You can't argue against this

Seriously, why do billionaires deserve all that money when the rest of us are struggling? It doesn't make any sense, logically.

Attached: freeloaders.png (884x684, 359K)

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We should probably import more workers and insist that women work 40+hrs a week so that wages go down, just like the country club establishment republicans and far leftist establitshment wants. Its incestuous, wake up.


Attached: FT_17.10.04_taxes_stats.png (420x400, 15K)

I know that elections are coming and everything but Warren of all people should shut up about freeloaders.

No one stops you from reading all the books in the world and being smarter than the average joe. Literally NO ONE. Except commies maybe. If commies get in power not the wisest and smartest will make money... people from the stonages who used brute force will make the most money.

Attached: RrDmTasKgO-9.png (300x250, 28K)

On another note, I wouldn't mind if a law was passed that was able to diffreniate between individual who makes money off capital gains, and the company. Taxing capital gains, essentially investments, is dumb. Taxing those people who make money and do it for a living, apart from the company, is fine. Let the company pay normal corporate taxes, which is about 6% higher on a 100% scale. The individual would probably be at 2 1/2 X's the rate they pay now. Lobbying is a bitch, but so is the left, who understands nothing, and only brings death as it celebrates it.

Logically, they made decisions and invested their own funds at some point to create that wealth.

You're arguing from a position of emotion, feelings. Not logic.

Well if you are smarter than other people you should at least acknowledge that it gives you privilege. Then you should find ways of lowering your privilege so other people can have an advantage too.