This is what happens in just a month of a government shut down and yet libertarians and anarchists think we can have no government.
This is what happens in just a month of a government shut down and yet libertarians and anarchists think we can have no...
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what are indian people doing in our national parks?
The level of ironic retardation is strong with this op.
Sone shitty Propaganda
This is a greater reflection on people and our societies lack of individual responsibility and civic duty than it is on governments role in society.
>what are indian people doing in our national parks?
doing what they're best at, turning it into a designated shitting zone
Yeah Americans are savage animals and only though the iron fist of government can they be held in line.
Das right.poo in loo!
I’ve worked as a GUW in a state park during the summer season once. You would not believe the shit I’ve seen people leave behind in bathroom stalls. I have this theory that when people who aren’t normally in nautre go to parks there’s a part of their brain that shuts down, turning them into primitive half-beasts.
There wouldn't be national parks if we didn't have a government
I wish this government shutdown would have played out for an entire year and people would have seen we wouldn't need government at all except the essentials. At some point the poop in fucking nature would have dissolved naturally like any other fucking place on planet earth that isn't inhabited by humans, road maintenance wouldn't be need since people would just use horses or invent drone cars or use drones in general to deliver goods.
Once drones are perfected we won't need road maintenance or cars anymore. And thus we won't need government anymore. Cos everyone will be self reliant by default.
Libertarians are the future. Freedom. Absolut freedom is the future. As nature intended it to be.
How is this even happening?
Yeah fuck the earth! Corporations are people friend!
none of this would be happening if we followed the indian examples of designating our shitting areas
Fake news. That's a pic of Joshua Tree. Local news reported that this park is open (free admission because shutdown) and still being maintained by personnel.
>we wouldn't need government at all except the essentials.
The reason trump opened the government is because the airports were shutting down and ready to strike. Fucking retard.
Being temporarily laid off is not a reason to shit in national parks.
That was a statement of fact you fucking spastic. Contain your autism.
so what? Who needs to fly nowadays with Skype and video conference all around unless you want to go on a vacation or meet other people abroad for leisure?
No, this is what happens when people act like fucking animals and shitting in the wild as opposed to look for bathrooms.
>who need to fly
Well that escalated quickly.
Gates open and free at Joshua Tree National Park, but bring trash bags and toilet paper
>As the budgetary shutdown of the federal government kicked in Saturday morning in California, the most notable impact at Joshua Tree National Park in the high desert was at the west entrance: no one was there to greet visitors, collect the $30 entrance fee per vehicle or distribute maps.
Government shutdown forces Joshua Tree National Park to close due to maintenance issues
>The move comes 17 days after the shutdown sent all but a fraction of Joshua Tree National Park's staff home and left the immensely popular park open with only a small group of rangers to keep order.
>Over the past few weeks, volunteers from the area and a skeleton crew of staff from the park have been working to maintain facilities for visitors over the extended holiday period.
Joshua Trees Could Take 200 to 300 Years to Recover From Shutdown Damage
>A former park superintendent says it will take centuries to regrow some of the iconic plants destroyed during the 35-day furlough.
>During the shutdown, which ended Friday, they and hundreds of other volunteers scoured the park, picking up trash and emptying jammed trash bins. Both even got on their hands and knees and scrubbed toilets in the park, spraying disinfectant and restocking toilet paper.