This was probably one of the most redpilled TV shows at the time. Basically Jow Forums

This was probably one of the most redpilled TV shows at the time. Basically Jow Forums.

Attached: morton_downey_jr_907.jpg (300x225, 13K)

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Based Egyptian kang talks about how the most racist people he met were in the North and got nothing but warm greetings in the South around 12:30

No he wasn't. He was a liberal jew that had "some" sense of america.

I dl'd a torrent of all his shows. The US used to be awesome. People smoking on TV, throwing chairs, kkk vs. nigger brawls...when did it all turn so gay? I was robbed of growing up in America. All I got was trannies and s o y products

It turned gay when people stopped doing coke and started smoking weed

It was a faked and he was friends with all his enemies backstage. He and Al Sharpten nearly got people killed/ruined lives. Fucking scumbag.

Attached: MortonDowney.jpg (591x493, 25K)

feels bad user i know that feel

america in my mind is still WWE, niggergangs getting killed by the police and free speech+guns

I'll give you a rundown of the 80's late night

First you had "night trax" which was the first MTV that played the first music videos for hours and there were parties where people played this until 4am at parties

Then "max headroom" which was a computer character with videos

Then Morton Downey Jr, reigned for like 8 years until Arsenio Hall pushed him off the cliff to the 11pm slot. Maybe it was 12am. After that it was all downhill.

The disney channel didn't show disney cartoons or movies anymore, became stupid kid sitcoms.

MTV same thing, one jew liberal indoctrination show after the other, real world, teen mom

Sally jesse raphael, Geraldo, Donahue, Oprah all liberals led to jew liberal Jerry Springer with fake indoctrination TV. This is literally where "baby mama" "baby daddy" came from.

Seriously if you look at the daytime TV in the 80's you can see exactly where this country started to be subverted to the garbage we see today.

My childhood in the 80's was so fucking /comfy/

I want to go back!


blame mothers of america

Gotta Bump this. Interesting TV

Ah Shit. Happening Manpeningman was on the show!

19:00 the black man BTFO's the jew and the Nazi just laughs and the Jew uses pilpul to get out of it

Wow literally nothing has changed except blacks are a bit more brainwashed and more agressive and whites are way too pussy to ever be like that guy was. But the jew? He is the exact same

surreal to watch

notice how when the based black man on the stage in the middle BTFO's the white man, the jew pats him on the knee like a dog like he's asking him who's a good boy.

Some things never change.

Check out Tom Metzger on with Wally George


I loved t his show
bring it back

Oldfag here. I remember watching the ep where Downey caught the chair in the face lol. 80s trash tv was the best.


Don't forget Friday Night Videos.

Wow this whole show is just "everyone yells at each other"

wtf I didnt know this based side of American meme tv shows. WTF happened America?

That was Geraldo you faggot.

Attached: B4D93F2D-4B68-430B-8275-3AC5489D5992.jpg (480x360, 42K)


mdj smoked more cigarettes in one show than all of /pol in all its existence

The Morton Downey Jr Show had the BEST fucking American audiences, they are totally real regular New Jersey working class patriots but it looks like they're outta Frank Miller comic books about 80s wrestling.

If you want a fun project, screenshot every audience member of every episode and post them on /tv/.

And started "getting real."