thread on Jow Forums like the beta male that he is

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