I don't understand Jow Forums

I don't understand Jow Forums

We seem to attack everything. Left, Right, Centered and Apolitical.

What do we represent? It appears this board is no longer fulfilling it's purpose. We are betraying the values of Jow Forums.

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Who is the hacker Jow Forums?

fuck off spook

>We are betraying the values of Jow Forums.
But attacking anything and everything is Jow Forums's bread and butter you blithering idiot.

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Jow Forums isnt a fucking entity with one political viewpoint retard

We are the epic gamer.
An ever age Joe turned into a mad clown by this world

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>the values of Jow Forums

Kys retard.

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Well ever since the original Jow Forums left the site (newfags may not have heard of him but it was essentially like a modern trip code user) we lost organisation. He used to create the political philosophy threads that formed the backbone and taught us how to raid and upset normies.

We've just been spiralling out ever since he went offline.