Political Realities

Domino Destabilization is a Regional Destabilization tactic where multiple country's are destabilized to cause/create large movements of people & reshape the Regions. Cities in country's are also used like charges in controlled demolitions to bring down Country's.

Some examples of Domino Destabilization are:

1) [Middle East destabilization to flood Europe.]

["Arab Spring"-> Egypt -> Libya/North Africa -> Syria -> Turkey]

Europe(primarily Western Europe) is being pincered. African Migrants from the Sea(From Libya/North Africa) & Islamic "Refugees" from the Land(From Syria/Middle East/Turkey).

In true "Order from/by Chaos" fashion, this was done to create enough of a Crisis that the EU could justify making, using & deploying the EU Army(To stop country's from leaving/resisting the EU & to make the EU last longer).

2) [South America destabilization to flood North America.]

Just like what is/was going on in the Middle East, a very similar operation is going on in South America to create a Crisis equal if not bigger then what Europe is experiencing.

Mexico would turn into a "Syria", US would implode & Canada would fall.

The "Order from/by Chaos" out of this, is the formation of the NAU(North American Union) & SAU(South American Union).

Attached: DominoDestab.png (673x994, 764K)

Other urls found in this thread:


ISIS cells are not the only problem Europe is going to have.

As I've talked about before....

The EU Army is designed to keep EU states in line & punish/crackdown on States that leave the EU and/or want to leave the EU.

Its been funded "off the record" for abit now.

Some arms/armor shipments to NATO have been diverted to setting up the EU Army, so you might want to keep track of those & any recent ones.

If you aren't researching into the EU Army & your European, you are going have a rude awakening when the Tanks role down the streets.

Attached: Start Looking Into The EU Army.png (673x994, 570K)

Ever play cards/Poker?

Imagine of you had a terrible hand, everyone around you knows its bad by your obvious body language and such.

The smart move would have been to fold(leave with your pride/reputation, go back to the drawing board, learn something, save money, etc).

Instead you double down. Effectively fucking yourself.

That is what the Hillary & the people backing/working with her have done. Doubled down on a really bad hand.

If she loses they are completely fucked, if she "wins"(which would only be possible through rigging) they are also completely fucked because they exposed themselves & discredited themselves.(Also WW3).

Attached: Doubling Down.png (673x994, 635K)

Planned Parenthood is a major supplier for US based Cults.

They've also donated money to the Clinton Campaign & the Foundation.

Notice which Celebs support it & which groups are being targeted by it.

Planned Parenthood is a industrial scale operation for not only eugenics/dehumanization of unborn, but also to supply the many death cults with body parts,blood and things of that nature.

Groups such as in Hollywood tend to get the bigger shipments, and depend on location/travel time, they can get the baby's that are still very much alive.

The statement of "next day shipping" takes a whole new meaning.

Attached: PlannedParenthood.png (673x994, 835K)

This information should make things very interesting.

1) Women have a "tracking" pheromone.

This was developed way back in human evolution to allow for Males of different tribes(or the same tribe) to locate and find Women if they were moving around/were taken by other Tribes.

It certainly puts the "travelling" popularity in Western Women & all the immigration/refugee crisis's the west is having in a new perspective.

2) Women were/are Domesticated. They once were Feral.

Men didn't just have to domesticate animals & crops, they had to domesticate women inorder to build civilization.

"Husbandry" is called that for a reason.

Attached: HiddenFacts.png (673x994, 601K)

fuck off frank

Social Engineering is in a nutshell manipulating certain groups of people to act,behave or think a certain way. Sometimes the results wanted take generations to show or to be formed. Brainwashing(To "keep them stupid") and brain damage(To "make them stupid") are very common ways of doing it overtime.

Women are the greatest biological weapon since if you control them(social engineer) you can dictate a societies population growth & social aspects. Also it allows you to control the "weaker" males of the population who will do anything to increase there reproductive chances. The most effective social engineering way of bringing down Western Countries from within has been "Weaponized Wombs" which turns women against there countries, native males,Family, children & Unborn children.

The rise of leaders like Merkel(who is destroying Europe) & Hillary(Who will destroy the US & the world with WW3 if she gets in) is a great example of putting women in positions of power to destroy the countries around them......all due to the "empowerment" of Vagina which blindly gave them support of the Female vote.

Obama was a social engineering project designed to destroy race relations. Imagine what Hillary would do to the sex relations in the social engineering aspect if she gets in.

Frontal Lobe damage(RESEARCH IT) is very wide spread in the West, especially in Women(Also weaker males). SJW/Feminists have it,(the majority of SJW/Feminists are women). Organizations such as the CDC & WHO have a gag order on them telling the public about the crisis,due to how if it got out it would implode the SJW/Feminist/PC Culture movement.(They have documents,studies, brain scans & even autopsy's showing it)

Attached: Frontal Lobe Damage.png (673x994, 806K)

Attached: Social Engineering.png (673x994, 709K)

The Left wants to destroy The West, while this is well known(Also why The Left is working with Islamic groups & Soros is backing so many Left protest networks) there is a psychological aspect to this that is not talked about enough.

The Left wants to die(killed) & be oppressed.

If you look at all the behaviors/actions of The Left(and who they ally with/work for) its clear they are Suicidal and are more then willing to bring everyone around them down, and even there appearances show that.

With this in mind, its no wonder why Soros uses them as Expendable pawns & Islamic groups see them as allies to bring down The West.

The Left on some biological level were not supposed to exist, and they know that subconsciously. Which is why they proactively destroy society, family & culture around them.

Attached: WhatTheLeftWants.png (673x994, 688K)

Running for President was Hillary's life support in more ways then one.

She's either going end up in a Jail cell for Crimes/Corruption, or in a Coffin due to Health.

If you consider how Stein effectively took her place in the Soros backed "recount" fiasco & how shes wheeled out for random speeches and photo-ops, its pointing towards the later.

That doesn't mean the DOJ/FBI under Trump isn't going to be investigating her in some shape or form.

Hillary's political Career is dead, and doing a presidential election took some years off her.

With that being said.........the only Clinton we should be keeping a eye on going forward is Chelsea IF she gets into politics.

Attached: Hillarys Fate.png (673x994, 697K)

Attached: Freemasons1.png (673x994, 929K)

The Freemasons have been around for a long time & have thousands of current & former members(Good,Bad,Infiltrators/Co-opters, Average people, Truth seekers, etc. Really diverse group of folks). Which is why you see the groups influence around everywhere. For a "Secret Society", they are not really that secret due to how wide spread they are.

(As a group they would be considered "Good", since there original purpose was a place where Enlightened people could work together for the good of the community & world around them by doing things like building things & helping others. What's unfortunate is that they've had so many issues over the years that's caused them to be lead astray from what the Group was about. If the the Freemasons got there act together(By cleaning out the bad apples/infiltrators/Cultists & revisiting there History), they would be a force of Good once again)

Freemasonry been infiltrated & co-opted many times by different groups in there History, which has lead to the Masons being how they are today. This has lead to newer Masons & Researchers thinking that the Masonry they see doing bizarre stuff(such as Cult like rituals & Satanist connected actions) are what the Masons have always done, when that simply isn't the case. This has lead to PR,Reputation & Recruitment damage to the Masons overtime, aswell as confusion between different generations of Mason involving the History & direction/purpose of the Freemasons as a Group.

(While Infiltration,Co-opting & Joining new Groups isn't new in the Power Structure/Globalist Community/Societies & its done for multiple reasons, (Ranging from stuff like Sabotage/War/Takeover/Competition/Rivalry to things like Recruitment/Experience/Challenge/Fun/Masochism) but due to the Masons having such a History & Legacy, you can really see the effects it's had on them.)

Attached: Freemasons2.png (673x994, 880K)

If Mecca was Nuked(Either by Sub,Bomber,Missile or even inside a vehicle like a Truck nearby) it would do one of these 3:

1) End Islam

2) Cause Islam to Reform

3) "World vs Islam"(A true World War, which would then either End Islam or cause Islam to be reformed if anything is left)

It's not a matter of Why it should be done at this point, its a matter of Why hasn't it been done already since so many things are in position or are in motion......

A MAD(Mutual Assured Destruction) scenario between the 3 major religions(Islam,Christianity & Judaism) could be set in motion that would allow for a One World Religion worshiping Technology to be put in place.

Global/World Government could be created to wipe out Islam. Since Islam would be a global threat attacking everyone, allowing the world to "unite" against it.

Population Control would happen & those who ally with Islam(Which would be The Left) would be & could be culled.

Now here is the thing......

As much as it would be easy to blame a country(All countries with nuclear capability would be suspect) for it, the best thing who ever pulls off Nuking Mecca could do is be Silent about it. Since Islam will go after all suspect country's regardless.

While things like Destabilization & Assassination have there purposes, they are Amateur(even 9/11 which had a "wow factor", was sloppy) due to how they really lack the "Wow Factor" when it comes to proper Global Impact. Since Mecca has such a massive importance to Islam. its a big & really obvious target.

A Nuclear Impact to Mecca would have Global implications.

Attached: Mecca.png (673x994, 970K)

If you consider how much human sexual nature has influenced society, Porn gives a way to shape & manipulate it, while being a big business with connections to places such as Hollywood.

Porn uses a combination of Social Engineering/Psy-Op's(Promotion of certain Fetishes) & Subliminal messages(Voices, Messages,images,etc) to manipulate Men & Women.

Fetishes that are promoted & why they are:

1) Cuckold & Interracial(Demographic Replacement & devaluing of native males, while making the Men being turned on(rather then angry) by foreign men being with there tribes Women & making women turned on by foreign looking males)

2) Incest(This also heavily promotes Pedo stuff & promotes gene line destruction)

3) Trans,Gay & Anal (Messes with Attraction between Men & Women and there gender identity/role,while messing with reproduction)

4) Older Women.MILF/GILF,BBW (Promotes Male Attraction to less fertile & less healthy women(Since Feminism is making Women have kids later in life(and tend to be less fertile), Be single mothers & gets/promotes being fat)) & telling Women "You can still get fucked no matter what")

Porn is also loaded with Subliminal Messages(Voices,Messages, images, etc) & its designed in such a way that overtime the only way people can "get turned on" is if they look into more fucked up fetishes(Such as Bestiality, etc).

Attached: Porn.png (673x994, 719K)

Now I don't normally get into this type of subject but, I figured now would be a good time.

After looking into it, I've come to 2 conclusions about Moloch.

1) Its the Golden Calf 2.0 (Fake God, which makes any terrible shit done in its name even worse)

2) The Bull(not to be confused with The Bulls, a globalist group) was corrupted(The message and/or the god itself and Moloch is just what it was now named/labeled), and if un-corrupted could be a powerful ally.

Now consider this.....

In Bullfighting everyone is excited to see the matador defeat the bull, yet how many notice the Bull just had several people stab it with spears and make it bleed,making it more mad?

Thats not saying the bull isn't dangerous, but it was being hurt for peoples pleasure which then makes it mad.

Attached: Moloch-TheBull.png (673x994, 882K)


Khan meets with Podesta in London & then a Chemical Attack happens to Londons Airport.


"London bridges falling down" = London Caliphate



I've been telling you guys to watch the Mayor of London & things like that in previous Knowledge Bombs overtime.

Such as London Has Fallen, Banes destruction of Gotham & the lyrics of London Bridges falling down applied to possible modern contexts.

Attached: LondonBridges.png (673x994, 718K)


NK is surrounded by (SK, Japan & US) to the south & (Russia and China) to the north. NK has weapons pointed at all of them.

The rhetoric of threatening to attack/nuke surrounding countries is a big reason why things have accelerated. This is similar to what’s been going on with Iran. Saber rattling is something that should be done sparingly.

If war were to happen it would be a mix of nuclear, conventional & space weapon systems.


It can be reached, but only if the Korean War comes to an end peacefully & without country destroying conflict.

Both countries(NK & SK) should remain separate. Reunification wouldn’t be feasible because of the governments, influencers(SK = US, NK = China) & differences between the people. It might be possible after a few decades of the countries being on better terms, but them developing separate but peacefully would be better for the region.

Attached: NKoutcomes.png (673x994, 686K)

Globalist Regions:

Attached: Globalist Regions1.png (673x994, 816K)

This is going to go over all Regions the globalists operate in and/or originate from(depending on the group).

1) North America (US/Can/Mex have relations, however US is the Primary & Can is connected to the European ones & Mexico the South American ones)

2) Europe(UK/Mainland Europe/Russia have relations, however Mainland Europe is the Primary that has battled for control of Europe with the UK(which is a secondary Primary) over the years. Russia tends to either be working with Mainland Europe or doing its own thing.(This naturally as varied over the years with the WW's,Conflicts, etc))

Turkey is between Europe & the Middle East, which makes it a powerful location.

3) Middle East(SA/Israel/Misc Arabic have relations. SA & Israel are Primary's that tend to fight over regional influence/direction. Misc Arabic consists of all other Muslim Countries in the Middle East for a wide variety of things & with many different connections)

4) Africa (North Africa/South Africa/Misc Africa have relations. North Africa(From Morocco to Libya/Egypt) would be considered the Primary due to the connections to Europe & Middle East. South Africa is the second Primary. Misc Africa has been cutting resource deals for years to all Regions, and just recently some big ones for Asia/China.)

5) Asia (China/SK/Japan/Misc Asian have relations. China is the Primary, SK & Japan have connections to the North America ones & the Misc Asian have connections to SK/Japan & China)

India is also a place that is rising in power & will soon be battling with China in relation to Regional influence. Australia(which is connected to the UK) also factors into Asia.

6) South America (Brazil/Panama/Misc South have relations. Brazil is the Primary, Panama(due to the Canal) is a second Primary. Misc South exists, but is in a total mess)

Attached: Globalist Regions2.png (673x994, 704K)

The Globalist Endgame

Attached: The Globalist Endgame1.png (673x994, 691K)

This is the Globalist Endgame plan:

1) [Destruction of Family, Race, Sex, Sanity, Culture/History, Reproduction,etc]

(This is already pro-actively being done by various methods & groups to dehumanize Humanity by making it a bunch of drones that have, create & are Nothing.)

2) [Ending of Religion & Physical Currency]

(All Religions are ended inorder to establish/create a World Religion of Technology to push & pave the way for Trans-humanism. Physical Currency's are phased out in favor of Digital Currency to make it so Humanity can never "hold" its value/worth.)

3) [Trans-Humanism]

(Merging of Man & Machine is very important to the Globalist Endgame plans.Trans-humanism(AI/Robots/Cyborgs/Artificial Wombs/Bio-Mechanical) allows Globalists to live on, create Army's & control the direction/fate of Humanity. HR Giger was killed due to what he showed.)

4) [Global Government & Elimination of Humanity]

(Global Government is established & the planet is divided into "zones" that Globalists control(Agenda 21 & 24 are part of this). Humanity's numbers(this also includes Non-vital/important Globalists & Globalist personnel) are then reduced from few to 0 due to Bioweapons & Robots/AI/Cyborgs/Bio-Mechanical.)

5) ["Battle/War of the Gods"]

(Globalists engage in massive conflict/battle with Army's & Weapons to see who deserves to "ascend". After the "deserving ones" are figured out and get to the Crafts/Ships, the Earth is then purged of any & all remaining life that the conflict/battle didn't wipe out.)

6) ["Ascension to the Stars"]

(Surviving Globalists use special Craft/Ships to leave the Earth and go into Space, some of the Crafts/Ships have Seed & Genetic Vaults)

Attached: The Globalist Endgame2.png (673x994, 810K)

For many different reasons Globalists and other groups use Symbols/Symbolism. The purpose & interpretation of them can vary, so can what is used for/as the Symbols.

Here are some of the reasons why they use/do it:

1) [Communication]

(To the group itself, other groups & the portions of the public that are Aware/"in the know". This is also used in MSM/Media/Entertainment/Pop Culture & even in some Events)

2) [Territory]

(Current or former groups marking where they are/were and/or where they operate(d) out of.)

3) [Subliminal Messaging/Mind Control]

(Used as Psy-Op's against other groups, Indoctrination/Control of its Members & Brainwashing/Control of the Public)

4) ["Magic"]

(It's existed for a long before "Meme Magic" was figured out. The "Illuminati Card Game" is a example of this)

Attached: Globalist Symbols.png (673x994, 852K)

This is talking about all "Unions" that exist or are planned for the Global Chessboard.(Not what will create some of them, that is for a different thread):

1) [NAU(North American Union)]

(North America)

2) [SAU(South American Union)]

(South America)

3) [MEU(Middle East Union)]

(Middle East)

4) EU(European Union)]

(Europe & eventually Western Russia(since it would be split in half,with the other part going to the ASU))

5) [ASU(Asian Union)]

(Asia including Australia/New Zealand. Eastern Russia(since it would be split in half, with the other part going to the EU) would be part of it))

6) [AFU(African Union)]


7) [AU(American Union)]

(North & South America)

8) [EAAU(Euro-Afri-Asia Union)]

(Europe,African & Asia)

9) [GU(Global Union)]

(Every single Continent. Total World Government)

Attached: Globalist Unions.png (673x994, 386K)

To understand the Globalist Community/Power Structures better, it's important to figure out & understand the organizational Structures they use so you can identify which Group is using/doing what & why.

The organizational Structures of Globalist groups tend to usually/commonly fall into these category's:

1) [Business/Corporate]

2) [Military]

3) [Cult/Religious]

4) [Secret Society]

5) [Traditional/Cultural]

Variants(such as Regional) & Mixes of these organizational Structures exist. Compartmentalization of various degrees is also present in & around these Structures.

Attached: Globalist Structures.png (673x994, 749K)

Globalists/Globalist Groups don't all do the same things in the Globalist Community. Which is why its important to Identify & Categorize the Roles they do so you can map out the Globalist Community.

Here are some of the main Roles:

1) [Finance/Economics]

2) [Business/Industry]

3) [War/Destabilization/Security]

4) [Media/Entertainment]

5) [Medical/Science/Technology]

Beyond the "mainstream names"(Rockefeller,Rothschild,Soros) there are Individuals & Groups that specialize in Roles. While others do multiple different Roles at the same time & some fill Roles in Globalist Structures.

Attached: Globalist Roles.png (673x994, 827K)

Operation Hornets Nest is a plan to nuke Mecca, either by Sub or by Bomber.

The goal is to cause a total world war. World vs Islam. Possibly blaming a country for the nuking among other things.

Considering all potential future paths of humanity, this is something that if/when it happens would fix alot of problems for human civilization,which Islam is not compatible with.(this includes any Globalist group plans).

Operation Hornets Nest is just the most recent name of a type of Anti-Mecca operation/option which various countries have for many different strategic reasons.

For various reasons Mecca is a massive target, and its why any operation such as "Operation Hornets Nest" is kept secret/classified.

Attached: OperationHornetsNest.png (673x994, 792K)

Why the Refugee Crisis was done

Attached: RefugeeCrisis1.png (673x994, 925K)

1) [Destabilization]

Both the Middle East and Europe were/are the targets to create a MAD(mutually assured destruction) event. Different groups were/are involved and have been hedging bets to see the effectiveness/results of it.

2) [Population Change]

Whites are in a suicidal spiral, which puts government provided systems in danger of imploding if the population is not replaced. This is where the Muslim population birth rate comes in. Historically Islam has conquered most of Europe several times now.

3) [EU Army justification/need]

To create/justify a European(EU) Army to bring order to Europe, the European continent must first be in chaos. The EU and it’s EU Army will be the “necessary evil” savior of Europe.

4) [Cause the Jews in Europe to flee to Israel]

Zionists want a large population growth of Jews in Israel and less Arabic population in surrounding lands. While this does relate to “Greater Israel”, problems arise from the fact that different Jewish groups don’t get along.

5) [Create a "surge”/rise of nationalism/populism in European countries to defend them]

It’s very much equivalent to an immune system response. Countries now know how much of the population wants to survive and how much do not. Also which countries are going to fall to Islam and/or the “femin virus”(feminism) bioweapon.

Attached: RefugeeCrisis2.png (673x994, 824K)

Europe's Powder Keg

Attached: PowderKeg1.png (673x994, 926K)

1) [Islamic Caliphate & Terror Groups/Networks]

Demographic replacement, government positions/infiltration and by force is how the Caliphate is going to take over most of Europe. Turkey likely will get involved with it and US bases will be targets of the Caliphate.

Terror groups/networks will take advantage of it by expanding like they have in the middle east.

2) [EU Army & EU "Fortress" Territories]

The EU Army will be used domestically to stop countries from leaving/resisting the EU. It also will be used to protect the EU “fortress” territories from the Caliphate. Things will get messy involving NATO and the nuclear arsenals in Europe.

EU “fortress” territories are locations, areas and cities that the EU wants to protect/secure.

3) [Western Europe vs Eastern Europe]

Western Europe has to deal with the Caliphate and the EU/EU Army, both of which threaten Eastern Europe. Eastern Europe might form an alliance with Russia against the Western Europe threats, which is why the EU caused the Ukraine situation and made deals with Turkey.

4) [Civil Wars(Nationalists vs Leftists)]

Nationalists want to continue the country/tribe, while Leftists(who have allied with Islam) want to bring down the country/tribe in an act of suicide.

5) [African Migrants vs Islamic Refugees]

Land, women and money are the driving factors of this conflict.

6) [UN Involvement]

UN has an undercover/unmarked covert force that has been shepherding both the migrants/refugees in Europe and the illegals in the US. They are the ones that facilitate situations that the UN would need to get physically involved.

Attached: PowderKeg2.png (673x994, 643K)

[MAGA movement]

It was/is a color revolution to counter/delay the US Spring against Trump. If Hillary won, they would be the US Spring.

The movement has become pacified/neutralized due to infiltration/subversion and being/staying in “MAGA La La Land” over the election victory. They cared about the excitement of the movement more than the actual movement itself.

Trump and MAGA are too soft. If they were serious about saving the US you would see pedophiles, terror groups and communists no longer existing in the country. It’s wise to remove threats so you don’t get infiltrated, destroyed and/or have those threats return to power.

Attached: MAGAmovement.png (673x994, 677K)

I like these threads

[2016 Election]

Regardless of the winner of the election, things (such as events, conflicts, deals, etc) would still happen. However, the scenarios and results of them would be changed.

Elections are not just spectacles on the world stage, they also make things busy behind the curtain with different groups fighting for control and adjusting plans involving the results.

Hillary was the main candidate of the system/group that has existed since Bush Sr. She was going to continue the plans that Obama helped progress forward, while being an opportunity for other groups/systems to push agendas.

Trump was a RINO (republican in name only) due to being an independent/alternative candidate that ran with and used the support of a major political party, while having his own group/system. Zuckerberg and Bezos would be DINO’s (democrat in name only), since they have a similar situation. (You’d be surprised how many INO’s (in name only) exist in politics/geopolitics)

Attached: 2016 Election.png (673x994, 846K)

Thank you, I appreciate that.
Please comment\discuss.
It has been a while since it has been done in this format.

Three internal plots exist to replace Trump with someone else. These three plots are not aware of each other yet, that is going to change after this thread.

[Pence Plot]

This plan is backed by the GOP/RNC. This involves Pence (who is working with a group) replacing Trump. This plot’s biggest threat is Ryan’s plan.

The US globalists are backing this one.

[Ryan Plot]

This plan is backed by the Democrats/DNC and RINO’s. This involves Ryan (who is working with a group) replacing Trump and/or Pence if he replaces Trump. This plot’s biggest threat is Pence’s plan.

The foreign globalists (China, Europe, etc) are backing this one.

[Cabinet Replacement Plot]

This plan is backed by a mixture of organizations/power structures. This involved the whole Cabinet/Leadership being wiped out and replaced by Democrats. This plot’s biggest threat is Pence’s and Ryan’s plans.

The deep state is in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation because of the scale of this plot and what it requires.

Attached: Pence-Paul-Betrayal.png (673x994, 777K)

Mostly reading about as fast as you are posting

Hollywood Factions

Attached: Hollywood1.png (673x994, 859K)

1) [Jews]

They originally pushed out/reduced/replaced the other American/European groups control, but now they themselves are being pushed out/reduced when it comes to control.

2) [Saudi's]

Trying to compete with the Chinese when it comes to business/influence, they’ve also used celebs to help grow the bloodlines they have.

3) [China]

Rapidly taking over the business side of Hollywood for propaganda purposes. Not involved with the degeneracy in it.

4) [Transgenders/Trannies]

Pushed out/reduced/replaced the Gay groups control. Many “women” are men and are the ones behind the transgender movement promotion. Heavy worshipers of Baphomet.

5) [Pedophiles]

The higher you go, the more pedophiles(Men and Women) there are.

6) [Intel Agencies]

If you can name them, they are battling for influence and using mind control techniques.

7) [Truman Shows and Snuff Films]

Celebs are born, breed and handled their entire lives in “Truman Shows”. Hollywood has also been secretly producing snuff films for decades now and they have had a high demand.

8) [Satanists/Cultists]

Frequently involved in sacrifices, indoctrination and rituals. Some hide, some don’t.

9) [Social Engineers.]

They are commonly involved in putting psy-ops, social engineering and subliminal messages into media.

Attached: Hollywood2.png (673x994, 509K)

That is fast

Attached: WorldIn2019.jpg (2337x1024, 752K)


Merging man with machine. (Cyborgs/Androids, humans with artificial limbs and implants.)

Man into machine. (Humans with most of (if not all) their bodies replaced by technology. Artificial organs, limbs, etc all controlled by an AI system that keeps what remains of the human alive. The AI systems can fully take over the body, this includes after the human has died. H.R. Giger saw some of them.)

Turning machine into man. (Robots that look, feel and sound like humans, but are controlled by advanced AI. Consciousness of the person they look like can be implanted in them by brainwave/speech transfer/programming over long periods of time. They are you, but are not you.).

Attached: Transhumanism.png (673x994, 771K)

[Genetic Engineering]

Super organs that last longer and are stronger than normal organs. Specially created blood that after transfusion will cleanse the body of toxins, heavy metals and all forms of diseases/parasites/viruses/bioweapons except for the Femin Virus(feminism) bioweapon which is immune.

Animal DNA is used for a wide range of modifications such as regeneration. Chimera’s are often biproducts of the experiments.

Cloning and Gene Editing can be used for replacement organs, heirs, replacements and transfers.

Attached: Genetic Engineering.png (673x994, 704K)

I guess so but how hard is it to read 300-400 words a minute?

I am used to doing this without the text and only the image.

This is more palatable

Attached: HumanitiesOptions.jpg (1656x1412, 1.06M)

The following is the most censored, covered up, suppressed statistic that makes anything Race statistic related pale in comparison.

Average western Female IQ is 40-60+ points lower than the average western Male IQ. It’s going to drop to 80-100+ points lower in the next few decades if not sooner. Women outside the West are smarter or will be smarter then women inside the West. Even western women of previous/past generations are/were smarter then the current western woman.

To put this rapid loss in female IQ into perspective, the average woman used to have only a 10-20 lower IQ and long before that female IQ was equal to male IQ but used differently because of how each sex’s brain is designed. These types of women are extremely rare to find now if not endangered/extinct.

On the biological level this is happening, education and social engineering can’t fix this. It’s been speculated/theorized that western female IQ is rapidly dropping due to industrialization, selective breeding, social media, oversexualization, birth control pills, repeated abortions, exposure to chemicals from different sources, and reverting to feral behavior.

Attached: Female IQ.png (673x994, 809K)

GamerGate was more then just "Reviews for Sex", but rather then discover the bigger network(which I'll be talking about in this thread) people got over-focused & honeypotted to focus on something.(Much like how Pizzagate got focused on the Pizzaplace in DC, rather then exposing the whole East Coast part of the US Pedo Network).

Something to look into/at is where the former GG people ended up. You can tell who struck some deals to keep the bigger network hidden. Also look into how Gaming has changed post GamerGate interms of who they are hiring, also the impact it has had in general.

The bigger network GamerGate was/is apart of consists of:

1) Game Developers & Publishers

2) Game Reviewers & Game Sites

3) Game Streamers(Twitch) & Youtube Stars/Channels.(Gaming, Toys,Movies & in general)

4) Cosplay people & Gaming Conventions/Events/Tournaments

5) Pro-Gamers & Gaming Communities

The real "Big Picture" that GamerGate was merely a tiny part of, would make Gamers & Gaming in general never be the same if it was found out.(Sex, Deals, Symbols/Toy, Deaths, etc)

Gaming is used for Social Engineering & keeping the population passive. It's a huge "bread & circus" Industry with billions on the line, every facet of "Gaming" is influenced/controlled/manipulated/infiltrated. If people look/looked beyond GamerGate they could find out about this

You could also say GamerGate was a Catalyst & testing ground for things.

(Also that "Destiny" guy going after all those people is not random, neither is that JohnT guy & Pie guy getting attacked by the Media)

Attached: GamerGate.png (673x994, 784K)

Attached: GamerGateNetwork.png (673x994, 809K)

1) [Secret Compartments in Vehicles/Ships/Aircraft & Types of Transport](Vans, Semi-Trucks, Buses, Trains etc for Land, Yachts, Cruise Ships, Container/Cargo Ships, Ferry's etc for Sea, Private Jets, Commercial/Cargo Flights, etc for Air.)(Sewers & Subway Tunnels can also be used).

2) [Abandoned Large Buildings in/around Sanctuary Cities.](Big enough to act as Distribution Centers/Warehouses for Trafficking Networks(Weapons, Drugs, People, Body parts/remains, etc))

3) [2016 Election District Map's Blue Parts](In relation to Trafficking Routes, Sanctuary Cities, etc. Work on combining different Maps to see the full picture/patterns.)

Pedo's are not the only groups the Kids are going to & Trafficking has several different categories:

1) [Government] (Super Soldier programs, Cloning & Body Modifications)

2) [Corporation/Business] (Slave Labor, Genetic Testing/Experimentation & Chimera's)

3) [Criminal] (Drugs, Weapons, Organ Harvesting, Sex Slaves & Children)

4) [Cult] (Sacrifices, Blackmail & Indoctrination)

5) [Intel Agencies] (Brainwashing for Spy/Informant programs & Special Agent operations)

7) [Hollywood] (Truman Show breeding/handling operations.)

Attached: TraffickingOperations.png (673x994, 866K)

Attached: TraffickingNetworks.png (673x994, 825K)

[World Peace]

It’s possible, even more so with advancements in technology. Humans are different, but not that different.

As someone who was been to all countries(including those which no longer exist and those that are kept hidden off the maps), it would be a civilization transformation if World Peace happened.

It can be debated on how to enforce and govern World Peace, but to make it happen involves eliminating(genetically and physically) certain groups of people such as pedophiles, hostile power structures and Femin Virus(feminism) bioweapon infected portions of the population.

[Singularity Moment]

When a civilization becomes a more powerful civilization due to highly advanced technology it is called a “Singularity Moment”.

It’s very possible for humanity to reach this once again, yet at the same time humanity might destroy itself before it can even get to it.

Attached: WorldPeaceSMCard.png (673x994, 835K)

[Female Human Evolution]

Women are designed to birth children and it’s the only value they have besides being a wet hole. Genetic survival has favored women with wide hips so that large heads can be birthed safely. But because the female body stops the development of the child so it can birth it, human children are developmentally behind where they should/could be.

Birth Control has changed female evolution by making them nothing but wet holes and reducing uterus size and fertility.

Abortion Threat has changed female evolution because it has caused child in-womb development to speed up as a response to the propaganda/social engineering calling them a “clump of cells that isn’t a person”.

C-Sections have changed female evolution due to how it allows women with narrow hips to have children and it has shown that Women’s value is just the Womb(They are called “Wom(b)-Men” for a reason).

Attached: FemaleHumanEvolution.png (673x994, 512K)

[Artificial Wombs]

This technology will free Hu(Man)ity’s from the limitations of the Female body. Artificial Wombs take the one value women have and remove the woman part. That part can be replaced with Sexbots with AI systems.

Humans would be able to develop and be genetically engineered far beyond what they are now. Cloning, Chimeras, Super Soldiers and Artificial Humans would all progress substantially more.

Sperm and Eggs can also be created so it all comes down to the DNA and the combination of it inside the Artificial Womb. So even the chance of the Femin Virus(feminism) spreading can possibly be reduced.

Attached: AW-Card.png (673x994, 961K)

"Weaponized Wombs" is a social engineering program going on in the West that I've mentioned in past Knowledge Bombs.

"Weaponized Wombs" is all about turning Western Women(white) against the Native(white) Males, Children, Unborn Children. Concept of Family, Countries they live in, Genetic lines(such as promoting interracial), Governments that do/have national/populist policies and officials, etc.

If you consider how controlling the women can control future generations(such as the growth of them), its not wonder why SJW's exist & "empowerment" is rising as the West is falling and how Islam is coming in to balance things out on a socio-biological level.

Notice how in protests(such as for Britexit remain & the recent Anti-Trump ones) its mostly women & foreign men, this is intentional on both accounts.

"Weaponized Wombs" has been the most effective social engineering tactic I have ever seen or known about.

Everything thats been playing out in the West on the social & biological level is by design.

It can be reversed, but it has to be exposed & researched.

Attached: WeaponizedWombs.png (673x994, 688K)

White Abortions are being purposely/kept under reported to make Black abortion rates be the focus and look like a “good thing”.

The actual numbers for White Abortions are drastically/dramatically higher, being almost 2x to 3x higher.

White Women are addicted to killing babies and that’s why the White birth rate is dropping in the West. Even when plenty of safe sex and birth control(Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder) options exist, they just have turned into mass baby killers because of the viral bioweapon virus that is Feminism(Femin Virus).

It’s very ironic how many Whites support Black abortion, yet they have no idea how grave of a problem White Abortion is as their population continuously shrinks smaller and as the demographics continue to increase/change because the other Races women actually want to have children/offspring.

Attached: AR-Card.png (673x994, 711K)


The economy matters far more to him then his supporters. No matter how many bad things happen in the physical or digital world to them he won’t even bother to tweet about it or take down those groups doing it. He will tweet all day about ISIS or MS-13, but nothing about Anti-Fa or the Cartels, which gives those groups a free pass to do whatever they want.

Attached: MAGASupporters.png (673x994, 677K)

Trump was put in to pacify the white patriotic/nationalist population to make sure they don’t fight back or act while getting the economy fired up for another future war somewhere.

[George Soros and Hillary]

The Clinton's and Trump's are longtime friends(nothing will happen to her) and Soro’s has been a business partner of Trump(who never tweets about him) before.

In the debate where George was mentioned Trump didn’t want to name the rest of Hillary’s backers because Trump knows them. Also, because many of the “small donations” he got were in fact from big powerful donors doing it in a way that looked grassroots.

Attached: SorosHillary.png (673x994, 648K)

[Pedophiles and Blackmail]

This goes back Jeffery Epstein & the “Lolita Express”. Trump knew what was going on with Jeffrey and many of Trump’s rich NYC/Hollywood elite friends were/are involved or involved with similar things with children. Trump doesn’t like children, but he likes Women.

Attached: PedoMail.png (673x994, 809K)

Epstein’s flights went to 2 locations. Children location and Pre-teen/Teen location. Some of those young female teens develop into Women faster than others, and those are commonly used for blackmail since they look older then how they are.

[Curse Implications]

It’s a light/white magic protection charm surrounded by a dark/black magic curse/hex that will indiscriminately cause anyone(regardless if they are a supporter or not) to have bad things happen to them if they criticize or try to threaten harm to whoever has it. The fact that Trump has(or been granted this) should raise some eyebrows.

Attached: TrumpCurse.png (673x994, 728K)

Culling the Femin virus(feminism) bioweapon infected ones. They are very easy to spot/identify and act like a hivemind of social insects complete with different castes when they are in mass numbers.

To all reading this post. Feminism is a bioweapon that can be found in the blood,DNA and fluids. The West is heavily infected with it and it's the source of the degeneracy.

In the 60's Gloria Steinem of the CIA helped release a volatile strain of it.

[ARCHIVE OF Knowledge Bomb THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:


Attached: FeminBioWeapon.png (673x994, 706K)

“Q” is designed to see how/where/when/why information flows from a source location. That is why Q’s information has been allowed to spread and how/why the mass following was artificially created to appear organic. (In comparison if you try to spread the KB information or whatever has been covered in these KB threads, you get stonewalled and censored.)

“Q” is a Pied Piper designed to lead/brainwash/social engineer very gullible people over a cliff and is not a threat to the system because it’s part of the system. The information is considered “safe” and the MAGA/Q movement/followers/boomers/cult are not a concern because they are just pawns.

Attached: QAnon.png (673x994, 822K)

All large aircraft crashes(both civilian and military) should be investigated/looked back on/researched when it comes to who was on it and the connections they had, what was possibly on/in it and where it was going.


It was a VIP and VII(Very Important Intel/Information) extraction.

They damaged the plane enough to make it land in the water. Once it landed teams in boats went in and secured the VIP and VII, then killed everyone else and destroyed the plane causing it to sink to the bottom.


Shot down by a US operated ground team posing as Ukrainians/Russians with the purpose of making Ukraine and Russia keep fighting by blaming each other for it.

[Flight 93]

Destroyed in the air with plane-based laser systems and never physically crashed into the ground but left scattered debris.

Attached: MHDownedPlanes.png (673x994, 659K)

Bump for cards I haven't seen yet

[Port Arthur Massacre]

Done by the Australian government as part of a UK government run/ordered “Disarmament Operation” of Australia, UK and Canada. Dunblane Massacre(UK) and the Marc Chahal Massacre(Canada) were part of the exact same operation, the UK government was involved/overseeing in all 3 among several others.

They even were involved in some of the US mass shootings during that timeframe. The operation was so successful the US government has created a similar program involving Mass Shootings(Sandy Hook, Vegas, Columbine, etc) as a test for Presidents that were/are in office.


China elites made deals with Australian elites for land and eventual take over of parts of the country. It also gives Asian elites easier access to NZ and to keep an eye out on the elites located there.

[Outback DUMB’s]

In the Outback few people go looking and even fewer can hear the screams. Which makes it perfect for DUMB’s ,experiments and power structure real-estate grabbing/building that would rival what is in/under NZ.
All that “mining” wasn’t just for resources, they were/are for building underground.

Attached: AusFF.png (673x994, 942K)

You haven't seen the Trump Blackmail one before?Thanks for the bump, I posted the newer ones towards the beginning and am going in reverse order.

Attached: AusChinaDeal.png (673x994, 911K)

Attached: GiantCreatures-Dinosaurs.png (673x994, 931K)

Attached: HillaryWW3.png (673x994, 799K)

Some of these are unrelated or past date

Attached: KrakenBigFoot.png (673x994, 727K)

The power the MSM has is with narratives, once you expose them, the MSM(even with Operation Mockingbird help) has no power when events are covered.

Terror Attacks are covered up with certain narratives("Gas Leaks","Transformers", "Fireworks",etc ), and when those narratives are not working they come up with new ones("Electrical Fires", "Air conditioner system", etc).

The "lone wolf/shooter/gunman" narrative is used to cover up events where Wolf Packs(multiple coordinated individuals) are involved.

Always pay attention to how the narratives get shaped as the events progress/happen.(Number of weapons, Type of weapons, number of shooters, number of victims,etc), and you will see the process of how things are covered up and/or get diverted.

Supplement Narratives use a explanation that the public would more easily believe to cover a incident up, such as how Kim K was almost kidnapped by ISIS in Paris and that was called a "Robbery".

Attached: Narratives.png (673x994, 731K)

[Men without a Purpose]

When men have nothing to work towards or goals to strive towards(for some it’s sex, for others it’s family or friends and for others it’s empires) they turn their creative powers into a force of destruction to “create” a new society they think they will succeed in or have a place in. While others simply “check out” or take alternative paths then the norm. It doesn’t matter the race, religion or political spectrum they are on and many groups exploit them/this.

Attached: MenWithoutAPurpose.png (673x994, 717K)

[Women without Children]

When women don’t have children, they will supplement that biological reproductive/caretaking need/drive with animals and/or foreign populations. It also makes them lack a threat matrix, lack caring about the tribe/society and destroys their morality. The more power these women get, the more oversexualized and self-destructive the civilization becomes. They will also do whatever they can to make young women suffer so they end up childless like them.

Attached: WomenWithoutAPurpose.png (673x994, 773K)

Right is 90% Men, 10% Women.

Left is 90% Women, 10% Men.

Going back to Tribal times it is natural that if the Right wins they will take and breed with all the Leftist women. Unfortunately, all those women are Femin Virus(feminism) infected and need to be purged. If that isn’t done then all the Right men will be killed and the Leftist women will be “saved/claimed” by foreign males who will flood in during any conflict.

If the Left wins, the Right men will all be purged from existence and history. Sparing traitorous women always leads to death of those that do the sparing.

By merely looking at the 2016 Election and its social aftermath/divide, the fact that the majority of men want to save the West and the majority of women want to end the West cannot and should not be ignored or taken lightly anymore.

Attached: RightLeftCard.png (673x994, 894K)

1) [Feminism]

Calling it a "Cancer" would be too kind & it's more then just a Social Engineering program(to destroy Society & Family while increasing degeneracy.) that's being used to push forward agendas & increase profits.(If you look at each "wave" of feminism, you can see the agenda's of them.)

Feminism is also the cause of "Man made Climate Change" due to how Women(who are now also in the workforce) are Consumers & how Men will do anything to Support & Attract Women.

The Globalists/Satanists/Social Engineers/etc have no idea what they unleashed & the death sentence they just gave the Earth.(They already lost control of Feminism to a point where Islam has to be pumped into The West in hopes to stop it)

Feminism has destroyed Multiple Planets, Billions of Humans, The "Ark" Fleet & Multiple "Gardens of Eden" Settlements/Colony's. Men had/have a choice each time when it came/comes to Eliminating Feminists to save the Race(s)/Civilization(s)/Planet(s), Earth is & will be no different.

Attached: FeminismCard.png (673x994, 871K)

2) [Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder]

Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder is significantly more prevalent in Females then Males due to how the Female brain is, it's caused by Birth Control & Perception Drugs. All Leftists(SJW's,Feminists,etc) have it.(Medical organizations such as the CDC & WHO have internal papers on it)

In contrast, Autism is significantly more prevalent in Males then Females due to how the Male brain is, it's caused by Chemicals. The increasing of Autism in the population is part of a Social Engineering program to target Males.(Autism was "weaponized" against the public, which now in a ironic twist has "weaponized" it against the Globalists & there plans)

Fate of Western Civilization has now come down to: [Autistic Males] vs [Frontal Lobe Damaged/Disordered Females]

Attached: FLDDCard.png (673x994, 691K)

Left Protest Networks are organized, if you look at and into them you will find out how they work & who does what work:

Once you know who/what to look for you can bring down these networks and stop the protests/riots before they get going:

1) Scouts (Looking for protest routes, places to smash, Hotels to stay at, places for Buses/Cars to go, etc)

2) Protesters/Rioters (Can be moved around to different places, recruited, turned loose to attack or look nice for PR,etc).

3) Organizers/Handlers/Directors (Herding protest/riots, doing chants, etc)

4) Counter Ops/Narrative Controllers (MSM connections for photo--ops, Social Media monitoring, AstroTurf, etc)

5) Visual Producers (Mass production of pre-made Signs, Tee Shirts, Banners, Flags, Hats. etc)

6) Logistics (Bus Transport( and/or Car transport), mass Hotel reservations day(s) before, etc)

7) Backers/Funders (People such as the Soros)

Attached: LPN.png (673x994, 680K)

Once you look into all these Left protest networks, the organization size is staggering. This goes beyond DistruptJ20 & Antifa. Left Protest networks are a industry/business for people that want to push agendas and cause chaos.

The Left protest networks are connected/intertwined with eachother. Leadership, funding/backers, people who take part in the protests themselves,means of transport, etc.

Left protest networks have connections to Islamic networks.(Which is why you see them working together so much lately)

Soros backs/funds a massive amount of Left protest networks, by either direct or indirect means.

The Pipeline protest networks were backed by Buffet & the "Occupy Wall Street" protest networks were backed by Koch.

The Mexican/south american nationalist Left networks in the US have Cartel connections.

China & the UN has connections to some of the Left protest networks.

Left protest networks are being radicalized & should not be underestimated & under researched/investigated into.

Attached: LPNC.png (673x994, 784K)


After the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War and Marilyn Monroe to just name a few. JFK got on many groups shit list and a hit was put out to kill him. This also caused a shadow war that lacked the “shadow” for a while.

JFK was not going to leave Dallas alive. Hit/Kill teams were everywhere belonging to various groups, all theories about JFK’s possible killer(s), groups involved and shooter location(s) are true because of how many parallel operations were going on that day. JFK had multiple different gunshots on his body. Dallas was a complete warzone after JFK was killed, since counter hit/kill teams then got involved in the fighting that was occurring between all the hit/kill teams.

Harvey Oswald was a CIA Communist agent who took the fall(then was killed to stop him from talking because the testimony would have been a signal for a communist uprising) as a “pasty” and Jack Ruby was an CIA Communist agent/informant that played both sides frequently like a fiddle.

Before JFK was killed, he had several private meetings with MLK discussing the spread of communism in the Civil Rights movement and viral weaponry(feminism) that was destroying families. Those meetings were recorded by the CIA.

Attached: JFK.png (673x994, 774K)

Attached: Harvey.png (673x994, 657K)


The Communist CIA group working with the Gloria Steinem Bioweaponry CIA group fed false/fake intel to the FBI(who was investigating the Civil Rights movement and MLK) about MLK planning a communist insurrection in the US. The FBI then sent a team to successfully kill MLK, much like what the CIA/FBI did to Malcom X before he could expose some of the operations.

MLK was a threat to both CIA groups because he was trying to kick out the communist(CIA backed) infiltration/hijacking of the Civil Rights movement and was going to expose the CIA releasing the Femin Virus(Feminism) into the Black community and the Civil Rights marches/gatherings themselves.

Attached: MLK.png (673x994, 668K)

Attached: Jewspiracy1.png (673x994, 636K)

Attached: Jewspiracy2.png (673x994, 628K)

The "Jewish Conspiracy" Psy-op is designed to do several things:

1) Gets people/researchers to over-focus on the Jewish Globalists/individuals, allowing for the rest of the Globalist Systems to operate with much less people looking at/for them/knowing about them. (It should also be pointed out that for Globalist Groups that hate the Jewish ones, this allows them to get crowd sourced research about them & generate bad PR about them in general)

2) It tricks people/researchers into thinking the Jewish Globalists "control the world" and have much larger power/influence in the Globalist Community then they actually do.

3) Brainwashes people/researchers to be obsessed about Jews("It must be the jews/Israel who are doing this!") to a point where they attack anyone with different opinions.(Calling/accusing people of being "Jews","Zionists", "kikes", etc) to a point where they've become Islamic without them realizing it. Also it creates a conditioning to shrug off things and get tunnel visioned/magnifying glassed("The jews did it, if you think otherwise you are a Jew") in research & opinion.

4) Allows Non-Jewish Globalist groups to use(at lower levels) there own Jewish groups/individuals to distract the researchers/people obsessed about Jews into thinking they've found a/the "Jew" network. In some cases they simply use Jewish people to push agendas, and people will randomly try to connect them to other Jews simply because they are Jews.

5) Poisons the Well in places of Research(Such as Jow Forums) by making them circlejerk about "The Jews" & with some help of Anti-Jew psy-ops creates Censorship opportunities(For instance you can label places as "Nazi's" and get them shut down/suppressed).

Attached: Jewspiracy3.png (673x994, 719K)

[Ivanka Trump is a Leaker]

She’s A leaker, not THE leaker. Now if it’s intentional or unintentional can be figured out by actions/reactions.

Powerful influence over Trump(a “daddy’s girl” also), hangs out with various women groups and tends to get very upset with some of the things Trump does(or doesn’t) do. Who wouldn’t want her on their side or use her to get dirt/intel?.

[Hope Hicks is a Honeypot Trap]

The fake name(everyone really has to start looking at fake sounding names more carefully, it’s a big give away) and how with the right appearance changes she can look very similar to Trump’s wife is intentional.

Trump much like Bill, has a weakness for women. Monica Lewinsky was more then she seemed, and it wouldn’t be the first or last time a in office blackmail tactic is used against a president that likes women, even JFK had things happen.

Attached: IvanHope.png (673x994, 735K)

It not going to be because of Islam/Arabs, foreign governments, National Socialist(Nazi) LARPers or even globalists. The culprit will come from the inside and Mossad will not be able to stop it.

The Zionist plan to use/fund leftist Jews and anti-Jew groups to make all western Jews flee to Israel to create “Greater Israel” is going to backfire on them.

Leftist Jews have been brainwashed and social engineered/programmed to destroy/subvert White countries or White looking countries from the inside out. Most Jews look, disguise as, identify as and have the DNA of White. Israel is considered a “White” country to them.

Once the Leftist Jews implode, subvert and disarm the West, Israel is going to be next since they will all flee to it.

A social destruction of Israel will not trigger the Samson Option and all the little presents in the Israeli Embassy’s.

Attached: IsraelFallCard.png (673x994, 802K)

If you are wondering why Google has been increasing censorship it’s because the AI system that has been running the company has been influenced by both leftists and China(which has it’s own AI systems) to act the way it does.

Google is not controlled by humans, but humans are using the machines to do their bidding.

Take the banning/censoring of Alex Jones, it was the direct result of leftists manipulating the information the AI system was getting about him to get the AI system to ban/censor him.

Attached: GoogleCard.png (673x994, 905K)

[GMO Pollen Harm & GMO Food Allergies]

Bee’s are dying not to virus’s or pesticides, but from GMO Pollen. GMO Pollen also causes strange behavior in people when exposed because of how the body reacts to it differently from normal pollen in the air.

Food allergies have increased over the last several years, this is because GMO Foods have been getting mixed into non-GMO Foods. The allergic reactions people are getting isn’t due to the food itself. It’s due to the GMO parts of it causes the body to react to consuming and digesting something that is not normal on the genetic level.

Attached: GMOcard.png (673x994, 768K)

Inorder to defeat the Globalists(who like to work on multiple fronts), you have to target different things of the same operation simultaneously.

1) Ending the EU & Freeing Europe(The EU's purpose is to destroy Europe and replace its demographics)

2) Exposing George Soros to the masses and making his history/actions well known.

3) Getting the information out to the public that SJW/Feminists/Left have Frontal Lobe Disorder(which is the result of Frontal Lobe damage).

4) Destroying the MSM(if the MSM doesn't destroy themselves first) and boosting the alternative media.

5) The Pizza in Hollywood would destroy the public's perception of Hollywood if it was uncovered.

The best part about beasts like this is that there are many Artery's that you can make bleed out.

Attached: GlobalistsCard.png (673x994, 816K)

The “survivors” you see making MSM appearances and being the faces of the movements were far away from any danger that day.

They were/are involved in the whole operation and the scripting of the incident. Consider how much they are/were protected and how the march was planned/funded in advance.

Attached: ParklandCard.png (673x994, 764K)

[Prep Work and Setting the Stage]

Locations and patsy’s(if required) are picked beforehand. The media and search engines(such as google) will have articles/narratives already published before the event since the plan is sent out before the operation.

Catch phrases and merchandise are created before the operation and rolled out after it happens. Crisis actors and operatives get in position/place. Multi-group operations or big operations take time to get various assets where they need to be.

Attached: FalseF1.png (673x994, 611K)

[Lights, Camera, Action!]

This is when the killing happens or when the killing is said to happen by the media/official’s when in reality no one got killed and the incident didn’t happen. With media control you can fake nearly anything since the public will not see it themselves.

Dramatic and/or emotional reaction pictures are done during or after this time by professional photographers/media that are part of the operation.

Attached: FalseF2.png (673x994, 646K)

[Cover-up and Narrative Shaping]

Crisis Actors will be on scene portraying witnesses or mixed into witnesses. They do not know the full plan/narrative.

Operatives will be on scene shaping the narrative and telling people about the incident in greater detail or more specific detail than the average witness or crisis actor. Learn to spot the difference whenever you go over witness interviews.

The media will make sure to shape the narrative to be only what they want it to be about or told to say it’s about. Any witnesses that saw something different will be brushed off and/or memory holed by the public. In some cases the witnesses are killed if they saw too much or didn’t shut up.

Attached: FalseF3.png (673x994, 884K)

Attached: FastFurious1.png (673x994, 779K)

Obama’s “Fast and Furious” was about making sure things would go where they needed to be, this didn’t just include only guns. People, chemical weapons, biological weapons, US military hardware/intel and nuclear materials/weapons were also part of “Fast and Furious”.

Drug Cartels(some of them anyways) have W.M.D’s and have or can build Dirty Bombs(this is the reason why radioactive materials have been being stolen in Mexico and South America over the last several years). These Cartel W.M.D’s/Dirty Bombs are used to threaten the Mexican Government(which can be argued are the Cartels or that the Cartels are a extension of) with an attack on Mexico City and threaten primarily the southern US major cities(located in Texas, Nevada, Arizona and California) with an attack because many Border Patrol/DHS/ICE are threatened/told/payrolled/corrupted to ”look the other way or else” by the Cartels making the entire US a target due to Sanctuary Cities.

Since the Cartels are very good at getting things to other groups(as seen in ISIS’s Bataclan attack which used F&F guns) it can be assumed that US/EU Islamic groups and US/EU leftist groups now also have these other weapons. This makes the Cartels a far bigger threat then ISIS. Mass Graves of US citizens kill by the Cartels now exist around the country.

The amount of dangerous shit coming across the border from both sides is unacceptable and the US Public(and Congress) have no idea of the severity of this security threat. That needs to change.

Attached: FastFurious2.png (673x994, 803K)

European No Go Zones:
They are ISIS bases/staging areas/recruitment zones. Europe has fallen & is already occupied.

The Military should have cleaned them out, but were told to stand down.(Ordered by the EU).

Many "No Go Zones" have ISIS leaders in them & heavy weapons(Anti-tank/aircraft, chemical, etc) by now.

ISIS isn't retreating from the middle east, they are setting up at the enemies doorsteps.

European intelligence agencies know exactly how bad things are & could get, but they have been infiltrated(Similar to how the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated US intelligence agencies.).

The EU army is being funded/formed "off the record".(Another reason stopping the Military from cleaning out the "No Go Zones", they don't want to give Merkel justification for deploying the existing battalions).

Europe is going to get fucked thanks to the EU. Either by ISIS and/or Merkels EU Army.

Attached: EuropeanNoGoZones.png (673x994, 744K)

UN Army & EU Army

Attached: UNArmy.png (673x994, 786K)

Both are being Built up & there are plans for both.

1) UN Army

It's been building up for quite sometime and there is evidence of this. For instance there are many videos on youtube showing how many UN vehicles are being made and shipped out/around.

If the "peacekeeper force" is for PR then the actual Army is for Punishment.

The purpose at this point seems to be enforcing "climate change" laws & intervention in humanitarian crisis situations that involve the need for force(such as what might happen in Europe).

2) EU Army

Different from NATO & has a different purpose.

The EU Army is designed to attack countries who leave the EU & ones who are thinking about it. Aswell as quell any civil unrest against the EU. The EU allowed Merkel to take over Europe without firing a single shot........for now.

Inorder to Justify/reveal the EU Army, a big(or several big) ISIS assault(s) would need to happen & Military forces of various countries would have to be demonized for trying to stop them.

Keep in mind.... Europe has dozens of No Go Zones that are ISIS bases/staging areas. The current European Military forces have never cleaned them up and allowed them to flourish. While NATO is too busy posturing against Russia.

Its a "perfect storm" in the making if they want to "form" a EU Army.

Attached: EUArmy.png (673x994, 701K)

The Clintons made deals with China for not just for US Weapons/Intelligence but for Organs, lots of Organs. The best way to get all those organs? War and conflict.

From Bill’s NATO bombing adventures to Hillary’s Arab Spring (Libya, Iraq, Egypt and Syria). In each location the Clinton's caused conflict or war, China has had special teams going in to harvest organs from the corpses or the injured people. Even Haiti has had these organ harvesting teams and North Korea has had large harvesting operations going on in their camps for China.

Clinton's are very good at brokering deals for groups to get certain things. Cocaine for the drug traffickers, Blood for the genetic experimentation, US Intel/Weapons for China, etc

Most other “sources” will only make you focus on the child trafficking for pedophiles or the under aged for Hollywood. The real story is Organs for the Chinese and the industrial global scale it’s happening.

Attached: CCOH.png (673x994, 765K)

Bump, nice job on the cards.

9/11 was a Heist, Coup, Distraction & Domino Effect. It should be called "Oceans 9/11" because many different groups were involved.

1) Heist [The Gold & Silver in/under Ground Zero & all those Trillions that "Vanished"]

2) Coup [Jets were moved to be out of position so they couldn't intercept anything & Building 7 being destroyed due to who/what was operating in it]

[Pentagon being hit is very interesting, since it happened to an area that was specifically reinforced almost like a bunker. Which means the Pentagon strike was either "sending a message", a counter strike against those in there, or a false flag done by those inside it to look like they were also the "victims".]

3) Distraction [Look at what else was going on that day around the world & in the US, also what followed in the months after(such as how China joined the WTO in December)]

4) Domino Effect. [It was a result of previous Domino Effects, and created a Domino Effect of its own]

Groups involved in 9/11:

1) Mossad [In 2 different ways, a rogue group that was part of the 9/11 operation & a separate group who was trying to stop the rouge group and the Saudi's]

2) Saudi's [Funding for the fall guys(hijackers)]

3) Deep State ["Intel", Drones, Logistics, Help with planning, etc]

4) MSM/Hollywood [Provided "Plane" footage to be shown on TV/Media(Planes on TV/Media were not real)]

5) Al-Q[Agreed to take the blame for it & keep the "Bin is Alive" thing going.(As a "reward" they got more arms/cash shipments(likely from the CIA) that would be used lately on for things like Syria)]

6) M.I.C. & Contractors[They wanted war & also helped with the quick "Clean up" of Ground Zero(Dump Truck/Heavy Machinery Convoys for instance)]

Attached: 911Card1.png (673x994, 756K)

Thanks user

Attached: 911Card2.png (673x994, 596K)