This confuses and enrages the Jow Forums incel

>this confuses and enrages the Jow Forums incel
If you want to kill people why are you such pussies about it?

Attached: J6MGUSg_d.jpg (640x457, 39K)

What am I supposed to do?

Killing people takes time and effort and uppity people get so shitty when you take away their taxable slaves.

The most effective way to do this would probably be to add bisphenol A into the drinking supply.

Attached: jude.jpg (1200x857, 135K)

Removing brown people from the country our ancestors created isn't murder. If they resist and die, it still isn't murder.

What don't leftists get about that?

this is going to be my only reply because I hate solving captcha

Trash thread is trash

The idea was sound, the implenation sucked. #Holocoustforreal

Most degenerates will not get killed by the people who judge them for their horrible lifestyles. They will get killed by their fellow degenerates when the resources dry up or sooner. It's that or die of starvation.

Nothing actually comes from Jow Forums except shitposting, debate and slowly erasing the idea that "we are all human."

Attached: africa-hands.jpg (1000x429, 115K)

your race will be bred out and you will be assimilated

whats being slid? alot of low energy re**it thread on now
>always put spice in the options field

>Judge: what's your defense, user
>user: R-removing b-brown people from the country our ancestors created isn't m-murder...
>Judge: ...
Cool story, bro.


Attached: this kong.jpg (750x1334, 92K)

Stop conflating nazis with republicans you disingenuous piece of shit

1st guy is based for a MAGAtard.

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>Things that were never said

>right wing = nazi

this is what libtards actually believe.

Discord tranny alert

some faggot punched a gay guy and didn't even knock him over. nobody cares.
sage and gay

I thought it was 45%.

Attached: Well actually it's 22.jpg (1200x528, 37K)

If everything leftists say about white privilege is true, the government will rig the jury so I get off scott free

>slowly erasing the idea that "we are all human."
so true

None of you have refuted it yet

Your thread offers nothing worth refuting.

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