> Frustrated Republicans say it’s time for the Senate to reclaim more power over foreign policy and are planning to move a measure Thursday that would be a stunning rebuke to a president of their own party.
> GOP lawmakers are deeply concerned over President Trump’s reluctance to listen to his senior military and intelligence advisers, fearing it could erode national security. They say the Senate has lost too much of its constitutional power over shaping the nation’s foreign policy and argue that it’s time to begin clawing some of it back.
> “Power over foreign policy has shifted to the executive branch over the last 30 years. Many of us in the Senate want to start taking it back,” said a Republican senator closely allied with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).
> They plan to send Trump a stern admonishment by voting Thursday afternoon on an amendment sponsored by McConnell warning “the precipitous withdrawal” of U.S. forces from Syria and Afghanistan “could put at risk hard-won gains and United States national security.”
That's fine as long as they go back to making formal declarations of war any time we send our troops to fight in another country. If they're willing to go on record as being responsible for each and every military operation around the globe, go for it. No more using the president as cover.
Angel Edwards
also fuck the neocons, hes the comander and chief, and if he says we leave, no one can stop him. they only have the ability to stop him from starting wars
>That's fine as long as they go back to making formal declarations of war any time we send our troops to fight in another country. If they're willing to go on record as being responsible for each and every military operation around the globe, go for it. No more using the president as cover.
they wont. they're just going to intervene whenever a president moves to end a war
Isaac James
So they're fine with the executive powers for the last 30 years because we've gone into countless pointless wars, and then when we have a president who actually wants to stop this garbage, all of them say "hey hey hey hold on there, there's too much of this executive power".
Just how many members of the senate are completely bought out?
Hunter Nelson
>constant expansion of executive power to wage war without Congressional approval for decades >Congress doesn't say anything >President wants to pull us out of a never-ending conflict with no real long-term objectives or rational for staying >this is outrageous, the executive has gone too far Fuck 'em. AOC and her constant stupidity is better than this constant backstabbing from the GOP.